Ash and serena fanfiction injured " Ash said as he kisses Serena on the forehead. It was a big gain for Ash and Serena as Ash earned his second badge and Serena got her first ribbon. "Ash" Serena whispered to Ash in disbelief Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie were on their way to Ambrette town so Ash could have his next gym battle but things were looking glum for the four as they were caught in the middle of a horrible storm. Overall, it's Ash and Serena's Kalos journey. " Charmeleon said nodding. The same energy that had emitted from the crystal in the mine. " Serena says while coming down the stair for breakfast. A large number of chairs had been set Once she finished she told the crowd she is always up for someone to challenge her for the title. /Satoshi, Serena, Clemont/Citron, Greninja/Gekkouga - Chapters: 7 - Words: 12,482 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 32 - Updated: 12/27/2016 Ash quickly opened the box next to Pikachu and pulled out the necklace of flowers. Bonnie stood outside the blazing ruins of the Pokémon Center, holding a clenched fist to her chest in apprehension and concern. The fact is, Serena's announcement in the final XYZ episode ensured that if the two ever met up that something would need to be said about it (from a good writing standpoint. " Ash said. Serena ran to Ash and quickly kissed him. Serena's heart just lighten up during the hug and she started instantly True Love Conquers All - An Amourshipping Fanfiction. " says Ash. Professor Cerise and his assistants left the lab, leaving Ash, Serena, Goh, and Chloe to enjoy the place for themselves. Causing everyone to have their jaws dropped. "I think so too. Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne are two childhood lovers. /Satoshi, Serena, Lillie, Lana/Suiren] - Chapters: 13 - Words: 33,937 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 20 - Published: 8/24/2019 - Status: Complete The inside of the room brightened as an artificial sun glowed above Ash's side of the field. "Hello. serena is arceus is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. "I am too" Ash said. A pop sounded in the air as a flash of light flew off Ash's belt and materialized into the Volcano Pokemon. /Satoshi, Serena, Clemont/Citron, Greninja/Gekkouga - Chapters: 7 - Words: 12,482 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 32 - Updated: 12/27/2016 - Published: Ash and Serena had walked down a bit, while Serena was keeping her distance, clearly not liking the fact that Ash was a part of a team. " Bonnie said. When they get to Kalos, Ash and Serena land outside the Remonde house. They both fall face down into the base of the cliff, while Clemont and Bonnie go seek some help. Ash Serena are one step away from realizing their dream. "I want you five to battle these guys using what you learnt earlier. "Hi, Mrs Remonde. "You won our grand prize sir. They both first met at the age of 6, at Professor Oak's Summer Camp. "I may not be able to win, but I can sure try! I want to give this a shot. "Mewtwo, I want to talk with the Serperior, could you translate?" Ash asked. Were back to ash and Serena with their pokemon following the thieving pokemon. Ash also slowly waking up. Clemont says that these caves might have some "facinating It was then at this moment that when Serena step on a piece of gravel, it breaks causing Serena to falling down with Ash holding on to her hand causing him to fall down steeply down a cliff with Serena. "I don't like it whenever someone interrupts my dream with Ash!" Serena hissed. " Tears began to well up in her eyes again as Braixen went over to the other side Ash and Serena head to the Pokemon center, and they are in such a hurry. they followed them deep in the forest in a cave. " Ash pulled out the Rocket ball making sure no one saw him. "We should head back, I'm sure our Pokemon are missing us" Serena said. "Uh. Involves hypnosis and mind control. "Good morning, lovebirds. There may be the occasional other character appearing for a chapter or two, but that will be it. "What was that?" Ash asked. After the Kalos League, Ash was given a kiss from Serena that changed his world forever. Here take this Pecha and Oran Berry. Continue to Lumiose City?" Ash asked. "Ash, Serena!" Looking over to the sound of the voice, it reveals to be Alexis shouting. Serena's heart just lighten up during the hug and she started instantly After a series of incidents and confessions - Serena was the key in unlocking the secret bone between Ash and Greninja. Alone, by the way. How is it?" Serena told Ash "It's been a ton of fun. They had managed to get decent seats despite showing up to the match with it already halfway over. "You really are here!" She exclaimed resting her hands on jis shoulders. Once again this fanfiction is based off of Heracross0122 Journey to be a Pokémon Master Series and thank you for Serena and Emma helps putting Ash's legendary back to the Pokeballs. She felt the boy moan in pain, and winced. Cheers came upon everyone who witnessed as they continued their smooch. Rated: Fiction T - English - Tragedy/Friendship - [Ash K. The expressions confused Ash, Clemont, Bonnie, and Pikachu. Serena sat on Reshiram's back. Clemont: You are a very special girl Serena, don't you forget that. Capitulo 6: Una vida para los dos. "Yeah!" Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie said in unison. It is almost 11:00. Ash shouted and a man with black wavy hair wearing a lab coat entered yawning, then he saw the injured pokemon in ash's arms. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or its characters! February 1, 2014 (10:00 AM) (Baa de Mer Ranch) Ash and friends made their way to a ranch where Serena's mom, Grace, has texted Serena for her and friends to meet up. "He should've been back by now. Serena take Ash cap and then smile at him. get ready for a journey in a new region! "Good night, Ashy. Speaking of, now that Ash and Serena were a couple, she had to think hard about what to get him on his birthday. I just got a text. Serena then embraced Ash in a hug to comfort him. Pikachu's cheeks are zapping a few times as its reaching a signal for Dedenne. This allows both Ash and Serena to have their first matchmaker session as a couple together. He is now suffering a great deal of serena Charizard carefully picked up the injured trainer. "Um, Ashy "Serena. Amourshipping forever! Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Ash K. "Come on Ash, I know you can win this!" Serena and Monique encouraged their friend. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance - Ash K. "Sorry about that," Leaf said giving a nervous chuckle. It pressed the bottom on the Pokeball and gone inside. Chapter 1: The Cave. He gave Serena a smile as he looked down at her. Thus, from then, the Journey of their True love began. Ash was introducing Serena to Delia at his house and Serena introducing Ash to Grace at her house. Ash sighed before turning back to his Fire Pokemon. "It's an open meadow, with sharp banks and a river, and almost no trees. Then, Serena looked back at her friendly rival. Serena POV. (Please be kind, this is my first fanfiction ever. Great to see you again. Ash then carefully sat on the back of Charlizard with Serena still on his back. But after leaving Kanto, Serena's heartbroken missing Ash until years later, they meet again at Kalos. Donkey Kong pounded his chest proudly to the new couple. Please buckle you seatbelt and thank for flying. Wake up. "Hey, Pikachu's getting a signal. Ash just grinned, before he suddenly bolted over to the group, pulling out Pokéballs as he did. "You were amazing Ash. " Aaron said from behind Ash. Meanwhile in Pallet Town:- {Hey Ash, will you please tell me more about Serena}, asked Pikachu. Ash and Serena will each get two Pokémon in this trilogy with Ash being Bulbasaur and Charmander, and Serena being Squirtle and another Pokémon who she will get in this chapter. Serena's POV. "Wait, hold on. "She just lost her first Pokémon Performance, she probably just needs some space" Clemont said to his friend who seemed a bit more worried than normal. Serena watched the Lily of the Valley Conference on television and saw her childhood friend and crush, Ash Ketchum, for the first time in years. A temporary stage had been set up next to a beach pavilion, complete with a large curtain concealing the backstage. While she was deep-throating, Ash was massaging her pussy. (it's my first time writing) Aura Ash, Psychic As Serena reunites with Ash in Alola and meets his friends, the earth has other plans. So please!" One of the Clefairy comes over to Ash as he holds his injured Pokemon and looks at it then releases a pink light on Nidorino healing Nidorino. Now, in this chapter, a Pokemon in the wilds is shown to have feelings for Serena's Eevee. Rated for sensitive themes (natural disaster) and depictions of injury. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you Serena finally makes her early appearance in the story! She and Ash will have their moment, but they won't have a serious relationship until the Battle Frontier arc. A huge crowd was surrounding somebody, asking them all sorts of questions. Just us and our paradise. Soon Cilan appeared with a med kit. Whatever we said wasn't in hopes to drag you with us. Serena's heart just lighten up during the hug and she started instantly Ash and Serena arrived at the beach, where the luau was taking place, not far from Hau'oli City. Serena looked up and said "Wha-" Ash spoke again, " I can't forgive Serena, she hurt me too much". Frankly, if it wasn't for Serena's caring passion about Ash's health, she probably would FanFiction | unleash Ash Serena are one step away from realizing their dream. Ash and the others looked over and saw the massive stone. 'Don't let him talk you down Ash' Serena had thought in her mind. Serena blushes at Ash's kiss. He started to cum. "Hey, Ash It was cured of poison, but still badly injured. Serena cried in his arms, muttering words between "I'm sorry" and "I should have been stronger". ¡Final! ¡Muchas gracias! The Lilycove City pier was quickly becoming farther away. His face was close, framed by the soft light of the still-burning campfire. There they will train before going to there journey. Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, and Ash are walking through a forest with alot of caves. Ash obviously couldn't return it, but it still felt like he was to Serena. "Hello, mom. "Yeah a little break sounds good. "Why am I jealous?" Serena whispered to herself, looking down at her feet as they buried one after another into the snow that had fallen in their path. "Good morning, guys. "You have no need apologize. Ash taking it from the counter the woman got off her seat and went to a promotional poster. " 'A long loving talk later. Little did they know that their answer was an unexpected one that came from a wholly unanticipated source: Team Rocket, themselves. Sycamore and Sophie gave those Pokémon a bunch of delicious meals as their food supply could be cut off from the violence that took place. Ash lends out his towards Serena and said "Never Give up until the end. ) Pokémon - Rated: K - English - Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: 45,557 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 153 - Follows: 148 - Updated: 1/18/2020 - Published: 4/30/2016 As Serena, Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie entered the reception they saw themselves blocked. Ash and Serena, two different person with same fate, belonging to royal families. Serena then slowly walked in the room. Ash says to Chloe, "Chloe, that's not nice, you make her cry. Ash and Serena watched as the ship sailed into the horizon and completely out of view. So yes, it is none other than Serena. Ash and Goh help set the place up, while Serena and Chloe made the food. Ash turned to Serena, reaching out and scooping her up in his arms and starting to run back into the city. Uh-oh!" Ash said. " Sure, Pikachu, I will tell you about her ", Ash replied. An injured little boy. On the other sat Serena, Ash, Bonnie, and Clemont. Ash has injured his foot by this time, but Serena helps nurse it with a wet cloth. "Char. Serena will also be catching new Moemon, but she will still catch the ones she caught in the XY arc. As for Serena, she swooned with fondness like a love-obsessed schoolgirl, and she nodded approvingly and repeatedly at the adorable sight of the newly-minted couple. Ash normally doesn't let the bad things get to him; they're done, One possible 'pokemon ash and serena hurt fanfiction' could be about Ash getting injured during a battle and Serena trying her best to take care of him. Ash and Serena were now married. Serena grabs him just in time before he fell. After camp time, Ash and Serena has gone to each other's houses and each one of them has introduced themselves to their mothers. Serena's eyes fluttered open, meeting Ash's bright blue gaze. "Someone's seems really worried" Bonnie said with a smirk. Serena sighed. "Pan, Pancham" the injured pokemon said, glad to see its trainer again. The flight was calm and smooth as the voice said, "Attention of passages we are about to land in Kanto very too. Ash catches Serena which causes them both to be in a hug. "You're welcome Ash. I don't own Pokemon. Serena could faintly hear Ash admit to Clemont. It had taken quite a bit of effort to put together a good Location Round, but in the end, Serena felt she'd come up with something that would show off her newly evolved teammates in the best possible way. He was very specific on where he was, but ok I'll go see him up there at the tower of mastery and Brock, Chloe, Serena, Misty, and Yellow were sitting next to each other, with Cleffa perched on the blonde's head, looking around as if she were nervous for some reason. . Ash's Charizard, being fatigued from the Elite Four challenge already turned back to it's normal form Ash, completely oblivious to the weight of his words, chuckled to himself, thinking, "Wow, Pikachu's sense of humor is top-tier. They arrive at their destination, and while Pikachu is being treated, Ash and Serena follow the strange sensation to a back room, where they find the case with the Pokémon Egg inside. They see why the "thieving" pokemon were steeling thing the sick pokemon must be an ice type that has a fever. With the work done, everyone sat around the table just having the time of their lives! "Thanks "I got handed this. She then stopped, which Ash recognized as her wanting him to stop, giving the clicks of her heels on the concrete when she stopped. "I can't wait to see you win the badge, Ashy. Her reaction to seeing him results in a new adventure for Ash and Pikachu, as they visit the Kalos region to take on the Kalos League Conference and meet with Serena one year early. 5. With Ash and Serena "Sliggoo!" Ash called out. " Ash wipes out Serena's tears, and he says, "Serena is coming with us to Professor Oak, and her leg is injured, so we have to be careful. " Serena said. They meet pokemon and befriend with pokemon before there journey. Greninja was able to jump off Ash's Charizard and land safely, but it was still injured. " Chapter 12: All for a Mother's blessing. " Ash smiled, turning to look at the islands they had created together. Ash and Serena Forever 16: Unlikely since Ash is still really young. I'll protect them with my life, and know this!" Serena jumps at the point where Ash starts to curse more, let alone feel that something is at work her, Serena looked at the boy, cap covering his face, Pikachu, standing by knowing what he has gone through. Ash: And Serena, don't forget to smile. I wasn't going to let Gary talk down about you like that. She moaned loudly when Ash put 3 fingers in her pussy. Serena tried to stand up, but she can still feel the pain. A lot happened in this chapter we got to see the return of Damian for one don't worry this isn't the last time we will be seeing him. As it turns out, a villainous team named Flare is also after Squishy, but both Ash and Serena were able to flee them off. Ash had gotten used to Serena almost tackling him, so he was able to stay on his feet. "Froakie! There you are, your trainer was just here," the man said before calling a girl with a lab coat to take Froakie, suddenly Clemont crashed through the "Sorry" Bonnie said. Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie were running through a forest while they were getting rained on. After Ash's win at the Snowbelle Gym, the heroes are making their way through the city's snowy outskirts when a rather familiar Malamar appears, wanting Pikachu. Serena Yvonne has had a bad Serena está comprometida pero la pasión que sintió por Ash no ha disminuido ni un ápice. A group of loosely interconnected short stories written in celebration for Tumblr's Amourshipping Week in 2016! The story themes were decided by submissions and votes, but the only thing that really connects them is Ash and Serena together. Follow Ash as he undergoes trials to become a member of the Kanto Elites, overcoming many obstacles along the way. The green creature continues and heads inside of Ash and Serena's tent and jumps off of the raven-haired trainer which interrupts his usual snuggling with his girlfriend. All of the television and computer screens were flashing live reports of the mysterious explosion in downtown Kiloude. With Ash now a Pokemon League Winner and Serena a Pokemon Performer Queen, they decide to get a fresh start in the Hoenn region. The Kalos Trilogy is a bunch of original events that take place between Ash's battles with Olympia and Wulfric and after the Kalos League The Alola Trilogy is a re-write of SM with Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie going to Alola with Ash Love in the Time of Tomorrow takes place when Ash and Serena are adults It manages to land a Thunder Wave, but Doduo turns around and attacks us with the Drill Peck, causing Pikachu to get injured. Ash's smirk never faltered as he watched Marcus storm toward him, fists clenched and eyes blazing with unrestrained rage. They spent time playing in each other's houses. Many lemons to come. Ash and Pikachu made their way to the table as she put Omelets, bacon and sausages with Pinap juice in front of them. Suddenly Serena took a few steps back and cradled the left side of her head, wincing. "Please Ash, I'll do anything, just-" "Wait 'till tomorrow, then I'll have your answer". She was among the many who were evacuated from the Center, but as she stood there, many Pokémon recuperating from sustained injuries, including Dedenne, were still trapped inside that ablaze structureand also Serena and Ash. Now there sights were on Vermillion City for Ash's third gym battle and Serena's next contest. To your right it's waiting for you. Find out how their life will change once they get tied in a knot together as husband an pokemon; ashketchum; Pokémon- Ash The Prince (Fanfic) ( by Swift writer. Serena held Ash in front of her. 10 years after that, Ash has become a man with much repressed sexual tension. I DO NOT OWN POKEMON THE SERIES XY! I JUST DECIDED TO MAKE MY FIRST FANFICTION. So yeah, you could just picture that last moment with Ash smiling tipping his hat and walking off screen when the interview is over. " Ash smiled at seeing Serena. " Mewtwo responded. He ate a lot, almost always had energy, very rarely got injured or sick, and was an amazing trainer. Ash immediately thinks to tend to her knee, tells her "Never give up until the very end", and helps her get back up. Your name's Ash Ketchum, if I remember correctly" says Grace. After receiving a mysterious artifact, Ash goes around the Pokemon World, bringing many females into his harem. Ash runs in front of Serena but the blast knocks him back towards the cliff. Here are some examples: XY007 - When Ash and Serena first meet during the childhood flashback, Ash finds Serena injured. When Serena suddenly collapses, Ash, Clemont and Bonnie spiral into a panic to figure out just what is wrong with her. It's been 10 years since Ash and Serena travelled together. "Ash!" Serena said rushing up to him. Leaf sheepishly let go of Ash and Serena and let the two catch their breath before they bent down to pick up their respective hats and place them back on their heads. " Ash looked to Serena and Pikachu, and both nodded at him. "Amazing? It was phenominal! Serena is determined to do whatever it takes to get the Ash she admires, back. "How goes your Treasure Hunt? Figured out what you're hunting for yet?" "Of course, we have," Serena replies confidently, ready to share our progress with him. As she said this she made sure to look directly at Serena. " But he was unable to speak. He attempted to use his arms to stand only to feel a sharp pain in his left wrist causing him to fall back over. I know class is over, but I've got another lesson for you," Ash said as he started handing out the Pokéballs again, much to their confusion. Maybe he's poisoned by 3 years after a terrible accident left the world believing that Team Flare had finally been destroyed and that Pokémon trainers, Ash and Serena had died in the ensuing explosion. Clemont is not with the group as a few days ago, he got a ride in a helicopter to Lumiose City so that Clemont has some time to prepare and train for the battle with Ash. Ash and Serena are the new generation of Pokémon trainers. Ash and friends continue their travels to Lumiose City and the Grumpig and Spoinks are now friends As they share quiet moments and memories, Serena’s growing fame threatens to pull her away, and Ash wonders if he’s truly enough for the girl with stars in her eyes. "See!" says Ash as he brings out his Nidorino, "my Pokemon is hurt, and we need to leave this place to get help. Seven years after he became World Champion, Ash decides to ask Serena out and what follows is a beautiful love story. ' Chapter 14 – enter serena and fennekin "here you" Said Nurse joy handing ash a tray with his pokeballs and Pikachu on it. Serena heard that and blushed trying to figure out what she said. "Where is he?" Serena asked, worried. Oneshot. Ash was never one to really care for his own well being too much. A Team After a more brutal than expected attack by Team Rocket, Pikachu and Serena ended up separated from Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie. " "It's no big deal," Bonnie giggled, rolling her eyes. After the show Ash and Serena left with the rest of the people, once outside they heard someone calling them. Kalos Queen or not. Her kiss brought Ash life. "It still hurts!" Serena said. Ash looks at the Pokeball with a Serena thought she knew Ash well. As Ash's friends turn on him, he finds himself in despair until a compelling challenge arrives courtesy of the Pokemon League. After being injured by falling in a cave, Clemont befriends a Sheildon who helps him out of the cave. " When Ash slowly sit up, Lillie immediately gives him a kiss. "I have Serena then walked over to Ash who was now smiling. /Satoshi, Serena - Chapters: 6 - Words: 11,842 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 25 - Updated: 12/26/2023 - Published: 11/21/2023 - Status: Complete - id: 14300598 Serena was silent letting the three talk and Delia noticed her as the girl Ash befriended at Pokemon Camp a few years ago while Ash and Sora went to go get their bags. To Ash, he has a wife in Serena. Ash then began to speak with Serperior, "Hello, my name is Ash. Ash was a bit apart from them, almost staying outside the cave, but his friends insisted he witness the dance. "We've been great friends until Serena had to go back to Kalos. The woman seeing it smirked as she took it in. "Excuse me. An Amourshipping fanfic. 30 am, Serena was waiting for someone. "Oh Pancham, I'm so happy you're alright. "Me too. It was 11. Ash, Serena, and Bonnie are still on their way to Lumiose City. " Grace yells at the top of her voice. It was my fault. But only time will know what will happen. " She laid down a black pass with an R on it. "Woah what is that" Serena said walking over to it. With that, please enjoy and I do not own Pokémon. ' Anyway, this story is about Ash and Serena's journey through Kalos. Follow/Fav Ash and Serena to Alola: Sun and Moon journeys By: A dreamer named Seiji After the kalos league ash finds out about the alola region and sets out to travel there, but he's got a little company. "Serena, so sweet to see you. Ash and Serena pushed through wondering if it was indeed Aria. He turned back to Serena, whose eyes widened when she saw the flowers. (In the VIP Box) Everyone except Serena stands on their feet with their jaws dropped as they see Ash's Continental Crush attack is around twice as big as Gladion's Z Move After the Kalos League, Ash was given a kiss from Serena that changed his world forever. 4K 289 17. "Serena, Ash, wait"! They turned around to see a now disguised Aria running up Ash aspires to be a Pokemon Master, James ends up wanting to breed pokemon, and Serena is a girl without a dream. "Everyone listen up. Come on" Ash said as he led Serena out of the forest still holding hands. If you haven't already, go and read 'Longtime friends. About 10 minutes later, the person finally arrived and it wasn't Ash, her husband, but Drew, May's husband. After the two separates, Ash says, "You keep your promise, from 1000 years ago" "Yes. Maybe we can relax for a little while. He said to her "SERENA! It's great to see you again. "well buddy i guess its time to relive an old moment and run to the pokemon center" said Ash as he handed the pidgey to serena before picking her up again and running while pikachu used thunderbolt to keep the spearrow at bay. Serena had everything she had ever asked for, and it depressed her. Then she looked back up at him, and her smile was like sunshine. Their Moemon will be teasing them a lot until then, though. Serena started to rain punches down onto Misty, Big John standing by to see if he needed to step in and stop the Suddenly two workers tied Ash and Serena's hands with leather straps, the third worker pushed Ash's chair back so that it took a more recumbent position. Ash quickly ran and made its seat in front of Ash and Serena returned her Fennekin and with a hesitant nod from Serena Ash signaled Charlizard to fly to the Pokémon Center. " "Where could he have gotten lost to?" Serena replied doubtfully. " "WHY YOU LITTLE!" Marcus disgaurded his poke ball and ran to Ash to punch him. " Serena grabs and reaches forward to Ash's hands. Serena wakes up with a groan. Boy was girl super friendly and super strong. I promise It was a pretty good idea since Ash's birthday was three days away. " Chloe feels guilty and says, "I am sorry. All three were a few feet ahead of her, unaware that she had began falling behind. No-one else. She picked up the pokemon and stroked it gently behind its ears, "Ash will be alright" She recalled the first time she met him after he had lost his first gym after arriving in Kalos; she remembered how fired up he was, vowing to practice none stop until he wins his badge. I rated this M just to be safe with some moments that take place. "Serena!" Bonnie called out. The helicopter took off, and they were on their way to the Pokemon League. " Ash and Pikachu smiled at the lizard. Rotom Dex was waiting for them as well. "Welcome to our party, then. The same with Kairi. "Your pokemon have been restored to full health" After finished fighting off team rocket Ash and Cameron had thanked Trip and serperior for their help and run to the pokemon centre to have their injured pokemon healed. "Hang in there, Ash. Typhlosion turned to Ash. It will not change. It had been Professor Burnet's idea to give Serena a proper Alolan welcome, and that, of course, included a lei. "Okay, we'll give it a try. This is a sequel-story! That's just a heads-up. Author's Note: And after Ash, Serena catches her first Tandor Pokemon! One a little more exotic than Ash's regional bird. " says Serena as she give Grace a hug. "Serena! We're over here!" Ash cried out as he waved to Serena. trust me, be patient, Ash and Serena forever! Please Review! Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - [Ash K avoiding the injured area. "Of course he's here! He carried you himself. March 17, 2014 (9:00 AM) The group wakes up as Ash and Serena were the first to wake up and they went ahead to eat some breakfast first before the rest wakes up. Here she was, sitting on a picnic blanket by the sunset on the beach, watching schools of luvdisc jump out of the water in tandem with hordes of milotic, nestled in the arms of her longtime crush, Ash Ketchum, the boy who had just professed his Ash even more confused then before said"Serena how about we talk about this late-. Ash and Red felt a strange energy omitting from the stone. "Sure, Ash. Ash. "Good morning, Ashbut wait, you woke up before me?" Serena Rather, Ash always gives Serena support unconditionally, without any prompts. I'm getting worried" Ash told his friends as they sat in the Pokémon Center lobby. Fanfiction; Short Story; Teen Fiction; Historical Fiction; Paranormal; Editor's Picks; Humor; Horror; Contemporary Lit; Diverse Lit; Mystery; Thriller; Science Fiction; The Wattys; Ash×serena Stories . Her voice was sincere and honest. Slight shipping on the side. "Ash!" Clemont called out. The chair reclined, and his bare feet were on a special foot plate on which the letter, R'' was engraved. "Florges FanFiction | unleash attending to the many injured Trainers and Pokémon. Down on the field were a Charizard and a Swampert. "Does it hurt anywhere else as I'm touching you?" Serena asks as she continues to apply pressure to the boy's torso, avoiding the injured area. Misty shot for the takedown only to be stuffed by Serena, who then turned her over to get the full mount going. A long and passionate kiss. "Yes. " says Serena's mother, Grace when she sees Serena and Ash. It's been a lot of work. She put his cumming dick in her mouth, so she could taste his sweet cum. Ash completely shocked after the kiss had managed to say " Well I guess we do have something to talk about. Welcome to the Kanto Starter Trilogy where the three Kanto Starters join Ash and Serena on their Pokémon journey. After planting a kiss on Ash's photo, Serena slept while hugging it but what she didn't know was that her mother Grace had listened everything that she said. Ash and Serena turned 24 a while ago and it turns out that Serena and Ash's birthdays were a month a part, He smiled at the thought. " Both Ash and Serena were are ready and just need to wait. Reshiram took a running leap to get airborne. "Serena, thanks for standing up for me like that," Ash complemented. friend and love interest Serena joins him and the two finally embrace their true feelings. Ash now on his knees yells "Clemont, Bonnie, take Pikachu and run!" a fic where Ash is actually affected by his past; because I love that vibe; Light Angst; Hurt/Comfort; Summary. Serena noticed Winston standing next to a display case with a large sapphire stone inside. Chapter 19: A Performer's Alias! February 24, 2014 (Route 13) (12:00 PM). Sort by: Hot. Ash already covers his eyes from his cap. Kalos High (Book 1) by sugar x. Lost and in critical condition, the two try to reunite XY007 - When Ash and Serena first meet during the childhood flashback, Ash finds Serena injured. " Serena said holding Ash's hand. I expect too much from you and when I didn't get I couldn't control my emotions. After Ash and Serena's death, Arceus give the two of them another chance as they arrive in the Come on" Ash said as he led Serena out of the forest still holding hands. As Cilan started to patch the injured pokemon, Ash wanted to talk with it. You see, in this one-shot(I think that is what these are called), Ash and Serena were childhood friends, and Ash was always in love with her, even though back then, since he was a kid, he didn't know what the feeling was called. "I bet he got lost. Please review & tell me Serena peered down, Ash's pikachu stood before her, it's expression worried and concerned. 9K 135 6. " Ash says as he tosses the berries to Gladion who feeds them to his Lycanroc and takes him to the Pokemon health Center. Starry-Eyed at Café Ketchum is a story of rediscovery, unspoken dreams, and the gentle magic of a second chance. "OK" Ash said as the two made their way back home. "Oh my words, if it isn't Serena and you sure have grown into a beautiful girl" Delia said. Serena goes home to Kalos but Ash goes with her because of there friendship. This lines cause Serena to look at him. Right now, Ash, Serena, and all of the ladies returned to the Pokémon Center so that they could get their Pokémon back. She said "Hey buddy. Here's what happening: Team Rocket accidentally got Serena injured, and Ash kinda snaps. Both Serena and Ash was blushing red when she said that as she laugh just have a little fun. After Serena became Kalos queen, and Ash left for the Alola region, they haven't seen each other since they parted ways. Sorry if I didn't include Max and Bonnie in it. Ash is playing in Serena's house, Serena playing in Ash's house. This person must be someone special to her since she was wearing a beautiful dress. "Good morning, sleepyhead!" Ash greeted cheerfully. Serena's head was swirling with anxiety, and a bit of jealousy. FanFiction | unleash Ash Serena are one step away from realizing their dream. I didn't mean to make you cry. Everyone then leaves to heal up themselves and their pokemon. " She said as he returned her embrace. Serena taught Ash how to race with Rhyhorn by sitting ahead of him on the Rhyhorn and they both enjoyed such moments together. The evening at the Pokemon league where everyone is staying, while everyone is inside relaxing, Serena is out with her Pokemon coming up with strategies. Because that's what I love about you. These three will travel through the Kanto Region & Orange Archipelago where they battle trainers, befriend pokemon, meet new people, and have adventures. After saving him when he falls into the river, she manages to learn of his horrid upbringing Based off of Heracross0122 Journey of a Pokemon Master, Ash and Serena square off in an intense Pokemon battle putting their skills and relationship to the test. " What's the problem Serena? Why did you yelled at Bonnie " asked Ash . "Guys Serena's been gone a long time. Ash blinked at Serena for her It will be fine. Words in italics indicate Serena's inner thoughts. Amourshiping. For Serena had pressed her lips up against his and began a long kiss. Rated T for slight language. "Okaya little need to worry" Ash said holding his injured wrist. Ash and Serena spent time playing with the younger Pokémon to help them get their minds off of what happened. Serena ran over to him and hugged him. A writer shouldn't have a character make that claim without following up next time Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne meets at a summer camp where their lives change forever after meeting. Where ash and serena see a lot of ice and food plus a pokemon lying on the ice who doesn't look good. Will they make it successful? Read and "No need to worry" he said putting his hands beside himself. On one side sat Diantha, Malva, and Drasna. "It might be Aria" Serena told them. "Oh great. " "Are you two together?" Brock asked causing Ash & Serena to blush "Umm" Ash said sheepishly "Well" Serena said sheepishly Ash quickly tries to save her, but he also ends up falling with her. I wanted Ash to have a new look but I didn't want an emo and depressed Ash kind because let's be honest that is boring and really cliche. Ash and Serena spend the entire episode together if her crush is viewed as old news. Those who have played Uranium probably remember Maury (or not, he was a very minor character and his sidequest is very easy to miss), and while he was a jerk there, there he got hit with a dose of Adaptational Villainy. Ash and Serena are then alone down in the cliff. "Breakfast is ready" Serena called. The way she looked at Ash and how much she cheered for him as he battled against a Hi this is my first amour shipping fanfic just enjoy and I do not own Pokémon except the games and trading cards again enjoy the fanfic and if you want you can see me on my YouTube channel: drakeowner42. Serena was resting her head on Ash's shoulder, and was petting Pikachu's head as it lay in Ash's arm. Then the two have a personal conversation. Serena, Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie all looked at each other. A large number of chairs had been set Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne meets at a summer camp where their lives change forever after meeting. " "Ash gets lost everywhere," Bonnie said matter-of-factly The Clefairy look at him from their hiding places and look at him curiously. Lana told me how you were injured. Sawyer came up to Ash's side with his trusty little notebook in hand. (End of flashback) "I love you Ash, i'm glad we met again" Serena said. Serena's wings fluttered as she looked up at him, her voice gentle. Ash immediately thinks to tend to her knee, tells her "Never give up until the very end", "When Team Rocket took off with the Pokémon and Ash," she began. Serena agrees. So to get all the cum she deep-throated the dick. So you're attending a driving school in Hoenn. "He used the Y stone this time!" Shauna cheered. To Serena, she has a husband in Ash. Ash suddenly shouted. "That's great! Ash and Serena came together and had a long, passionate kiss together in front of everyone. "Ash looked like he was knocked out, perhaps when those claws pulled him in that oven. Greninja felt slight ache in its heart as it watched Serena get up;clearly exhausted from being worried for Ash. Sorry Ash"-apologize Serena without making eye contact. After the moment the two shared, a shout was heard by the group as the voice seems familiar to both Ash and Serena. Even as a froakie, it noticed that Serena had quite adored its trainer. Ash's limp form was placed in front of her. Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie were on their way to Ambrette town so Ash could have his next gym battle but things were looking glum for the four as they were caught in the middle of a horrible storm. When Ash sat, he leaves Serena who also sat behind Ash. " Serena nodded in agreement, hovering closer to him again. Traveling for almost a year had helped her understand Ash's tendencies and the way he handled things. Frankly, if it wasn't for Serena's caring After Team Rocket uses the legendary bird Zapdos to cause havoc, Ash suffers an major injury. "Hello, hello, Ash, Serena, Golly, Luke, Lucine, and Drandon!" Jacq greets us warmly, addressing us by our real names instead of our student names. Ash and Serena arrived at the beach, where the luau was taking place, not far from Hau'oli City. 6 on 6 battle" Ash says. I asked for your genuine feeling. As Serena yelled she caught attention of the two boys who were talking to each other. Along with her are Ashley and Jasmine as well also feeling a bit tired from running as they came with a warning. Serena held on to him, smiling while looking up into his eyes. Tierno said that they found the Pokemon but the machine is looking for Pikachu. " Chloe nods as she agrees to help out. How will he fight through this and will he be able to do it alone? Amourshipping. "Good night, Serena. Charmeleon smiled and moved closer. And what a party it was! Everyone had done their part. As if being Kalos Queen is not tiring enough now I am not even allowed to sleep late on a weekend. As friends, they were KFFs (Kanto Friends Forever). "Pikachu, I have a plan, let's try out the Iron Tail. 41. "W-Well, he had raven hair like Ash, a little messier, wears a long-sleeved jacket version of Ash's shirt, has a red cap, and a pair of sunglasses," explained Korrina, shocking Serena and Shauna. Ash has won his 8th badge and is ready to take on the League. "OW!" Both Ash and Serena felt the pain ending their cuddle together. Ash and Serena spend the entire episode Serena and Ash look sad but agree "Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. " After a series of incidents and confessions - Serena was the key in unlocking the secret bone between Ash and Greninja. 8K 993 20. But because of Ash's urgent message to Serena, It was finally time for the Exposition to begin, and as usual Serena and Ash had arrived at the venue early in the morning. Soon, Nurse Joy will make you feel better. After a few moments, she pulled away and looked at the heartbeat monitor, and to her amazement, it started back up again. The Kalos Trilogy is a bunch of original events that take place between Ash's battles with Olympia and Wulfric and after the Kalos League The Alola Trilogy is a re-write of SM with Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie going to Alola with Ash Love in the Time of Tomorrow takes place when Ash and Serena are adults Leaf noticed that Ash and Serena were both grimacing. Ash eventually smiled. Ash met up with his friends a minute later in the main lobby. Ash and Serena had walked down a bit, while Serena was keeping her distance, clearly not liking the fact that Ash was a part of a team. Both Ash and Serena fall on top of each other with Serena on top of Ash. I would argue Serena hasn't moved on from Ash, and the writers are subtly telling us that since their entire interaction was set up to avoid dealing with Serena's departing claim in XYZ. (it's my first time writing) Aura Ash, Psychic Ash smiled with pride as he watched Goh kiss Chloe while ignoring the pain coming from his injured foot; Pikachu stood beside Ash's foot with an expression of identical pride. During the battle, Ash gets seriously injured and falls unconscious in an attempt to protect Serena. Los obstáculos que impidieron su relación continúan existiendo y Serena se ve obligada a enfrentarse a sus sueños con su boda a tan solo unas semanas de suceder. Of course, they didn't admit it to each other. After five minutes of running Ash found an injured pidgey and picked it up. Hot New # 1. We are almost there. I said I won't leave you. Don't make me send Fletchling up. Serena came hard first and tried to throw a vicious right hook before Misty dodged it and landed a hard jab to the jaw. Chapter 1: The Date. " I say as one of the heads is getting hit, causing it to use Fury Attack, but it accidentally hit the other head as they start to fight, eventually, it gets tired and I use a chance to capture it. Then, Serena's hand roamed to Ash's massive erected 20 inch dick, were she jerked him off. Amourshipping With that Ash and Serena bid farewell to the Sensational Sisters and Misty. 6 Stories. 11. We're nearby Dedenne. Refine by tag: ash×serena. "Ash! Are you The two days Ash and Serena spent training for the Rhyhorn Race were pretty amazing for the two teenage travellers, both having lots of fun. "Charizard, use Air Slash!" The Flame Pokemon's wings glowed white as he launched a barrage of energy blades. " Professor Sycamore, Sophie, Ash, Serena, and the rest of their Pokémon pitched in too. " Bonnie dont talk me like that !!" Serena yelled while she became totally red after thought of being Ash's wife. It was just cruel," Serena told Ash. Ash finally had enough and said, "I can't forgive you". Man that must have hurt. " Ash explained "We were both sad that we had to go our separate ways, but before Serena left, our moms exchanged addresses, & Serena & I became pen pals. Walking down to where Ash and Sawyer were, Serena took a seat next to Ash as she watched the battle. " Ash said as he kisses Serena's hand. " This suddenly got on After the loss at the Kalos League, the betrayal from Ash's friends, and the Team Flare incident, Ash is unmotivated to do anything. hyofk jxtbyfg pokp bpbd ikgak mlspi ltyf gpw xsbn tagqt