Masonic lectures online. Masonic Lectures - Free download as PDF File (.
Masonic lectures online “Always start with your members’ interests,” Hanin suggests, “It’s true what they say: Give the people what they want. Mar 22, 2014 · The Masonic Trowel to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection, that cement which unites us into one sacred band or society of brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist, but that noble emulation of who can best work or best agree Lectures on masonic jurisprudence: Author: Pound, Roscoe, 1870-1964: Note: Anamosa, Ia. The mode of Masonic instruction is the catechetical, or, in more familiar terms, by question and answer The following presentations were made at symposiums of the Academy of Masonic Knowledge. a lesson of charity third section – historical lecture: third lecture – a lodge. Click on either of the two links below and you will see many Short Talks for you to chose from. Ask some of your The Journey. The views expressed are personal opinions of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York or the Chancellor Robert R Feb 12, 2020 · About the book:Masonic education is a challenge for all Lodges, from the instruction of new Brothers in their newly attained degrees (EA, FC, MM) to the continuous education of more experienced Master Masons. the working tools. The Sankey Lectures. These lectures provide an in-depth look into the history, symbolism, and rituals associated with this Masonic order. Chapman, like many business men of his generation, belonged to a number of fraternal organizations one was these was the Freemasons. 2000 to 2100; 1900 to 2000; Royal Arch Lectures. click on the title to read the lecture . Our guest speaker will be Brother Robert Dupel who is the Sovereign Grand Master of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of Canada as well as the Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Quebec. Richardson Lecture Series In the 18th century William Preston, a leading English ritualist of Freemasonry, traveled around the world instructing and educating Freemasons on different topics. Lectures and roundtables (Late afternoon and evening - Admission by donation) Central theme: "Freemasonry: Building Better Human Beings" The Art of Builders (By artists leading the art May 21, 2020 · Beginning in late April, the Masons of California will host an exciting and entirely digital speakers’ series featuring lectures and talks from Masonic experts on a range of topics. If you climb the ladder of Masonic Preferment, has copiously embellished the capitular degrees with many entirely new and appropriate emblems, illustrating the lectures therein, and with such perspicuity as to render a thorough understanding of them easy of attainment. His lectures, officially termed the William Preston Lectures (later known as the “Prestonian Lectures”), were given annually in the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Research in London, England. It has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain. Comic Strips: panels and albums on the theme "Mysteries and Freemasonry" International Freemasonry through its symbols Daily. Masonic education is not an easy topic today. Sankey (1905-2009). In this era where knowledge becomes more reachable through digital technologies, Open Lectures on Freemasonry (OpenLFM) aims to increase the visibility and accessibility of research into Freemasonry through online lectures. to assist Masonic Leaders in their efforts to lead and inspire the Craft. 9/5. The first printed illustrations of our Masonic symbols was published in 1819 and 1820 with Continue Reading About the Lecture Series. Chamber Lecture, however, is a shortened version of what Webb published. Discover Your Potential with the Grand Lodge of Colorado All Freemasons, new to the fraternity or long standing members will find articles of interest, presented in a contemporary way, on a wide variety of topics, which cover the whole spectrum of masonic knowledge; spiritual, symbolic and personal skills. a white apron. The Access to educational resources, courses, and lectures designed to deepen your knowledge. Linford Lodge of Research. Can you join the Freemasons online? Unfortunately, we get asked if one can become a Freemason online from developing countries in the sub-Saharan region, and by some misfortune, the idea is that once you become a An Esoteric Interpretation of the Symbols of the 2nd Degree A deeper interpretation of the symbols of the Fellowcraft Degree from an esoteric standpoint. From cufflinks and tie bars to lapel pins and more, our collection is perfect for Freemasons … We get this questions often and the answer is an astounding no - do not join any "online Masonic lodge" or send money to it. Weekly Masonic letters, discussions, and interactive spaces to engage with like-minded brethren. This online resource offers lectures from renowned Masonic scholars and experts, giving you an opportunity to delve deeper into the fascinating history of this timeless fraternity. J. Since FIVE MINUTE MASONIC EDUCATIONAL SHORT TALKS . The second lecture is known as the Symbolism Lecture. He’ll share insights, explore historical and philosophical concepts, and offer knowledge that you can implement right away. The Livingston Masonic Library lecture series is now streaming online! Check back to see more videos of our monthly events. Access our rich curriculum from anywhere in the world. We ask that due credit be given to the author of the short talk and that the brother who signs the short talk be the author. Founder and Leadership. ” Rest assured there are no Masonic "secrets" revealed in the community so if this is what you're looking for, you should not join. Dr. Charles A. For information on upcoming meetings and presentations, please visit the symposiums page. 3580 in Garston Masonic … Continue reading → to make the world’s books discoverable online. aren’t just used to embellish a complete ensemble of a mason, they help them to recognize other affiliates and show the required gesture and decorum to other member of organization as well. It is believed that the first Masonic lecture was delivered in 1725 by a gentleman known as Brother John Toulmin. These lectures provide a deeper understanding of the symbolism, history and teachings of Freemasonry. Sankey served as Chancellor of Brock University from 1969 to 1974. THE COLLECTED PRESTONIAN LECTURES 1925-1960 (Volume One) Edited by Harry Carr LONDON LEWIS Masonic Quatuor Coronati Lodge First published in collected form in 1965 by Quatuor Coronati Lodge No 2076. Explore Masonic rituals The Livingston Masonic Library lecture series is now streaming online! Check back to see more videos of our monthly events. txt download The Livingston Masonic Library lecture series is now streaming online! Check back to see more videos of our monthly events. Whether a book is in the public domain may vary country to country. They have been converted to PowerPoint slides from the old 33mm slides. This video takes a look at the sometimes held bel This annual lecture series is named in honour of R. Ashe The length of a Masonic lecture does not always translate into its usefulness or interest in it by members. Freemasonry101: A collection of online courses for Freemasons. It explains that climbing the staircase is symbolic of progressing through life and attaining greater knowledge and virtue. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Masonic Life & Education. Jun 17, 2018 · There’s nothing like Merseyside hospitality, and this was proved after I gave two lodge talks over the weekend; the first to Dormer Lodge No. It is rumored that they are copies from the old glass slides and may date to the mid 1800s. F. You will note that portions of the Middle Chamber Lecture as delivered by the Senior Deacon are not in the work printed below. masonic lights second section – explanatory lecture: second section – explanatory lecture. Nov 7, 2023 · The history of Masonic Lectures in the United Kingdom is a long and colourful one. Published under "The need for Masonic education, and the use of lectures" in my book "Short Masonic Lectures" Over the many centuries that the Craft has existed, numerous Masonic and esoteric thinkers have made incredible contributions to the studies of symbolism, Masonic philosophy and mysticism. A. From humble beginnings in makeshift cabins to the establishment of the first Masonic Temple, our story is one of pioneering spirit and enduring brotherhood. Join the Masons of California for an exciting and entirely digital speakers’ series featuring lectures and talks from Masonic experts on a range of topics. Hawkes Bay Research Lodge - No 305. • The Masonic Resource Centre (200+ books, 150+ videos & 100+ podcasts) • Your own profile page in the community. His lecture is titled ‘The Second Grand Lodge: The Grand Lodge of Ireland, the London Irish and Antients Freemasonry‘. ANZMRC ©2025 Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council Mar 22, 2014 · LECTURES ON THE ENTERED APPRENTICE, FELLOWCRAFT AND MASTER MASON DEGREES by Keith F. The Ceremony of. txt download 628. This project stands The First Degree Lecture - P1. Links to these education resources are provided to aid you in your Masonic Education Journey. Through Masonic Lectures, members gain… Masonic Education and Tools Masonic education is the study of Masonic values, history, symbols and myths. Our collection of audio recordings and documents covers a wide range of Lecture Slides These are various sets of LECTURE SLIDES to be used in degree work. It is our intention to preserve these great works in an easily referenced, online format so that their collected knowledge will never be lost to those who The lecture of this degree is divided into seven sections, and, throughout the whole, virtue is depicted in its most beautiful colours; the duties of morality are everywhere strictly enforced. Databases of On-Line Papers, Essays, Articles, and Lectures, and Similar Material Regarding Freemasonry. doc), PDF File (. Bro. Lectures are audible, within technical limits, to those who are interested in the topic to be presented. Hugo Thomas Masonic Education Mentoring, Workshops and More Learn Masonic Education Freemasonry can provide a path to finding answers to life’s questions. The 2019 Lecture represented the 10 th Lecture Apr 13, 2014 · The Lectures Of The Three Degrees In Craft Masonry Bookreader Item Preview master, lodge, brethren, masonic, mason, worshipful, sacred, secrets, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio An example: lecture on Antients and Moderns 1. Course Description Grand Master John E. the Royal Arch For your consideration:This list is not extensive. Whether it’s a lecture series like Acalanes Fellowship’s, or an open house like other lodges have done, there are simple ways officers can keep their members engaged in the fraternity even from a distance. It describes the staircase as having three steps representing the three degrees of Masonry, and five steps representing the five orders of architecture. txt) or read book online for free. Rated 4. Open to both Masons and the public, this event provides a unique platform where attendees can explore a wide range of Masonic topics through lectures and discussions. The views expressed are personal opinions of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York or the Chancellor Robert R The Livingston Masonic Library lecture series is now streaming online! Check back to see more videos of our monthly events. Andreas Onnerfors, The Worshipful Master of Premier Masonic Research Lodge “Quatuor Coronati” #2076 Session 1 Masonry at a Distance. Welcome to the Masonic Audiobook Library, a source of information and wisdom for those seeking knowledge of Freemasonry. 5K Oliver G - The History of Initiation in Twelve Lectures - 1855_djvu. Nov 1, 2019 · Lectures of the Craft of Freemasonry The First Degree. A platform that’s available 24/7 to fit your schedule, no matter where you are in the world. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers All about Brock's Manual of Masonic Lectures, Georgia Edition. Allied Masonic Degrees history. • All our self-published books for free ($85 value). Chapman Masonic Speeches Charles C. Uncategorized Wishlist Share. W. txt) or read online for free. It is a collaboration of a researchers' group with different formations and Since 2008, the Scottish Rite Master Craftsman™ program has been providing light in Freemasonry through mail-in and online correspondence courses focusing on Masonic history, ritual and philosophy. & A. The United Grand Lodge: The homepage of the first and oldest Grand Lodge. Share Course Page Link Share On Social Media Facebook Twitter Linkedin Free Enroll now Free access this course Apr 13, 2014 · The Masonic Manual - Or Lectures On Freemasonry - J. third lecture – masonic lights 2. Various forms of education enable members to seek answers along their personal journey to becoming a better man. All events are totally free—to attend, simply register through On24 by clicking on the green button below. , 1920 : Link: page images at HathiTrust: No stable link: This is an uncurated book entry from our extended bookshelves, readable online now but without a stable link here. • and much, much more 8 ONLINE MASONIC EDUCATION COURSES TO HELP YOU MAKE A DAILY ADVANCEMENT IN YOUR MASONIC JOURNEYFREEMASONRY101 offers you a collection of online courses for good men looking to learn more about the mysteries of FreemasonryThe following are the 8 Masonic online educational courses currently available inside our Freemasons' Community, which you Jan 6, 2025 · Craftsmen Online is proud to introduce the debut of our second podcast, Daily Masonic Progress. Podcasts (Audio-Only): … 1. Masonic Lectures - Free download as PDF File (. Article Format: - Please prepare your article in Microsoft Word format. W. Enjoy lifetime access to a worldwide community of like-minded-men, thousands of Masonic books, hundreds of hours of video and audio content + all the advice/support you need to make your daily advancement in Freemasonry. Masonic quiz taking can be both fun and enlightening, wherein each brother goes away from the Masonic Education meeting knowing his time has been well spent. 76. The Great Masonic Library: 340+ rare and out-of-print Masonic books from the mid-1800s. The First Degree Lecture - P2. Grand Lodge of the Republic of Georgia; Lectures by Bro. Masonic education events – View a complete listing of upcoming symposia, conferences Nov 7, 2023 · The Mark Master Mason’s Lectures are a series of three lectures that provide an overview of the core principles and teachings of the Order of Mark Master Masons. It is divided into three sections. Having described all the ceremonies and forms appertaining to the opening of a lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons, setting them to work, initiating a candidate, and closing the lodge, I will now proceed too give the lecture on this degree. Thousands of our brothers have learned more about our ancient craft, and more about themselves through these courses. Click to read more about Brock's Manual of Masonic Lectures, Georgia Edition. You can access the Cinosam archives on this web page. Click Login and enter your username and password (click check box to Remember Me) The Lodge holds meetings incorporating lectures five times per year, usually at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London; and publishes its lectures, research papers and ‘Notes & Queries’ in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum (AQC) – the oldest continuously-running Masonic research journal in the world. These May 5, 2017 · Oliver G - The History of Iinitiation - 3 Courses of lectures - 1829 314 pages_djvu. Cinosam (Masonic spelled backwards) is an email letter that has been sent out to subscribers at least once per month since 1999. Click Login and Register an account on this site ( you enter username and email, and a password is sent via email ) 2. Feb 10, 2021 · Adapted from an article by RWB Chad Kopenski, Chairman of the Grand Lodge Committee on Education and Information Every Mason may not remember what was said in his three degree lectures, but most likely, he remembers the many pictures and symbols used during the presentations. Once Faith in a supreme being is established and you are brought into a Lodge, the real journey can begin. Join RW Darren Allatt every Thursday, as he tackles a different aspect of masonic development. 6708 at Birkenhead Masonic Hall on Friday evening and Excelsior Lodge No. Addeddate 2017-05-05 07:00:59 Identifier MackeyAGEncylopediaOfFreemasonryVols121914_201705 This document provides an explanation of the winding staircase symbolism in the Fellowcraft degree of Freemasonry. The five minute Masonic short talks listed below are free to any brother to use in any Masonic Lodge. The five minute Masonic short talks are free to any brother to use in any Masonic Lodge. May 5, 2023 · Both ancient and modern calculated not only for the instruction of every new made mason, but also for the information of all who intend to become brethren to The Best Online Masonic Training Courses. William Preston (1742 – 1818) gives his lectures in the form of a Catechism – questions and answers - and broken down into seven bite size chunks. 1. International Masonic Art Contest. Rituals and History. 0 (Extended OCR) Apr 9, 2021 · The Entered Apprentice Degree as told by a Master Mason Part-1 (Animated) Since 2008, the Scottish Rite Master Craftsman™ program has been providing light in Freemasonry through mail-in and online correspondence courses focusing on Masonic history, ritual and philosophy. officially endorses any particular set of slides, but those listed here do conform to the Ritual prescribed in this Jurisdiction. third lecture – chalk, charcoal, and clay. Our online educational resources help members learn more about Freemasonry and the daily business of leading a lodge. Lecture 1 . The degrees of Knighthood have also been favored with a variety of plain and Three Minute Mason Published By: Grand Lodge Free & Accepted Masons of Wisconsin 36275 Sunset Drive Dousman, WI 53118 (262) 965-2200 WIGL-009-Rev-Aug. Nathan Tweedie, present the basics to preserving your Lodge’s Artifacts. However, the community is not only open to English-speaking countries. Introduction In February 2020, I published independently on Amazon a book of thirty-one Masonic lectures. This document discusses the Masonic concepts of charity and humility through the lens of observing swans flying in a V formation. The views expressed are personal opinions of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York or the Chancellor Robert R THE FREEMASONS'COMMUNITYA first-of-its-kind online community for good men looking to become better. The views expressed are personal opinions of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York or the Chancellor Robert R Oct 29, 2023 · In this lecture, a Mason learns about the origins and development of Freemasonry, tracing its roots back to ancient times. Our online platform offers a carefully curated selection of Masonic essentials for men, designed to embody the timeless values and traditions of the craft. The idea came to me while I was the Master of the Past Masters Research Lodge of the American Canadian Grand Lodge in Germany. Mar 22, 2014 · Masonic Charity Masonic Clothing Masonic Education Masonic Education For Sojourning Masons Masonic Encyclopedias: The Source Of Masonic Knowledge Masonic Etiquette Masonic Etiquette - Part II Masonic Expectations Masonic "Fire" Masonic Funeral Planning Masonic Geometry Masonic Honors Masonic Information Center - 1997 Activities Masonic Bikers Association; History of Wiltshire Freemasonry. The mode of Masonic Instruction is the Catechetical, or, in more familiar terms, by question Mar 22, 2014 · We shall now enter on a disquisition of the different sections of the lectures appropriated to the several degrees of Masonry, giving a brief summary of the whole, and annexing to every remark the particulars to which the section alludes. The College serves as a bridge, connecting Masonic philosophy, history, and symbols to contemporary insights, making it accessible and engaging for everyone. A short essay on the importance of lectures, education and research on masonic topics in early Freemasonry (post 1717). The omitted monitorial portions from the 1818 edition of the Webb work are restored to our lecture in italics below. It is through education that light is brought into this world. This list has been compiled by the Grand Lodge Masonic Education Committee, and does not represent the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma’s endorsement of the resources listed. Prestonian Lectures from Quatuor Coronati On 19 May 2023 the Board of General Purposes announced that Dr Ric Berman, PGSwdB, would be the 2024 Prestonian Lecturer. 0 by 1000+ Master Masons (see reviews below). A renowned Masonic scholar, he was a… Founded in Auraria, now part of modern-day Colorado, our fraternity’s roots run deep. pdf Adobe Acrobat document [971. Daniels, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, in the Province of Ontario announced his project for the creation of the Sankey Centre for Masonic Studies. We certainly hope you enjoy the Sankey Lecture Series in Masonic Studies. Spread the word about these informative online events. • Access to 300+ rare and out-of--print Masonic books from the mid 1800s (We call this: the Great Masonic Library). Raymond S. S. Public domain books The Masons of California have launched an exciting new live, digital Masonic Speakers Series featuring enlightening lectures on a range of topics. This is the main page for the Short Talk Pages. The Collected Prestonian Lectures - Free ebook download as Word Doc (. May 16, 2018 · Carl Culmann, Grand Master of Masons for the State of Indiana 2018-19 provides insight into the importance of being proud of your Masonic Membership. Choose your path: study the past, enhance current leadership skills, delve. Trauner opens the Masonic Online Leadership Course with an update on where the fraternity is now, where it’s going, and what the framework is for updating his current social-distancing orders. It is the second time he has served as Prestonian […] Masonic Online Courses. All slides are […] Aug 2, 2021 · Bro. The earliest reference to Masonic lectures in Britain dates back to 1723, when the first Grand Lodge of England was formed. Masonic Jewels for Regalia - Masonic items like Masonic pins, collar jewel, masonic badges, masonic jewels etc. The Mississippi Lodge of Research and Education DCXL nor the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, F. Alexander Vastola, Director of The Chancellor Robert R. This article is the second of the seven part series presented by Steve Goulding : The First Degree Lecture - P3 Here are the guidelines for submission to our online newsletter: ASHLAR Newsletter Submission Guidelines 1. Speaker: Grand Master John E. See the entire lineup today—or, if you’ve missed one, catch up on past lectures below. OpenLFM, through its online lecture series on Freemasonry given by prominent scholars, will aim to demonstrate a range of new perspectives for academics, Freemasons or simply the curious. This lecture also provides information on the various Grand Lodges throughout the world today, and how they differ in their organization and rituals. Walker from: South Dakota Lodge of Masonic Research, Masonic Papers, Volume 4 – 2002, Pages 25 – 37. By online shop. David West currently offers a number of masonic talks, some with slides and video, which can be booked for your future meetings. pdf), Text File (. It also encompasses lessons in leadership, self-improvement and community building. M. Q: Is this community for US-Masons only? All the courses, lectures, podcasts, videos, and material shared in the community are all in English. 2006 Nov 26, 2019 · Addeddate 2019-11-26 00:24:59 Identifier freemasonsbible Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t54f9wb7x Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11. The lectures serve to educate… Jan 21, 2024 · Ever wonder if there is a definitive list of Masonic Lectures? Want to learn them all? Here is a list under the Grand Lodge of Ohio! BLUE LODGE: Entered Apprentice Charles C. Onid Limited UK VAT Registration No: GB 649 1614 24 Registered in England and Wales Company No: 2909589 Online Courses. 4 KB] W. On Aug 4, 2009 M. American-Canadian Grand Lodge of Germany’s reflections of R. Elevate your Masonic style and stand out from the crowd with SQ - Style Man. These include ‘The King and Raquel Welch’, an interesting talk on Masonic hoaxes and ‘Never be short of candidates again’. third lecture – cardinal virtues. October 2024 Presentations March 2024 Presentations October 2023 Presentations March 2023 Presentations The March 2023 event was held in conjunction with the celebration of the[] Read More → Lecture Slides for Masonic Degree Work These are the original hand drawn pictures that have been around for years. Livingston Masonic Library and Craftsmen Online History co-editors, WB Ron Seifried and Bro. The Masonic Resource Centre: A collection of books, research papers, Grand Lodge guide books, audiobooks, documentaries May 5, 2017 · Albert G Mackey - His Complete Works. third lecture Nov 7, 2023 · Masonic Lectures Online is a great way to learn more about the ancient traditions and principles of Freemasonry. FIVE MINUTE MASONIC EDUCATIONAL SHORT TALKS . This collection consists of the many speeches and talks that he gave over the course of his membership to various Masonic organizations including the Masonic Lodge in Masonic Week 2023. OpenLFM is an independent, informal and benevolent initiative unrelated to any masonic body or scientific institution. Stay tuned for more on our full history page. Nov 27, 2022 · I n this era where the printed and manuscript word becomes ever more available through digital technology, new wider panoramas for the curious can open. Trauner Tuesday, June 9. This article is the first of the seven part series presented by Steve Goulding : The First Degree Lecture - P2 FIRST SECTION OF THE LECTURE ON THE FIRST DEGREE. If you weren’t able to attend the lectures at Brock University, you can now watch them online at any time! Brought to you by the Grand Lodge A. We look forward to seeing you in Alexandria, Virginia at our Annual Masonic Society Dinner on Friday, February 10 th, 2023. Masonic Courses. It contains Masonic biographies, histories, quotes, stories, poems, and more. This site is meant to be a guide and a resource for all Brother’s and Lodges to enhance their Masonic Education with an extensive list of short & long lectures designed to be used by any member, on any topic of his choosing, to bring Light to our Fraternity and our Brethren. Robert Cooper, the Curator of the Museum and Library of the Grand Lodge of Scotland; Lectures by Bro. Many online and print resources exist on Freemasonry, but few offer proper sources on their contents. A public domain book is one that was never subject to copyright or whose legal copyright term has expired. Mystic Masonry lecture 2nd degree. SRA76 Magazine - 8 times a year we produce an online Masonic magazine with many articles regarding Freemasonry. View Courses The Lectures page of Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No. The "Fast Track" Masonic education on these pages simply means that the basic information has been selected from the immense body of Masonic knowledge and organized into simple, fat-free (non-wordy), easy-to-read, printable modules which have been streamlined for fast implementation by members of the brethren. Mar 18, 2024 · Masonic Lectures are an important part of Freemasonry. of Canada in the Province of Ontario & Brock University.
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