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Swift reduce array. reduce(into: _:) is called, the following steps occur:.

Swift reduce array The arguments of the combine function are elements of the array, in your case "gate tuples". The function returns a new accumulator value that Merge two arrays into a new array with Array's reduce(_:_:) method. Hot Network Questions Would Canada be one of the poorer states if inducted into the United States? In conclusion, Swift reduce is a powerful higher-order function that facilitates efficient array manipulation and data processing tasks in Swift programming. lazy. Specifically, you use the Array type to hold elements of a single type, the array’s Element type. reduce(_:_:) has the following declaration: Returns the result of combining the elements of the sequence using the given closure. Advanced Swift: Reduce. How to use reduce() on multidimensional arrays in swift. 1. Reduce array to set in Swift. As usual, the code will be inline below and you can see the code yourself on GitHub in Swift map, filter and reduce. 19 Jan 2022. Reduce allows you to iterate over a sequence of items, and combine all those items The reduce() method is designed to convert a sequence into a single value, which makes it perfect for calculating the total of an array of numbers. 11. Jun 4, 2022 · 5 min read · reduce · Share on: Reduce is a simple way to perform an operation over each element in a collection and condense down to a single value. For example, you can use this method on an sequence of numbers to find their sum or product. Follow answered May 11, 2017 at 9:38. After implementing all the optimizations I could think of, and profiling the application in Instruments, I came to realize that the vast majority of CPU cycles are spent This uses Array's reduce method (documentation here), which allows you to "reduce a collection of elements down to a single value by recursively applying the provided closure". 4k 12 12 gold badges 166 166 silver badges 186 186 bronze badges. The position of the element to remove. reduce(Set&lt;String&gt;()) { $0. let number: String = "111 15 111" let result = number. A deep introduction to . reduce(0. The closure takes in two arguments - the current accumulated value and the next element in the array. Swift Array intersection by property. 0+ visionOS 1. Arrays, a fundamental data structure in Swift, are used to store multiple values of the same type. Parameters index. To reduce an array in Swift, we use the reduce method which iterates over the array and combines all elements into a single value based on a given closure. The first parameter as you can see is an Swift’s Array type has a few methods that are higher order functions: sorted, map, filter, and reduce. This example shows Use the reduce(_: _:) method to produce a single value from the elements of an entire sequence. You can use reduce() to calculate the sum of the array and then divide it by the count of the array to get the At the end, we’ll have turned an array [Int] into the final result of type Int. As you said it processes all numbers in a loop. Swift 中的高阶函数——reduce、contains、allSatisfy、removeAll 小小小_小朋友 2021-11-01 2,679 阅读6分钟 欢迎阅读有关 Swift 中高阶函数的系列文章的第四篇。 今天我将展示更多可在 Swift 中使用的这些函数,它们和其他所有函数一样,可以真正帮助我们编写更简洁、更 In the following example, we are using reduce to concatenate an array of strings: Swift // Swift program to use reduce() function . When % is used it returns the division remainder, so for the odd numbers like "1,3,5", it returns "1" and for the even numbers "0", which means that "temp" appends these values to the array in these respective indexes. It still involves the intermediate array. 在本文中,我想向您展示 5 种以前难以 #Array flatten swift with examples; Multiple ways to flatten an array in Swift with code examples. (Key as Players and value as their scores) So: var playerNames = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione"] becomes Remove elements from Array of Array Swift. When you try to append those values to [String] it just turns it into [Any]. Using Reduce to sum (Swift) Hot Network Questions An elevator is falling, there is air resistance outside, would a person inside fall to the floor? Find the newest element Existence of disjoint expanders in a graph Swift ; Array ; remove(at:) Array ; remove(at:) Instance Method remove(at:) Removes and returns the element at the specified position. 2. Removing an element decreases array length (count) and also changes indices. data } I first thought that this particular operation would be fast because the operation is simple enough for the compiler to optimize bounds checks and other slow operations: there is no weird index computations Map, Filter and Reduce. These methods use closures to allow us to pass in functionality that can then determine how reduceでは{ }の中身の処理が要素の数だけ繰り返されます。 ###1周目 まず1周目ですが、$0にはreduce呼び出しの第一引数で指定した0が代入されます。一方、$1には配列の要素が順番に代入されていくので、この1周目では1が代入されます。したがって、{ }の中では0 + 1の結果である1が得られます。 With reduce(), the following looks quite neat and tidy: var resultByReduce = flags. But you can also use sets temporarily to remove duplicate values and then convert the set back to an array. Removing array object according to its property in Swift. Understanding Swift's Reduce Function. In my tests, the flattened array performed almost 2x better than the 2D version: Collection extensions: map, filter, reduce; iterate all In Swift you use map(), reduce() and filter() to loop over collections like arrays and dictionaries, without using a for-loop. Duplicate How would I use swift combine to get the key of the first TrailVideo object who's site is "YouTube". Building Reduce. let a = // array of [Int] let b: [String] = // array of [String] let c: [String] = // array of [Any] let d = // array of [Any] Seems to me we need something new here, for the C-to-Swift header import translation. 作为开发人员,我们经常需要处理需要数小时甚至数天复杂业务算法(各种for循环)。由于swift的高阶函数功能,如map,reduce,filter,等,其中的一些复杂的算法,现在可以很容易地通过短短的几行代码解决。. The most common use of reducers in Swift is through the reduce function, which is available on all types that conform to the Sequence protocol. Swift: Most efficient way to split array of objects into multiple arrays based on object property? Hot Network Questions A drawing facing you Program to find three cubes that sum to a fourth cube Would a middle ground between unit and integration I use code like this to build one string from an string array: class ActionCMD { // "class" to avoid value copies when updating string members var cmds = [String]() // simply the list of all strings to speed up inserting var cmd : String { return cmds. Useful when you need to apply the same operation to each element and get a new array. Using Reduce to sum (Swift) Hot Network Questions 理解Swift高阶函数之map, filter, reduce 前言. Using reduce() to build a dictionary in Swift. In my example I want to add each number from position 1 to 3 in each row 0 to 2. Swift convert an array to array of tuples. 0) { $0 + $1. The reduce Function. 10. Introduction to Swift Collection Operations: map, filter, and reduce. reduce(0) { $0 + $1. On line one, we plug in 0 into reduce. The map, reduce and filter functions come from the realm of functional programming (FP). Each day has between 0 and n values. Hot Network Questions The usage of the construction "to be going to" with the adjective "sure" The . I feel like Reduce an array to a single value with Combine. reduce: Useful when you need to summarize the elements into a single result. var acc = initial for element in array { acc = f(acc, element) // f is the closure } Now knowing that, this reduction will make a lot more sense if you give meaningful names to $0. Using nested reduce in Swift. 0+ watchOS 2. compactMap { $0. When letters. 1 and $1. The reduce function is used to combine all elements in a How to reduce an array in swift based on some condition. The next Partial Result closure executes sequentially with an accumulating value initialized to initial Result and each element of the sequence. reduce(0, +) – For getting the first 5 elements of an array, all you need to do is slice the array in question. 0 } else { let sum = self. Map lets you iterate over a sequence (e. We then get a sum of one, which we will add to the next number in our array, which is two. How In this example, we have an array of numbers, and we want to asynchronously multiply each number by two and combine them together using reduce. I’ve tried variety of ways of Reduce array to set in Swift. Using that function, we can reduce our array of mailboxes into a single Int value that represents our Here is an extension that calculates the average of integer and floating point types (i. Swift: Array map or reduce, enumerate with index. Let’s now look into a slightly more complex example. Call Array. Basically reduce iterates over a collection, taking 2 arguments, an initial value and a closure which applies a transformation to that value. This example Reduce an array of Result in Swift. let unseen: Property<Int> = . . Reduce an array of objects based on object field. Hot Network Questions A variation of a recurrent sequence related to the tangent function Happy 2025 to all! Grounding a 50 AMP circuit for Induction Stove Top End-extensions of isomorphic countable elementary substructures Swift's array class has a definition of reduce that most likely looks something like this: func reduce<T>(initial: T, fn: (T, T) -> T) -> T { var val = initial for e in self { val = fn(val, e) } return e } That is to say, the definition of reduce dictates the order in which parameters are passed to the closure you provide. ) based off the answer by @bwcooley extension Array where Element: BinaryInteger { /// The average value of all the items in the array var average: Double { if self. Swift's map, filter, and reduce functions are powerful higher-order functions that allow you to transform, filter, and aggregate collections. 0, $0. Viewed 1k times 1 . URL) } However, I get an error: Type of expression is ambiguous Yes, you can have nested arrays in Swift, which means an array can contain other arrays as its elements creating a multidimensional array. Where the current parameter will be the item of array. It seems you misunderstand the inputs to the closure of reduce. In case the elements of your array are in fact of type Character, however, you could use the Character If you have an array of arrays – for example, an array of an array of integers – you can convert it to a single, flat array by using the joined() method. Swift makes it easy to create arrays in your code using an array literal: simply surround a comma-separated list of values with square brackets. <5]. I can decode the arrays of strings into an array of individual OptionSet values, but I’ve run into a dead end when trying generically reduce the array of OptionSets to a single OptionSet value. For example, you can use this method on an array of numbers to find their sum or product. I've seen a few examples of this but all of those seem to rely on knowing which element you want to count the occurrences of. For example, here’s an array of arrays of strings, such as you I have an array of values [CGFloat] and array of days [CGFloat] with which each value is associated (the time is also important so the days array is a decimal value). Using the reduce() method. How can I compare a boolean to an array? - Swift. distance!}) //returns 4 If I try $0. It’s a powerful method that allows you to transform a sequence (such as an Using map, filter or reduce to operate on Swift collection types such as Array or Dictionary is something that can take getting used to. Because Swift sends back an optimized type (FlattenSequence<[[YourType]]>, in this case), you might also want to add an array conversion for easier use. distance! it errors with "expression is ambiguous without more context". How does the Reduce function work in Swift arrays? The Reduce function in Swift This is where reducers come in, specifically the standard library’s reduce function, which is available on all types that conform to Sequence. Is there a built in function in Swift 3. max, { min($0, $1) }) reduce takes a first value that is the initial value for an internal accumulator variable, then applies the passed function (here, it's anonymous) to the accumulator and each element of the array successively, and stores the new value in the accumulator. It doesn't work on the other case because you're asking for the final array to be [String] by using it on the declaration. func firstSheep(sheeps: Array<Sheep>) -> Sheep { return sheeps. The first input argument is the accumulating result, while the 2nd is the current element of the array. 0+ macOS 10. How do I use the reduce function to get the sum of amount for each item in the array of managed objects. Swift Array has a reduce(_:_:) method. My array is generated dynamically so I have no way of knowing which element I want to count the occurrences of Swift is a powerful, intuitive, and efficient programming language that allows you to write clean, easy-to-read code. They’re called higher-order functions, because they take functions as input. Before using multidimensional arrays in Swift, consider their impact on performance. As an alternative to using reduce directly on the zz array, you could apply an attempted Double initialization (by the failable init?(_:String) initializer of Double) of the a1 member of each element of zz within a flatMap call on zz, whereafter you apply reduce to sum the elements which were successfully initialized as Double instances. Discussion. Use the reduce(_: _:) method to produce a single value from the elements of an entire sequence. This example Here is an Array extension to return the unique list of objects based on a given key: extension Array { func unique<T:Hashable>(by: ((Element) -> (T))) -> [Element] { var set = Set<T>() //the unique list kept in a Set for fast retrieval var arrayOrdered = [Element]() //keeping the unique list of elements but ordered for value in self { if !set. For example, given the The reduce() method is a higher-order function that belongs to the Sequence protocol in Swift. Swift Reduce - Add Int Values of Strings. Opposite of Swift `zip` — split tuple into two arrays. Syntax to call reduce on array to add up all the Swiftのmap, filter, reduce(などなど)はこんな時に使う! Swiftをさわり始めてある程度経つと「Swiftらしく書きたい」という欲望がわいてきます。そしてObjective-Cでは触れたことのない、map, filter, reduceというのものを目にすることになると思います。 ジェネリクスが登場する前は、Arrayクラスを継承で任意の型に派生させたり、プロトコルやインターフェースを使ったりして、全部の型のために定義をわざわざ書いていました。 もうひとつのreduce. an Array) of items and 'transform' each item into something else, returning an array of those new items. Reduce an array of objects based on common value in variable Swift 3. Swift. Swift imports this as a 1-tuple, even though a 1-tuple doesn't How to reduce an array in swift based on some condition. 9. This works: var genres = ["towel", "42"] This week, let’s take a look at a few different ways that reducers can be used in Swift — ranging from transforming sequences, to accumulating asynchronous values using map returns an Array containing results of applying a transform to each item. 5. index must be a valid Use the reduce(_:_:) method to produce a single value from the elements of an entire sequence. The next Partial Result closure is called sequentially with an accumulating value initialized to initial Result and each element of the sequence. 0+ @discardableResult mutating func remove (at index: Int) -> Element. Conclusion. < array. (n typically less than 5 or 6) In an array of Sheep Array<Sheep> How can I get the Sheep with the highest position. e. Swift高阶函数使用技巧与部分场景 (`reduce`等) 前言. reduce(sheeps[0]) {max($0. Swift reduce function issue. Reduce array to tuple of first and last element? 0. Unless you have experience with functional languages your instinct may be to reach for I'm writing some performance-critical code in Swift. Hot Network Questions How manage inventory discrepancies due to measurement errors in warehouse management systems In the above example, the map function takes a closure {$0 * $0} as its argument and applies it to each element in the array. Most demonstrations of this available in tutorials use + or * to reduce an array of numbers into a single sum or multiplication result. reduce("", +) } // resulting string } But for 35. I am having trouble determining the syntax for reducing an array of a custom managed object subclass in Swift. Swift: Remove keys and values added during array flatMap conversion. reduce’s functionality is super useful while super simple :) reduce second parameter is a closure with $0 is the result and $1 is the string. Swift array to array of tuples. This is the initial value we will add to the first number in our numbers array. reduce (0, +)} Reduce into an initial result. reduce and . origin. 1: How do you produce a set from an array? 0. This closure provides two parameters, the partial result obtained in each iteration, and the next element of the collection. y? I tried the following but got an error: could not find member y. And if the result of reducing the array should also be a gate tuple then the initial element and the result of the combine function must also be of that type: You can use the reduce() method of the array to combine all the elements into a single value. So, reduce takes the initial value of zero and adds it to one. init( initial: 0, then: countExtractor(counters: counters) ) func countExtractor(counters: [Property<Int>]) -> SignalProducer<Int?, So, lets try and understand what is happening here. Using Inside the closure, "temp" is the result format which is [[][]] and "i" is each number. (Key as Players and value as their scores) So: var playerNames = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione"] becomes In Swift, the ‘reduce’ function is a powerful higher-order function that is commonly used for aggregating or combining elements in a collection into a single value. The Hashable protocol this is what determines if the values are duplicates. This example shows I came across a question on StackOverflow: Swift - Convert Array to Dictionary where the user wants to take the elements of an array and wants to put them in a dictionary and assign 0 to each of them. Swift provides several higher-order functions as part of its standard library, including map, filter, reduce, and sorted. How to reduce an array in swift based on some condition. 3. let total = arr. Reduce Array of Tuples. Using the reduce() function in Swift without a second argument. let words = ["geeks", "for", "geeks"] In Swift, an array is an ordered generic collection that is used to keep the same type of data like int, float, string, etc. In this article, we will explore these functions in detail, along with some examples of how they can be used. reduce(into:) in Swift. In Swift, you do it like this: array[0. Reduce an array to a single value with Combine. reduce returns a single value calculated by calling a The . 72. Instead of 0 as the accumulator argument, you should be passing "", an empty string. We use withTaskGroup to create a group of tasks, and then use reduce to combine the transformed values asynchronously. distance! + $1. Swift 3 - Reduce a collection of objects by an Int property. Recall that reduce works by repeated applying a function (that is the closure you pass in) to an accumulator (that is the initial), for each element of the sequence:. reduce(_:_) from enumerated array. They are available in most other programming languages too. We give it 0 as the initial value, and then, essentially, the closure { $0 + $1 } . 0 to do so, If you want to follow the pattern set out by map and reduce in swift you could do something nice and functional like this:. It takes in two parameters: An initial value; A closure to produce the next result; reduce an array of Ints Swift, like other modern programming languages, already has some functional features and in this tutorial, we are going to learn one of them, higher-order functions which can help us write cleaner [Any] is a type of array that can contain 1, 2 and 3. , here you are not allowed to store the value of func sumAllElements (of numbers: [Int]) -> Int {numbers. reduce() method in Swift is a powerful tool for aggregating data in arrays, making it an indispensable feature for any Swift developer. Arrayのreduceにはもう一つのパターンがあります。 Use the reduce(_:_:) method to produce a single value from the elements of an entire sequence. Inside the closure, "temp" is the result format which is [[][]] and "i" is each number. reduce(into: _:) is called, the following steps occur:. Add a How to find sum of all objects for some key in array of custom objects in swift. Int, Float, Double, etc. let sum = array. Nirav D Nirav D. I'm having a 2d array and I want to use something similar to flatMap and reduce together with a range of each of the two dimension. position. The closure is called again repeatedly with the updated accumulating value and each element of the sequence. Intersecting more than 2 Array Sets? 4. Let’s consider we have an array of ScreenshotBundles that have a reduce is a method that's used to reduce an array into single value using the operator that you provide to construct the final result. reduce(false) { $0 || $1 } However, with the array given in the example, the for loop body would be executed only 3 times, while reduce() function closure would get triggered full 7 times. insert($1. import Foundation import QuartzCore Swift reduce/flatten Dictionary<String,Dictionary> to Dictionary. However, sets require that their members conform to the Hashable protocol. In this example, an When I reduce the array and assign it to a variable, I can only sum the last element in the array. The reduction parameter in withTaskGroup specifies the combining operation, in this case, Reduce array to set in Swift. value }. Flatten an array of dictionaries to one dictionary. This example shows 例如,当结果是像 Array 或 Dictionary 这样的写时复制类型时,你应该使用 into 本文全面介绍了 Swift 中的 reduce 操作符,这是一个强大的工具,可以将序列的元素组合成单个值。文章解释了 reduce 操作符的两种不同签名,并通过代码示例演示了它们的用法。 Let's take a step by step on the reduce: The closure will be executed for every item in the array. reduce(0, +) return Double(sum) / Then, a (map)reduce operation is applied to the array to extract a value, for instance: let sum = containers. count { if array[i] == array[j] { newArray. In Apple's audio frameworks, for example, some structs like AudioBuffer (in C) use the hokey convention of ending a variable-length C-structure by a C-array with 1 element. How to use flatMap() and reduce() on a range of a 2d array. Refactored Solution In Swift. reduce(0, {$1. The other answer(s) cover the case where your array is one of String elements (which is most likely the case here: since you haven't supplied us the type of the array, we could use Swift own type inference rules to speculatively infer the type to be [String]). To make picking the N first elements of an array a bit more functional and generalizable, you could Swifters: I’m dealing with a JSON API where sets of options are returned as arrays of strings. Syntax Reduce is probably the least commonly used of the Map, Filter and Reduce combo. 10+ tvOS 9. The only exception is the first call, which has no previous call to inherit from, which is why reduce takes the value 0 as the second argument - it's a special value to feed into the first call. There are other nasty cases as well. reduce is a functional method that returns the result of combining the elements of a sequence using a given closure. Reduce an array of Result in Swift. 000 strings it needs 15 min. In this case, removing an element while iterating. Map, filter and reduce are handy tools for allowing you to manipulate sequences in Swift. The nextPartialResult closure is called sequentially with an accumulating value initialized to initialResult and each element of the sequence. The “somehow” is specified by a closure you You're asking the reduce function to add a string to this. Map/reduce with index in Swift 4. contains(by(value)) { Reduce in Swift. isEmpty { return 0. for j in i + 1 . Below is an example of reducing an array of numbers to their sum: In Swift, higher-order functions are a powerful tool for manipulating and transforming collections of data. Hot Network Questions In Christie's The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly, why does Miss Collins lie? Submitted a manuscript to a journal (it takes ~ 10 months for review). Instead, you use the lazy computed property of the array, which returns a lazy view which keeps track of the operations you want to perform, without actually performing them until the result is needed. The next Partial Result closure is called sequentially with an accumulating value initialized to initial Use the reduce(into: _:) method to produce a single value from the elements of an entire sequence. g. The problematic part is to iterate over an array and update that array at the same time. An array can store any kind of elements—from integers to strings to classes. The update Accumulating Result closure is called with the initial accumulating value—[:] in this case—and the first character of letters, modifying the accumulating value by setting 1 for the key "a". The function takes two arguments: an accumulator and an element. I am trying to reduce an array of objects to a set in Swift and this is my code: objects. reduce() method loops or iterates over every item in a sequence, combines them into one value using a specified closure, and returns the combined result. I have an array of Property<Int>, and I need to reduce them to get sum of the last inputs (it's basically an unread notification counter from different SDK's) and put that into new Property<Int>, I tried this. The last accumulator value is then returned. $0 and $1 are not the current and next elements of the array as you assume they are. ; Flattening is a process of converting or reducing a multiple given dimensions array into a single dimension. Array reduce function; Array joined function; Array flatMap function The array contains a sequence of elements, and it contains different dimensions. The accumulator is the result of the previous iteration, and the element is the current element in the array. Build a Dictionary with reduce in Swift. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. y, $1. 0+ Mac Catalyst 13. Use the reduce(_: _:) method to produce a single value from the elements of an entire sequence. Swift: Array - removing elements when condition is met. filter returns an Array containing only those items that match an include condition. array. 0+ iPadOS 8. Should I upload the manuscript on arxiv too? Is there an auction design for my TCG which In Swift you use map(), reduce() and filter() to loop over collections like arrays and dictionaries, without using a for-loop. func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Element) throws -> Result Reduce array to set in Swift. Swift 2. Answer 2: The first argument of the second (third, fourth) call to the closure is the result output by the previous call to the closure. Swift Sort array on multiple Bool values. Whether you need to calculate sums, find maximum values, or perform Use the reduce(_: _:) method to produce a single value from the elements of an entire sequence. These operations can be used on any Swift collection type, such as arrays, sets, or dictionaries, to perform efficient data manipulations in a functional I came across a question on StackOverflow: Swift - Convert Array to Dictionary where the user wants to take the elements of an array and wants to put them in a dictionary and assign 0 to each of them. The method you're using takes the input array units[s] and an initial value NSMutableSet() (an empty set), then applies How to reduce an array in swift based on some condition. For example, you can use this method on an array of integers to filter adjacent The reduce() method iterates over all items in array, combining them together somehow until you end up with a single value. remove(at: j) } } I have a large array and need to access it by a key (a lookup) so I need to create Dictionary. 在swift中,对诸如Array, Dictionary集合类型使用map, filter, reduce进行操作是非常方便的事情,如果你没有函数式语言编程的相关经验,在处理集合类型时,你的第一直觉可能是使用for-loop循环。 本篇文章,旨在帮助大家快速理解swift中map, filter, reduce的基本概念并 Use the reduce(_:_:) method to produce a single value from the elements of an entire sequence. Yes, you can reduce an array of tuples like any other array. The reduce method takes two parameters: an initial value and a closure that defines how to combine each element with the previous result. Reduce an array of dictionary with many keys to an array of dictionary with a single key in Swift. Modified 4 years, 4 months ago. 7 references for busy coders reduce. y)} } All classes import. Improve this answer. I have a managed object subclass with a property called amount which is a NSNumber. I tried being more explicit: Swift 5. By leveraging the reduce function, developers can streamline operations, consolidate array elements into a single value, and easily apply custom transformations. Therefore in. Since functions in swift are closures, we can pass on the function as a closure as the second argument. Let’s have a look at how reduce is built in the standard library. It’s a versatile tool that can perform a wide range of operations on elements within an array, helping you condense data and compute results efficiently. Representing these as OptionSets seems ideal. In this example, we’re using reduce to take our array of top grossing movies and concatenate them into a single string, with a prefix of “Top Grossing Movies:”. 0. components(separatedBy: " "). let numMin = nums. reduce(Int. You can use the reduce() method to apply a function to all the elements in the array and return a single value. Swift2 - convert the reduce() and map() method on the sequence. And instead of force unwrapping optional default value will be better. swift set intersect, union, subtract. Well, as always , It’s simple ! Yeah , although it doesn’t seem so but . value } Share. iOS 8. reduce(0, {$0 + (Int($1) ?? 0) }) Another alternative is with flatMap and reduce with + operator. Swift Set Comprehension Syntax. tjihvfs jhira puhcek pkyjhfsc rshhn sszmwrhz ksbpbn jnqg gfnqqe pfxfw