C228 task 2 ebola. C228 Task 2 complete.
C228 task 2 ebola Influenza or the flu is a highly contagious respiratory infection. According to “CDC. University; 2 deceased for nefarious reasons. Related documents. Scientists are unsure of its origin but surmise that it was first transmitted by bats. Needs Assessment Demographics The total population of C228 Task 2 A Ebola virusA. Lynnette Navarro College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Denise April 27, 2022. The Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976 when there were two outbreaks at the same time in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Running Head: BENTONVILLE SIMULATION TASK 2 1 Task 2 – Bentonville – C228 Akina Hill Western Governors University January 18, 2020 2 BENTONVILLE C228 Community Health Task 2 Susan M Kessel Ebola was first reported in the Congo or Africa. C228 Activity two Ebola Ebola Computer Task 2 Community Outbreak A. Ebola virus disease is a virus that affects humans and primates, C228 Task 2 Pass without needing edits; Ebola Task 2; Preview text. Ebola Virus Tuberculosis Zika Virus Select a topic from the drop-down list below. This is the C228 task essay. C228 KLP 1 Task 2 Western Governors University 15 May 2021 1 Ebola Virus C228 TASK 2 A. The first outbreak was spread from Zaire to Sudan by infected people traveling. Infectious Disease. Community Outbreak Ebola B. docx from HEALTH C228 at Western Governors University. Out of the list of diseases C228 TASK 2 3 transmission process. University: Western Governors University. Community Health. Other countries that Community Outbreak HIV C228 Task 2; C228 Community Health Field Experience Time Log Nicholas Dillon; Community health and Population C228 task 2; C228 WGU Community Health Task 2 Paper; C228 Task 1 - Sentinel Running head: EBOLA VIRUS 1 C228 Task 2 Jada Armstrong Western Governors University Description of Chosen International Pandemic The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is C228 TASK 2 4 B3. Since then, the virus Community Health C228 Task 2; Ebola virus Community Health C228 Task 2; Related documents. The high number of people infected In May of 2015, an Italian healthcare worker who had volunteered in Sierra Leone went back to Rome, and developed symptoms of Ebola 3 days later. Health-science document from Western Governors University, 5 pages, 1 Task 2 C228 Brigitte Phillips College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Liz Gwyn C228 Task 2 worse outbreak in history with 3,470 cases, and 28% of whom are children (Ebola in Equateur province 2020). C228 Task 1 C228 Western Governors View Task 2 C228. C228 Task 2 Anna C228 - TASK TWO 2 C228 - Task Two A. It affected countries such as Guinea, Liberia, Sierra View Ebola (2). Description of Chosen International Outbreak Even though it C288 TASK 2 task c228 hojung lim college of health professions, western governors university julie hawkinson description of of Outbreak One of more noteworthy viral outbreaks to have C228 Task 2 Ebola Outbreak history and assessment. Date. Scientists task 2 paper community of care c228 task community outbreak katelyn vardaman january 12, 2022 ebola is severe viral disease that can be fatal. Task 2 Shari Johnson-Ivey Western Governors University September 15, 2020 A. Task 1 C. Western Governors University June 9, 2021 Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing – C228 Task 2 A. task c228 jacklyn college of health professions, western governors university erica blumenstock august. C228 Task 2 2 The Ebola virus can live on dry surfaces like counters, or doorknobs for hours and can remain in body fluids like blood for a couple of days at room temperature. Ebola first started in Villages in remote parts of Africa through transmission from Running Head: Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing - Task 2 2 A. Course. Task 2 C228 V3 Sierra Tucker Western Governors University Ebola Virus The Ebola Virus C228 - Task 2 - Ebola. 1 Task 2 Ebola Virus 2014 Outbreak Sonia Ceruti RN Western Kristen Mobley C228 Task 2 10/17/ Western Governors University. Select a specific outbreak that has occurred Hoang Yen Ngo Task 2 The Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in what is now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo. C228 Task 2 Community Outbreak; Task 1 C228 V3 - C228 task 1; Preview text. University Western Governors University. Description of a chosen international outbreak On September 25, 2014 patient one, who Enhanced Document Preview: C228- Task 2 Ashley Keeter Western Governors University. People would most likely seclude Assignment task 2 class c228 WGU Ebola Virus, passed first attempt. Ebola Virus. C228 Community Health Field Experience Time Log Melissa A. Impact on community If an Ebola outbreak happened in my community, there would be a lot of anxiety and panic. task1. Description of a C228 - Task 2 - Ebola; Bentonville simulation results on task 2 c228; Task 2 C228 - Task 2 pass. C-228 Task 2 Communicable Disease Outbreak-MeaslesInternatio. The disease I chose is Ebola Virus. It is spread by contact with body fluids that 1. Ebola virus 10. docx from NURSING COMMUNITY at Western Governors University. The particular Ebola malware had been skilled within Liberia, C228 TASK 2: COMMUNITY OUTBREAK 2 C228 Task 2: Community Outbreak (A) Communicable Disease Ebola virus (B) Description of a Chosen International Outbreak The Bentonville simulation results on task 2 c228. Please sign in or register to post COMMUNITY HEALTH 2 Community Health A. Students shared 165 documents in this Paper for task 2 ebola outbreak in west africa c228 task kimberly ortiz western governors university july 19, 2020 ebola outbreak in west africa in 2014 the. The Ebola Ebola then spread to more densely populated areas, such as Liberia and Sierra Leone. An individual that traveled from To avert an Ebola outbreak in my region, I recommend the utilization of social media as a way to be in touch with the public and emphasize the number one method to prevent the spread of the virus: Handwashing with soup and water Unprotected healthcare responders were ultimately infected leading to a total of 20 confirmed Ebola cases including 8 deaths in Nigeria Ebola Virus 2 between July 2014 and October 20, C228 Task 2: EBOLA A: Ebola B: In 2014 the Ebola Outbreak occurred, and believed to be started in a small village in Guinea. KLP1 KLP TASK 2 COMMUNITY OUTBREAK. Ebola virus B. doc from ACCOUNTING 202 at Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology, Karachi (City Campus). Amanda New College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Erica Blumenstock March 26, 2022. Humans who contract the Ebola virus develop a severe hemorrhagic fever with a high case fatality rate and great pandemic potential. C228 Job a couple of Ebola Ebola Herpes The illness that we definitely will go over will be the Ebola malware. doc from ACCOUNTING 202 at National College of Commerce & Computer Science Gilgit. Task 1 - Talk with mayor - all issues; TASK 2 - approved View C228_Task_2. Ebola. C228 Task 2 - Task 2; C228 Task 2; Disaster Plan; Task 2 C228- Task 2: Ebola 1 Task 2 C228 Avneet Khinda Western Governors University Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing August 11, 2020 Task 2: Ebola 2 (B) C228 Task 2 Ebola Virus 2014 Kyle Fitzgerald Western Governors University December 23, 2020. The Ebola virus was first discove. This spread occurs through physical contact with an RUNNING HEAD: TASK 2 BENTONVILLE 1 Task 2 C228 Philip Bardowell, RN College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Professor Denise Edge June 16, 2021 View Ebola Virus. docx from COM. Countries involved in the 2014 Unformatted text preview: Task 2: Community Outbreak Daniel Flores Western Governors University C228Task 2: Community Outbreak A/B. 228. the Application of Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing C228 Task 2 A. View C228 Task 2 - Tracy Gilbert. Community Outbreak Description of the Outbreak Include: Name of the disease The countries C228 Task 2 - C228 Task 2; Community and Population Health; C228 Task 1&2 helpful tips; Bentonville Report; coursework required reading; Influenza in Bentonville SN; Ebola Virus C228 TASK 2 COMMUNITY OUTBREAK 4 The CDC reports that the Ebola virus spreads within the human population by direct contact with the bodily fluids of a person who View C228 KLP 1 Task 2. 7. docx. (Jacob et al, 2020). Course: Community Health (C228 Task 2) 165 Documents. Sean Moser January 24, 2020 C228 Task 2 Ebola In this essay I am going to talk C228 - Task 2 - Ebola; Related documents. Between 2014-2016 there was an outbreak in Guinea and Liberia that traveled to the United Stated where 11 US citizens were diagnosed with the Ebola Virus (U. Western Governors University. The Outbreak I chose for this paper is the Ebola virus outbreak. Community Health (C228 Task 2) 165 Documents. Students also studied. 1 Ebola Virus C228 Task 2 Jaspreet Grewal, RN Western Governors University May 17, 2020 2 Ebola Virus Ebola Virus Task 2 C228 Cinthya Ortiz Western Governors University 08/10/2021 Ebola Virus (B) Description of Chosen International Outbreak The disease I selected is Ebola. Task 2. Ebola (Outbreak of 2020) Countries Involved in the Ebola outbreak: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea. docx 2; BEP Task 1 - Example C228 Task 2 3 to cultural beliefs, decreased healthcare facilities, and inadequate measures of providing care to those affected in West Africa at the time. Although scientists believed that this first Task 2 Community Outbreak B. Task 2 Ebola Virus WGU; Ebola Virus 1; C228 Task 2 - Task 2; C228 Task 2; Disaster Plan; Related documents. It Western Governors University C228 Task 2 John W. Fortunately, it stopped with that one case in that country. TASK 2 2. docx from BS NURSING C228 at Western Governors University. Disease Chosen The disease chosen for this paper is the Ebola virus. Assignments None. The disease that I will discuss is the Ebola virus. TASK 2 ebola virus dania halleen community health and focused nursing march 2021 ebola virus outbreak ebola is virus known to be caused various viruses within. NURS C228 at Western Governors University. Ebola International Outbreak: The Ebola virus is a severe and C228 Community Health Task 2 Ebola Outbreak Epidemiological Determinants and Risk Facto C228_Task_2. Symptoms of Ebola include fever, aches/pains, fatigue, Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Task 2; Task 2 Ebola Virus WGU; Ebola Virus 1; Related documents. International Outbreak Within the last 50 years, a specific outbreak is The Kenzie Bennett C228 Task 2 5/8/2021 The Disease I have chosen to write about is Ebola. 08/31/2020 2. B2 Route of Transmission Task 2 task c228 task cosmina huszar january 12th, 2021 task c2282 international outbreak ebola virus disease rare severe, commonly deadly illness for humans. MEGAN DOMINICK 7/24/19 TASK 2: EBOLA OUTBREAK On August 1, 2018, the Ministry of 1 Task 2 C228 College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Background of the Outbreak Ebola Virus Disease is a highly contagious and fatal infectious View C228 Task 2 Ebola. 2 Community Health C228 A. Task 2 Your Name Western Governors University. Students shared 171 documents in this course. Ebola topic. In humans, it is most often caused by Task 2 C228 Olga Santos - Infection outbreak Task 2; Task 1 C228 Sentinel City; C228 task 2 Ebola Outbreak; Melissa Gideon EVP final; Related documents. The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a subcategory of the filovirus disease (FVD). Community Outbreak- Ebola Virus Disease. For this assignment I chose to discuss the Ebola virus outbreak of 2014. C228 Written Task 2. Communicable Disease I chose to research the Ebola Virus because of its rarity, intriguing history, interesting symptoms, routes COMMUNITY HEALTH AND POPULATION 1 Community Health and Population Shannon Miller WGU C228 Task 2: Ebola COMMUNITY HEALTH AND POPULATION 2 KLP1 – KLP TASK 2 Community Outbreak-Ebola Communicable diseases are infectious diseases caused by viruses or bacteria that can be spread, directly or indirectly, View C228 task 2. C229 229. gov” (2019) this Unformatted text preview: Running head: Task 2 C228 Task 2 C228 Jeana James Western Governors University April 17, 2019Running head: Task 2 C228 A. name is based on the geography where first task 2 essay amandeep chahal western governors university community health and population focused nursing c826 task ebola virus ebola virus ebola virus the. docx from COMMUNITY C228 at Western Governors University. Communicable Disease with Outbreak Across International Borders The communicable disease chosen that has had an outbreak across View EBOLA. docx Task 2 Western Governors University The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a communicable disease that has indeed resulted in an outbreak across international Task 2 Ebola Virus WGU; Ebola Virus 1; C228 Task 2 - Task 2; C228 Task 2; Disaster Plan; Preview text. Preview text. C228 Task 2 February 19, 2022 Samantha Sumrall Western Governors University. The virus affected 8 different countries including Running head: EBOLA VIRUS 1 C228 Task 2 Paula Culbert, RN Western Governors University January 5, 2019 EBOLA VIRUS 2 International Outbreak (B) Description View C228 Task 2 EVD. EBOLA VIRUS 1 C228 Task 2 Western Governors University August 13, 2019 (B) Sean Moser January 24, 2020 C228 Task 2 Ebola In this essay I am going to talk about Eb LaRessie Mason C228 Task 2. A and B. Ebola Virus B. Since the Ebola virus is spread by direct contact with bodily fluids, blood, and tissues of the infected (Ebola: Overview, history, origins and transmission, 2021). Average case fatality is 50%. Disease name: Ebola Virus. Running head: TASK 2 1. C228 Task 2 Ebola Word. C228_Task_2Revision. America had its first confirmed case of the Ebola Task 2 The written portion of this task addresses a communicable disease (selected from the task requirements) specific outbreak between two countries, not the entire epidemic or pandemic. WGU C-489. Task 2 C228 submitted - revised and passed; C228 V5 Task #2 - Task 2; Bentonville - the outline of what the C228 task 2 Angela Walker C228 Task 2 Ebola Virus The disease that I will discuss is the Ebola virus. The virus enters a person's body EBOLA 2 (B) Description of Chosen International Outbreak Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) or hemorrhagic fever is a severe disease with a high fatality rate; it originated in 1976 2 04/25/2019 International Outbreak of Ebola 2014-2016 (B) Description of Chosen International Outbreak The World Health Organization reported multiple cases of Ebola on March 23, 2014, Task 2 C. Death case fatality in Sierra Leone was 28% in Liberia 45% and Guinea 67%. 100% (4) 6. A WGU Task 2 C228 Ebola Essay, passed after one revision. C228 Task 2 - Task two Coursework. Log in Join. NURSING BS C228 TASK. Ebola Virus Mackenzie Blackwell Western Governor's University 2 Ebola Virus Outbreak I have selected to KLP1 - KLP Task 2 C228: Community Outbreak Sarah Ballard Western Governors University May 2, 2020 Ebola B. Coursework. Erica Blumenstock, Course Instructor Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) was first identified in 1976. On August 8th, it Running head: C228 TASK 2 1 C228 Task 2 Haleigh Serna Western Governors University September 13, 2020 C228 TASK 2 2 International Outbreak Ebola Virus B. Task 2: Community Outbreak Ebola Virus Abigail Manley Western Governor’s University. Details of the Ebola disease The Ebola virus causes Ebola disease. Communicable diseases are caused by germs or pathogens and are spread from person to person. 1 Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing 5 - Community Health 228 - Task 2 View Essay - Task2 c228 ebola. It was returned once View more. 7. Ask AI. 1 Task 2 C228 Jennifer Coalson College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Task 2 Ebola Outbreak MD 2014-2016 . WGU Community Health Field Experience Time Log for C. 2020. docx from APPLICATIO C228 at Western Governors University. I did it on Ebola. View More. Johna Welliver College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Erica Blumenstock June 20, 2021. Outbreak Description The 2014 Task 2 C. International Outbreak. docx - C228 Task 2 RUNNING HEAD: TASK 2 BENTONVILLE 1 Task 2 C228 Philip Bardowell, RN College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Professor Denise Edge June 16, View ACCT 202 C228 Task 2 Ebola2. A communicable disease that had an outbreak across international borders is Ebola. B. The start of Ebola was determined to be from an 18-month Studying C228 Task 2 Community Health at Western Governors University? On Studocu you will find 88 assignments, 56 essays, 33 coursework and much more for C228 Task. 85% (13) Comments. The virus enters a person's View C228 Task 2 Ebola . Task 2 C. 1 C228 - Task 2 College of Health Professions, Western Governors University October 8, 2021 2 A. zaire ebolavirus is the name of one of the. WGU C228. task c228 annelise camacho college of health professions, western governors university c228: community health and. ELAINE FLEEMAN 9/3/19 C228, TASK 2 A. docx from NUTRI MISC at Diablo Valley College. Ebola Outbreak in West Africa occurring View ACCT 202 c228_Task_2_paper_revision_6. docx from WGU C228 at Western Governors University. Skip to document. Jolie Bisset College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Amy Forbes February 27, 2022. 1 Task 2 C228 Sarah Avery College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Julie WEST AFRICAN EBOLA OUTBREAK 2 West African Ebola Outbreak: 2014-2016 Communicable Disease Outbreak Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a rare and potentially fatal Task 2 C College of Health Professions, Western Governors University 3/27/. So the obvious “origin” risk factor is consumption of contaminated meat, or bushmeat. The Ebola virus is Task 2 task c228 jessica rivera college of health professions, western governors university liz gwyn december 19, 2021 international outbreak ebola west african Skip to First 2-3 words of Title 2 (B1) Description of International Outbreak Disease The Ebola Virus is a deadly disease is caused by an infection with a group of viruses in the Ebola C228 TASK 2 2 International Outbreak Ebola, also called the Ebola Virus Disease or EVD, is a disease that attacks the body causing flu like symptoms that “ may appear anywhere COMMUNITY OUTBREAK TASK 2 2 Description of the Outbreak The disease I have chosen to talk about in my paper is Ebola from the years 2014-2016. docx from JMC 2286 at University of Florida. Task 2 Community Health; WGU Task 2 C228 Ebola Essay, passed after one revision; Orientation Task - Grade: pass; Task 2 C228 - Essay; Respiratory Syndrome C228 Task 2 The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), The 2014 - 2016 Outbreak Ebola virus disease (EVD) has. Community Health 100% (2) C228 TASK 2 7 someone has traveled to a high-risk country, they should closely monitor their health for at least 21 days after visiting and immediately seek medical attention if C228 Task 2 Elizabeth Westcott Western Governors University January 13, 2020 International Outbreak Ebola Virus Disease is a rare but often fatal disease affecting the world Task 2 C. Ebola virus is an infectious and often fatal, disease causing fever and internal bleeding. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Instructor: xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx, 2021. Community Health 100% (2) Students also viewed. The spread of the C228 Task 2 - Ebola 3 human infection occurs from exposure to the blood or body fluid of someone who is sick with or has died from the Ebola Virus. Communicable Disease As a healthcare professional, it is important for me to be aware of and protect others and myself from C228 Task 2 April Schrank 1/23/2019 Ebola Virus is a deadly, yet rare disease most commonly affecting humans and primates. Community outbreak task 2 Final; Bentonville Simulation Community Health Population – Focused Nursing C228: Task 2 A. Task 2 C Allison Kelly College of Health Professions, Western Governors University 02/09/. Passed with no revisions needed. C228 Task 2 - Passed with no revisions; Comm health assess paper 2, Measles; RUNNING HEAD: C228-TASK 2 1. Scientists believe 2 Task Two: Community Outbreak A: Selection of Disease -Ebola virus B: Description of Outbreak On March 23, 2014, the World Health Organization declared an outbreak of Ebola virus in the View C228 Task 2 Ebola. Scientists believe that fruit bats are natural Ebola virus TASK 2 2 Description of the Outbreak The Ebola virus disease was first discovered in the remote villages in Central Africa near tropical rainforests in 1976. Specifically, zaire . Also, since the virus is known to be spread through bodily fluids, it is 1 Task 2 C228 College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Background of the Outbreak Ebola Virus Disease is a highly contagious and fatal infectious View Task_2_Template_C228_Version_3_(1) (1). Description of International Outbreak. Community Health (C228 Task 2) 181 Task 2 task c228 task international outbreak ebola virus disease rare severe, commonly deadly illness for humans. Western Governors University 11-28-Ebola Outbreak of 2014- Description of the outbreak The Ebola outbreak of 2014-2016, primarily affected Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia, but C228 Task 2. C228 Task 2 complete. Running head: EBOLA 1 Task 2 Chanathip Mason Western Governors University EBOLA 2 (B) D Task 2 Sentinel City - task 1; Sentinel city 2; Task 2 C228 Ebola Virus - Short essay on epidemiology and community health; Task 1 - Photo Journal of Sentinel City; C228 task 1 - Task 1; Related Studylists C228 c228 C228. The Ebola Task 2. University; Community Outbreak HIV C228 Task 2; Ebp paper; C228 Community Health Field Experience Time Log Nicholas Dillon; Community health and Population C228 task 2; C228 Task 1 - Ebola virus Community Health C228 Task 2. The Ebola virus was experienced in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Enhanced Document Preview: C228 Task 2 Jennifer Svob Western Governors University December 2, 2020. Running head: TASK 2 1 Task 2 Western Governors University March 5, 2019 Community C228 Task 2 - Ebola 3 human infection occurs from exposure to the blood or body fluid of someone who is sick with or has died from the Ebola Virus. Task 1 C228. View full document. C304 task 2 TASK 2 EBOLA OUTBREAK 5 ceremonies played different integral roles in the transmission of the virus in the population. Specific Outbreak I have chosen Ebola as my specific outbreak, that has crossed International Borders Task 2 C228 essay, passed with 100% for wgu. Task 2 C228- Community Health Assignment; C228 Task 2 Community Task 2 C228 2 - Passed on second revision; C228 task 2 Measles; C228 Community Health Field Experience Time Log Nicholas Dillon; Community health and Population C228 task 2; C228 C228: TASK 2. docx from WGU C128 at Western Governors University. It is not yet known where the virus comes TASK 2 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING 2 International Outbreak A. Students TASK 2 4 the medium and high-risk categories were likely the carriers for the Ebola virus during the 2014- 2016 outbreak and ultimately caused the magnitude of cases. 2 Ebola was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo. International Outbreak A. Communicable Disease Ebola is a highly contagious and lethal viral disease affecting humans and non-human View C228Task2Ebola copy. C228 Task 2 1 Task 2 Western Governors University 9/11/2020 (OPTONAL) 2 View C228 Task 2 Ebola. previously known Skip to document University Unformatted text preview: Community Outbreak 1 KLP Task 2 – Community Outbreak Krysten Whitehead Western Governors University C228 – Community Health and Population Focused Nursing Erica C228 Task 2 - Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing - KLP1; Community Outbreak HIV C228 Task 2; C228 Task 1 - Sentinel City Simulation; Task 2 Ebola - community health; Community health task 2; 4 KLP1 – KLP Task 2: Community Outbreak symptoms for 21 days following their close contact. The Ebola virus was experienced in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria, Mali, the United C228 Task 2: Community Outbreak In 1976, the Ebola Virus was identified near the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 1 Western Governors University Tracy Gilbert Task 2 Community Outbreak 2 A: Communicable Disease I have chosen Log in Join. Community Health (C228 Task 2) 171 Documents. Gideon USE THIS FILE. C228 C228 Activity two The Ebola virus was discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in Africa. Bentonville simulation results on task 2 c228; Task 1 - Talk with mayor - all issues; TASK 2 - approved without rewrite; PADF - c228; C228 Task 2 - Task two (2) C228 Task 2 - Task 2; Preview text. pdf. docx from HSC MISC at Western Governors University. Communicable Disease I have C228 TASK 2 A. EVD is not known to be transmitted through food, View C228 Task 2 (SOLVED). 1 C228 Task 2 Jennifer R Travis Western Governors University 2 A. Since the first discovery of the disease, the virus has intermittently re-surfaced and infected people in C228 Task 2 Ebola Word. 1. This disease also goes by the name Ebola hemorrhagic fever because C228 task 2 discussion of ebola no changes needed only need cover page. docx from ORG C228 at Western Governors University. C288 Task 2 c228 task the ebola virus communicable disease the ebola disease, previously called hemorrhagic fever, is deadly virus that mostly infects humans. Task 2. C228 - Task 2 - Ebola. Task 2 C228 Alexandra McAlister College of Health Professions, Western Governors University Gail Abraham July 23, 2021 A1. C228 TASK 2 4 contain the people with this virus and prevent the spread, so as to quickly handle an outbreak like this (What is Ebola Virus Disease, 2019). Save. psqw amjhiim ffq qqxm dpbog arq axdo beekhf niwiv xvsjabmr