Llc converter ti I am using TMS320F280049C and planning to write code to control an LLC converter. It can even work without a PFC for non 1. 1. 8. Now each block has 1 PFC +LLC stage, this PFC +LLC single block can be further simplified using combo controller such as UCC29950 which can do PFC +LLC both together in a single chip option. Below mentioned are our design values referring to sluc 146, The resonant LLC topology reduces switching losses and EMI while offering great efficiency through a full-bridge converter with zero-voltage switching on the primary side of the converter. Schematic Comparison of Phase Shifted Full Bridge and Full Bridge LLC for high power isolated DC to DC applications. ,--, . Later it will be shown that most of the time an LLC converter is designed to operate in the vicinity of f 0. 4 %âãÏÓ 301 0 obj > endobj xref 301 14 0000000016 00000 n 0000001644 00000 n 0000001728 00000 n 0000001868 00000 n 0000002025 00000 n 0000002061 00000 n The gain curves in both the M g /Q e and M g /f n charts are derived from the LLC resonant tank shown in Figure 1, which is also a linearized circuit of a LLC resonant half-bridge converter. Fundamental Operation of an LLC Converter Let’s start with a brief overview of this converter and its salient operating states. Request samples, enjoy faster checkout, manage orders online and more with your myTI account. It can be used with UCC28056 or UCC28064A PFC • PowerLab Notes: Get to know LLC series resonant converter design • PowerLab: How much can a LLC series resonant converter do? • Power Tips: Designing an LLC resonant half-bridge power converter. The resonant LLC power topology is valued for its This paper discusses a simple method for controlling an LLC resonant DC-DC converter using a state space trajectory based on a linear combination of the voltage across the capacitor and the current through the Buy ICs, tools & software directly from TI. Design files. 0 = 1 2π LrCr (1) When its switching frequency is equal or below the resonant frequency, the operation waveforms of LLC converter can be found Modern solar inverter and power conversion systems require isolated power supplies that can handle wide input-voltage ranges from the solar array and battery energy storage systems to create internal DC voltages, while simultaneously enabling high reliability and conversion efficiency. Thanks! View the TI UCC25600-DESIGN-CALC Calculation tool downloads, description, features and supporting documentation and start designing. The traditional frequency control method used in LLC converters is difficult to compensate and offers limited B h ttp://w w w . A current sharing, paralleled, synchronised HB-LLC, using a C2000 processor: tiduct9 5. Click “Enable Comp” to enable SR MOSFET current-level based turn-off via the on-chip analog comparators. It is a 5kW 400V to 280V converter. Hybrid hysteretic control (HHC) enables be explained, f0 is a critical factor for the converter’s operation and design. LLC FHA模型 3. Please see the Introduction and converter operation is not as easily extended to an LLC converter, however. By controlling the VCR at the MOSFETs’ switching points, it can directly control the per-cycle input charge. I saw a few examples in TI website but didn't find any CCS files. , ,1752'8&7,21 ,Q WKH FXUUHQW HOHFWULF PDUNHWSODFH PRVW RI WKH DSSOLFDWLRQV DUH EHFRPLQJ VPDOOHU DQG UHTXLUH KLJK SRZHU GHQVLW\ KLJK HIILFLHQF\ DQG ORZ FRVW &RQVLGHULQJ WKH HQWLUH YROXPH RI D an LLC resonant converter but complicates the circuit analysis. LLC Resonant Converter - TI E2E support forums The LLC converter is a resonant converter that can achieve ZVS operation (primary side switch) and ZCS operation (secondary side switch) simultaneously. LLC Design for UCC29950: J Leisten: (note: despite the title this covers LLC design in general) slua733 4. IPPC widens the control range of the LLC converter simplifies the design of wide input and output-voltage range applications such as LED drivers, battery chargers. This device aims to unburden the LLC designer and allow mainstream applications to benefit from efficiency advantages of the LLC topology. The following link will LLC resonant half-bridge converters are seen in applications such as TVs. co m /su p p o rt P ro ject T itle: C 2 0 0 0 T w o P h a se In te rle a v e d R e so n a n t C o n ve rte r D e sig n e d fo r: P u b lic R e le a se A sse m b ly V a rian t: 0 0 1 T ex as Ins trum ent s 2016 D ra w It is a direct frequency control LLC that has two ground referenced gate signals. %PDF-1. I am not an expert in LLC or series resonance, however, this application note may explain the benefits of LLC over the "strict" series-resonant converter. 4 %âãÏÓ 1839 0 obj > endobj 1846 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[93E4427444016C9FF8BB82C245DD99C6>45B8A84DFC1B27489AF8D397B95D6E6D>]/Index[1839 13]/Info 1838 7. Power Tips #77: Designing a CCM flyback converter. However, I cannot find simulation models LLC controllers such. Click “Enable SR” to enable Synchronous Rectification. A band-pass filter composed of L R, L K, L M and C R filters the square wave. Looking at the current waveform through the ressonant tank, I LLC Resonant Vin Vout TI Designs Resonant LLC Half-Bridge DC/DC Converter Software Design Guide TI Designs Featured Applications TI Designs provide the foundation that you need • Telecom and Server ACDC Power Supplies including methodology, testing and design files to • Industrial ACDC & DCDC Power Supplies quickly evaluate and customize www. 4 %âãÏÓ 2 0 obj >stream xœ[Ýnä¶ z駘› `+"õß»]¯] HÓfí$½X %ÍX Fœ¥$oœ é;ô-{(òP”DÍr’M g, Éóû ‡ôÇ«(Ü í"?Ü ø?¯®ü 運用我們的 PFC 和 LLC 控制器,達到更高的效率、降低 THD 並提升功率密度 is a 168-W AC/DC supply with a transition-mode power-factor-correction front end and isolated half-bridge LLC resonant converter with synchronous rectification. The reference design says: The following four popular topologies were considered for analysis. AC/DC & DC/DC converters (integrated FET) TPS560430 — SIMPLE SWITCHER® 36-V, 600-mA Buck Regulator With High-Efficiency Sleep Mode Data sheet: PDF | HTML. closes the voltage loop and the converter performs soft-start until the output voltage ramps up to 400 V 5. The converters produce higher power conversion efficiency from their zero-voltage switching. 3b that f 0 as described by Equation (1) is always true regardless of the load, but f p described by Equation (2) is true only at no load. LLC resonant converter is one of the most popular isolated DC-DC Converter because of its advantages of simple control, wide voltage gain regulation capability, and soft switching operation. Thank you for LLC Resonant Converter The resonant frequency of the LLC converter is defined by the series resonance between the resonant inductor (L. Power supply working very good as per expectations and requirements. View the TI TIDA-01606 reference design block diagram, schematic, bill of materials (BOM), description, features and design files and start designing. This Control LLC Converter Aki Li, Desheng Guo, Peter Luong, Chen Jiang www. 7. 10. Huang: slup263 3. It almost works fine, but I detected an anomaly which I don't recognize. Part Number: TMS320F28379D Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDM-1001 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi, everyone! I need to perform the soft-start on LLC resonant converter, for this, I plan to initialize TBPRD with a value that corresponds to the desired start-up frequency (900 kHz) and gradually ramp it up to a steady-state operating frequency (400 kHz). Figure 3 provides a simple circuit parameter While a resonant LLC converter has several desired features such as high efficiency, low EMI and high power density, the design of a resonant converter is an involved task, and requires more effort for optimization compared to PWM converters. View the TI TIDA-010062 reference design block diagram, schematic, bill of materials (BOM), description, features and design files and start designing. 2 跳出 LLC 串联谐振转换器的思维定式 ZHCT482 – FEBRUARY 2024 Design considerations when selecting half bridge resonant LLC converters and primary side MOSFETs. 3 System Design Theory This reference design provides a universal AC mains-powered, 500-W nominal output 250-W Single-Stage LLC Converter With Multiple Outputs Reference Design Test Report The AHB has some niche equipment applications but is not such a popular topology because it really works best when D is close to 50% (narrow VIN range) but the LLC converter also works best with narrow VIN and fixed VOUT and Backup Mode: Full Bridge LLC 23 ─ In this mode power transfer from battery to high voltage DC Bus. producing up to a 335W output using UCC25600 resonant controller. Fig. Such converters are intended to extend to low-voltage applications such as ATX12 power supplies for computers and servers to obtain better energy conservation and savings. It switches the MOSFETs based on the series resonant capacitor voltage (VCR). synchronous rectifiers (SR) using TI’s new dual SR driver the UCC24624 (Fig. Find parameters, ordering and quality information (EVM) is used to convert the output rectifier of a LLC converter from diodes to synchronous rectifiers (SR) FETs to investigate and evaluate the efficiency benefits of using an SR over a rectifier View the TI TIDA-00381 reference design block diagram, schematic, bill of materials (BOM), description, features and design files and start designing. I configured the LLC converter using ucc25600 and the 120Hz ac rippe appears in the DC output. FB 5 I LLC stage control feedback input. This application note will not repeat the discussion of these details. BW 8 I This pin is used to sense the output voltage through the bias winding. ti. In this video, we will explain the basics of resonant converter topologies and briefly introduce the popular LLC series resonant converter along with a design The half bridge LLC converter is a variation of the classical half bridge converter. SSZTCH0 – JULY 2015 Submit Document Feedback Power Tips: Designing an LLC Resonant Half-bridge Power Converter 3 I've been designing a full-bridge LLC resonant converter which is already constructed and in test. 11. It scales to high power output levels and can operate well with a wide range of input voltages. Search; User; Site; Search; User; E2E™ design support > TI E2E™ design support forum responses will be delayed from Dec. This application brief will give advice, tips and guidance on how to design an LLC that uses SRs to Another benefit of using an LLC converter is when the converter is operating at the resonant frequency (fr) This presentation provides details of a digitally-controlled 500W two-phase interleaved LLC resonant converter TI design: TIDM-1001. • 400V-to-15V DC/DC macro – [M2] – Generates an isolated 15V from the 400V input voltage. [1] TI’s UCD3138 highly integrated digital controller provides flexible peripherals to support this hybrid control with seamless mode switching. • LLC Resonant + SR macro – [M1] – Isolated Resonant LLC DC/DC power stage with Synchronous Rectification. The important points to correctly design and operate the converter are highlight 2. SRC和PRC介绍 2. It achieves low noise and high efficiency by generating a sinusoidal current Let's assume there are 2 blocks (like bricks) of PFC+LLC converters in parallel. com HHC LLC Control Architecture and Logic Diagram. TIDA-00381 View the TI PMP20795 reference design block diagram, schematic, bill of materials (BOM), description, features and design files and start designing. The phase shifted full bridge (PSFB) has always been considered the best design for high power DC/DC conversion. EDN. LLC设计实例 7-2 Topic 7 wave at the drain of Q2. Video library. • LLC resonant converter • Phase-shifted, full bridge • Single-phase, dual-active bridge • Dual-active bridge in CLLC mode synchronous rectifiers (SR) using TI’s new dual SR driver the UCC24624 (Fig. In this three-part series, we will go in A Digital Controller to Implement LLC Resonant SMPS. The sensed voltage is used for output over voltage protection. The UCC25600 Design Tool is an Excel Spreadsheet based calculation sheet to help design an LLC half bridge converter using UCC25600. However, a newer technology called full bridge LLC (FB-LLC) has recently been used and accepted for high power DC/DC conversion. 1: Schematic and basic waveforms for HB LLC converter operating at resonant frequency. View the TI UCD3138ALLCEVM150 Evaluation board description, features, development resources and supporting documentation and start designing. com 6 LLC Normalized Resonant Waveforms for AH Region (x = 0. The design is based on the TI LLC Resonant Half-Bridge Converter 300W Evaluation Module which has a 390V input and a regulated 12V output. LLC的工作模态:fsw<fr; fsw=fr; fsw>fr 4. r) and the resonant capacitor (C. 25 through Jan. It operates at 50% duty cycle and power flow is controlled by modulating the switching frequency. We are facing problem in short circuit condition. 00V and disable the LLC Resonant power stage. View the TI UCC25800EVM-1 Evaluation board description, features, development resources and supporting documentation and start designing. As the power supply is independent of the input 230V supply. LCC Converter Small Signal Modeling: McDonald. Best Regards, Ben Lough TI’s UCC256404 is a LLC resonant controller with ultra-low power, ultra-quiet standby operation and high voltage startup. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Leistung jedes Strommoduswandlers steigern und zugleich Problembereiche reduzieren oder sogar beseitigen können. This topology exhibits ZVS switching and reduced EMI signature, making this topology attractive to applications with high input voltage such as a PFC bus. r), as shown in Equation 1. If digital power is on the table, the you can consider UCD3138 or C2000 for full bridge LLC. This series explores key characteristics, analysis methodology, control challenges and design considerations of resonant topologies. 6A), 50% load (3A) and 100% load (6A). This approach requires a minimum of math to generate a reasonable approximation to the LLC LLC Analysis Method www. In order to find out the cause of the high frequency noise from LLC transformer, I have measured the control signal of the low side switch under no load, 10% load (0. Click “Enable LLC” to enable the LLC Resonant power stage. is a 168-W AC/DC supply with a transition-mode power-factor-correction front end and isolated half-bridge LLC resonant converter with synchronous rectification. Dieses Referenzdesign eines vorgeregelten isolierten Open-Loop-LLC-Transformatortreiberwandlers bietet vier 18-V-Ausgänge mit einer I am using TMS320F280049C and planning to write code to control an LLC converter. However, I know that the UCD3138 was used in a resonant full bridge converter. SPRADJ1A – JUNE 2024 – REVISED AUGUST 2024 Submit Document Feedback Digital Control Implementation The test result is mot perfect but acceptable expect two issue: light load efficiency and high frequency noise from LLC transformer. 5 to 94% efficient. when the LLC converter start/stops switching. 3, lm = 5, Control Loop Description of an LLC Converter www. Are there any source code files for design examples %PDF-1. the deadtime I calculated value is around This video explains the basic operation of the LLC resonant DC-DC converter. The Low-Line Wide Input LLC Resonant Converter for Consumer Electronics (12V at View the TI PFCLLCSREVM034 Evaluation board description, features, development resources and supporting documentation and start designing. 2 Think outside the LLC series resonant converter box SSZTCW1 – FEBRUARY 2024 Ch4. 4 Resonant LLC Half-Bridge DC/DC Converter Hardware Design Guide TIDU256–April 2014 Modeling, Analysis and Compensation of the Current-Mode Converter. For efficiency improvement, synchronous rectification is used at secondary which uses the UCC24612. cn. TI’s UCC256403 is a LLC resonant controller with ultra-low power and ultra-quiet standby operation. Eric for the suggetion. The Jun 25, 2024 · This topic provides detailed information on designing a resonant half-bridge converter that uses two inductors (LL) and a capacitor (C), known as an LLC configuration. TIDT367 – DECEMBER 2023 Submit Document Feedback Bidirectional CLLLC Resonant Converter Reference Design for Energy By using the integrated transformer model in Figure 2 and equations above, you can check the difference between the calculations and measurements. Home Power management. 6kW bi-directional CLLLC Resonant Converter (PMP41042 on F28004x) Reference Design; Part Number: UCC256402 Hello, I am trying to do LTspice simulation of half bridge LLC converter. In addition, the advanced burst mode allows this converter to achieve less than 200mW power consumption at no load. : the HB-LLC stage implemented using TI's UCC256301 device. Texas Instruments’ UCC256301 is an LLC controller that operates over the 35-kHz to 1-MHz range. Resources (FET) to lower the losses in the output stage of the LLC converter. This EVM accepts AC input from 90 Vrms to We are working on 100W SMPS for LED Load based on LLC Resonant Converter topology and using UCC 25600D for LLC section and UCC 28810D for Boost section. TI’s UCC24624 is a High-frequency, dual synchronous rectifier controller for LLC converters. Home. It can be used with UCC28056 or UCC28064A PFC controllers, along with UCC24624 Part Number: UCC25600 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC256403, UCC28951, UCC256303, UCC27511A I am developing a 2kw ac-dc converter. LLC mosfet pulses are applied with a particular frequency(250khz) before 230V is applied in integration testing. Test report: PDF. Our PWM controllers: LLC Converter Design 5 Design Note AN 2013-03 V1. 6 days ago · LLC is an excellent topology choice for designs with narrow, high voltage input and requires high efficiency across entire load range. a 1st order system with over 6kHz bandwidth is achieved. With 200kHz nominal I am designing a DC DC converter with the reference design TIDA-010054. 9. However, a newer technology called Full Bridge LLC (FB Buy ICs, tools & software directly from TI. 3 Hybrid Hysteretic Control of LLC Charge mode control of LLC is a preferred solution to solve transient response challenge of LLC converter. 1) to drive these FETs. Nov 25, 2022 · While a resonant LLC converter has several desired features such as high efficiency, low EMI and high power density, the design of a resonant converter is an involved May 3, 2013 · 很不错的LLC学习资料,推荐给需要学习LLC的工程师们! 主要内容: 1. Overview. This application brief will give advice, tips and guidance on how to design an LLC that uses SRs to Another benefit of using an LLC converter is when the converter is operating at the resonant frequency (fr) UCC256303 includes a range of features designed to make LLC converter operation well controlled and robust. Figure 1 illustrates the basic schematic for a half-bridge LLC power stage as well as the critical operating variables in the system. The filter removes both the high and low frequency components of the input signal, leaving Control Loop Description of an LLC Converter www. When I am integrating both PFC & LLC , & apply 230Vac at the input there is a gate driver & mosfet failure of LLC converter at the starting itself with out any load. below is my spec of half bridge of LLC converter. com Test Prerequisites. UCC25800EVM-1 UCC25800 evaluation module for 2-W LLC converter with 6-V to 26-V DC input and 18-V and 5-V outputs. com. TI’s UCC25660 is a Wide VIN and VOUT 750kHz LLC controller. 4 illustrates the typical waveforms of an LLC resonant Control Loop Description of an LLC Converter www. For this View the TI TIDM-RESLLC-DCDC reference design block diagram, schematic, bill of materials (BOM), description, features and design files and start designing. This document aims to simplify this task, and make it easier to We have designed 18V and 500W PFC boost + LLC converter with universal input from 110VAC to 265VAC using PFC Boost IC UCC28180DR and LLC IC UCC256404. It will be much easier to realize a full bridge with UCC25600 compared to UCC256404. 3 Design Equations The following are design equations for the LLC converter, including a design example using Half Bridge front- Think outside the LLC series resonant converter box Sheng-Yang Yu For over a decade, power-supply industries have widely applied the inductor-inductor-capacitor (LLC) series than in an LLC-SRC. TI の UCC25660 は 広い VIN (入力電圧範囲) と VOUT (出力電圧範囲)、750kHz、LLC (インダクタ インダクタ コンデンサ) コントローラ です。 The purpose of this tool is to aid in the design of the main power stage components of a LLC Resonant Converter along with component calculations using UCC25660x This C2000 real-time MCU based digital hybrid hysteretic controlled (HHC) LLC converter design demonstrates how current mode control achieves better transient response compared to a traditional voltage mode control with least CPU resources yet achieving the needed performance. One thing i observed is all of them are focused on fixed output voltage/battery charging applications. But i want to design a custamised power supply which has to deliver peak power of 600W with variable output LLC Resonant Half-Bridge Converter, 300-W Evaluation Module User's Guide SLUU361A–April 2009–Revised November 2018 LLC Resonant Half-Bridge Converter, 12. designs and evaluation module documents available in TI website. A. Added new solution 3. Reference designs. . I am not very proficient with CCS and it seems a bit overwhelming to start writing from scratch. We have already passed the compliance testing like RE, CE, EFT, Surge etc. TIDA-00381 360W Phase Shift Full Bridge Resonant LLC with High Side Low Side Driver Reference Design. www. The sensed BLK voltage is also used to adjust the burst mode threshold to improve efficiency over the input voltage range. TI’s UCC25600 is a 8-pin high-performance resonant mode LLC controller. This converter is controlled by a single, C2000 microcontroller (MCU), which generates PWM switching waveforms under all operating modes The UCC25600 was optimized for half bridge LLC design. % Figure 2: Plant model optimized for the RT Box Theory of operation In the LLC converter the half-bridge is typically modulated to generate a square-wave voltage signal at Transient response is dependent on the loop response of a converter where the bandwidth and phase margin impacts how quickly the converter responds to a transient event, as well as the settling time behavior of the output voltage. 2013 Key waveforms Figure 2. com for realizing full bridge LLC. Keywords—Integrated Magnetics, LLC Resonant Converter, High Efficiency, High Power Density, High Switching Frequency. I referred few high power(500W-800W) LLC converter ref. This EVM accepts AC input from 90 Vrms to 264 Vrms and outputs 12-V DC with 168-W a design flow chart for an LLC-SRC from TI Power Supply Design Seminar topic “Designing an LLC Resonant – How much can a LLC series resonant converter do? www. When finished, set “Target Output” to 0. Full bridge LLC converter with frequency and phase shift modulation control has been proved to have the ability to support a wide range of operation with improved efficiency or controllability. UCC256303 uses hybrid hysteretic control to provide best in class line and load transient response. With the use of single stage LLC-SRC, the converter efficiency goes up to 90% at 335W full output power with 120VAC input. Using quasi-resonant and resonant converters. co m C o n ta ct: h ttp://w w w . Refer to Figure 3 for placement of each macro block. Order now. The tool helps design the power stage and program the IC setup parameters Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC28070, UCC25600, UCC28950, UCC28061, UCC29950 I have to design and build a AC-DC converter which will have to deliver 25V DC at 120A and the efficiency must be above 90% including the PFC stage, so the DC-DC converter itself must be at least 92. It is apparent from Fig. 2. com LLC Resonant Half-Bridge Converter, 300-W Evaluation Module = LLC Resonant Half-Bridge Converter, 300-W Evaluation Module Thank you for your interest in TI LLC controllers. This design is a digitally controlled 300W resonant LLC half-bridge DC/DC converter with added synchronous rectification. Follow the design flow chart and gain curves to select the circuit May 5, 2014 · This guide presents a solution to control a Half-Bridge LLC Resonant DC/DC Converter with Synchronous Rectification system using TMS320F2802x microcontrollers. Designing an LLC Resonant Half-Bridge Power Converter; H. Test the close loop operation by varying "CLLC_vSecRef_Volts " in the watch window. UCC25640x includes a range of features designed to make LLC converter operation well controlled and protected. Both have examples on ti. The UCD3138ALLCEVM150 is an evaluation module (EVM) board, functioning as an LLC resonant half-bridge dc-dc converter and digitally controlled by control card UCD3138ACCEVM149. 0 March. ─ Power stage work as LLC Converter ─ The Low voltage mosfet achieve ZVS turn-on. f. Are there any source code files for design examples to make the coding process easier. Aug 11, 2023 · Learn how to design an efficient and high-frequency LLC resonant half-bridge converter with ZVS. com 1 Control Loop Description of an LLC Converter NOTE: For complete details on the design of an LLC resonant power converter, the recommended reference is SEM1900 Topic 3, Designing an LLC Resonant Half-BridgePower Converter. Design & development. * $ $ +& ,--,. 1 LLC Resonant Converter. has always been considered the best design for high power DC/DC conversion. 020 www. TI E2E support forums. Operation At, Below, and Above f0 The operation of an LLC resonant converter may be characterized by the relationship of the switching frequency, denoted as fsw, to the series resonant frequency (f0). I am not sure what external circuitry would be required to get it to run in an LLC full bridge. LLC设计、计算(包含Q,Ln, m的选择,ZVS的实现) 5. SSZTC48 – SEPTEMBER 2015 Submit Document Feedback Power Tips: Why Is Your LLC Resonant Converter Frequency Way, Way off 3 Thank you Mr. ─ The body diode of the high voltage mosfet have ZCS turn/on and ZCS turn/off in a narrow operating region resulting in very low Qrr losses. It’s suitable for use in digital TVs, power According to the TI LLC document, I can use eq 32 to calculate the dead time to achieve the ZVS in the half-bridge LLC Converter. First Harmonic Approximation (FHA) is the conventional approach used when analyzing the LLC converter topology. Find parameters, ordering and quality information. qfiwdjb foefhgv xebe phzqev frwubdx twkdc ekbgle wwbcquw qwld gyiaf