6d power scaling. This would put him at low complex multiversal.

6d power scaling Reply Same thing with Low-Complex, but youre destroying 6D. CaveGamer360 DC Caps At 6D 38 points 39 points 40 points 1 year ago . I wanted to make a series of videos so people that are either new to power scaling, trying to get their friends into power scaling, and those seeking an in-d Official Powerscale reference guide v2. Characters or objects that demonstrate an infinite amount of energy on a 3-D scale, such as creating or destroying infinite mass, or those who can affect an infinite 3-D space. We use this to interpret how strong, durable a character and also how much energy they put into their attacks. Thanks a lot. He’s multi all the way to 6d with Nirvana so honestly depends where you scale his nirvana he has 5d feats 4d feats 6d feats he has all type of feats so honestly Mori is a The real argument to get to complex multi is if you consider maginary world as 6D already and THEN the chaos force as 7D, but that would mean taking the term "extradimensional" at face value and assuming 6D without qualitative superiority, which is why I don't think even Death Battle scaled Archie that high in their video. That's Goku and Beerus. Instead what character in fiction would be hit the hardest by something like "Scar Dead", the ability to Hey guys I’m new to this subreddit so please excuse me if I make any mistakes but anyways. This would apply with 5th and 6th dimensional beings but they have attributes that When ranking the strength of characters the natural thing to go by first is physics. All the arguments for it essentially amount to not really understanding how fiction works, and treating any power someone has like it is the equivalent of direct attack power. -Power of Stars allows for the existence of parallel dimensions, it could also create eggman land that transcends dimensions (in context of universes) Sonic himself should scale to 6D and 7D with highball (8D with extreme highball,almost wank but i prefer 6d tbh) for scaling above The End and Solaris who are above 5D multiverse/cosmology Actually he can scale way higher if you use other sources but only going by the Daizenshuu and other official stuff he gets to 5D in base and 6D in Mui. I recomend atari, his scaling is really good Reply reply For every somewhat popular character there seems to exist at least 1 character profile in one of the fandom wikis - which finds a plausible argumentation for scaling her (or him) to Outer 1-A. For example 'Superman's great punch had the power to destroy a galaxy' that would make Superman Once, a human named Satoru Mikami, in his thirty-seventh year of life, experienced a boring life. Having the ability to affect a small 4d space doesn't mean you can destroy, create or reshape a Wish power/Resurrection- Silver says this about emeralds. . discord. Thor vindicates Kratos's placement in any scaling to such a degree, there's nothing to argue against on that one. For a while, I've seen a trend of anti-VSBW A: Whether higher-dimensional entities qualify for such high tiers or not depends on several different factors, which may take root both in and out-of-verse. called Goji-Chronic on YouTube somehow got those 2 incarnations of Godzilla to universal to 4D for Showa Godzilla to 6D for Heisei. This hierarchical system is designed to classify fictional characters within various conceptual frameworks, providing a flexible alternative to other wikis that often limit Sigh. Reactions: OverlordDonnelly. What are some basic power scaling concepts/common sense that many people don’t understand in this sub that piss you off upvotes there's nothing to debunk here , the 1-S scale for silver sea in only though CSAP standard which is used for wank purpose only good at least you are aware that you wank on purpose as for VSBW scale 8D was the highest end possible ,cause the 99 layer were 99 layer into 6D in VSBW before and there was no scale for abyss and silver sea Each plain of existence is described as a "Higher Dimension" with things like Heaven and Beyond being seen as Outer Dimensional Bowls or Bubbles that are transcendent to the previous in levels of dimensionality, even being spaces of the Dragon ball Cosmos that "Cannot be percieved by the Human mind", the Heavenly Realm, or the Cosmos, in DB are The entire point of power scaling is to be able to quantify each part of a series to a standardized system such as vsbw. Now, through the King Kai scan, it's stated that the Kaioshin Realm is at least 2 dimensions above Heaven, placing it at 6D. So his powers will be of a very different nature than his Avatar's, but still, his Avatar's powers and all existence will be a part of it, just on a lower level His plates Power Null + Invulnerability will scale to his creation Character Tiering This system is based on the principle that according to infinity in protective geometry, each higher spatial (or added temporal) dimension is an infinite number of times greater than the preceding number. MUI Goku being 5D is reasonable, and since UE Vegeta was near the same power level when they both got one-shot (they were probably around Base Multiversal), this puts Black Frieza relatively higher. The logic behind powerscaling works much like that of transitive relation: if A > B and B > C, then A > C. pngIt's time. Because literally being 5-dimensional means you can do stuff like effortlessly I have little respect for power scaling but almost none for dimensional scaling. However, it took a sudden and dramatic turn when he was stabbed, leading to a rapid transformation, turning into a slime in a few moments, and exploring a cave he would meet the "Storm Dragon" and at which time "Veldora" would give the title of "Rimuru Tempest" to And from a Christian Perspective , when Jesus returns he will destroy the remaining Powers (the gods) and Lucifer. In addition, according to Brane Cosmology Finally, we talk about what is probably one of the most contentious topics in power scaling, Dimensional Tiering. More posts you may like r/dragonball. Soul Society and The World of the Living both have stars in the night sky to support their size claims, SS has Muken’s infinite size, TWotL has numerous galaxies and other celestial bodies shown, but Hueco Mundo just has statements the armor is just using the monster's powers so the original monsters scale . The only good powerscaling is low scale. 8D is the slight high-ball. In a way, yes, though not how most would think when using this word. Several universal sized realms with separate time axes etc. Daizenshuu is probably the most canon guidebook for dragon ball. This is why dragon Ball fans get dogged on. As such, if Character A is more powerful than Character B and Character B is more powerful than Character C, then logically, Character A is more powerful than Character While Goku stands as a universal symbol of power scaling, Madoka's conceptual abilities present a fascinating challenger. Ranging anywhere from 6D all the way to 10D and higher depending on how you interpret the Time Crystals, Beat's World, Charisma World, and all Have you ever wanted Power scaling explained to you? Maybe you just need the power scaling tiers explained, or want some insight into some of the more confus You can at bare minimum get him to 6D from what I've seen and heard. I ve just said 6d because it s not extremely contreversial scaling Reply reply ThisIsMyPassword100 • 7D is a commonly accepted argument, but only Infinite Zamasu, Zeno(s), and Super Shenron scale there. Elise used chaos emeralds to bring back Sonic to life (Im not showing that cutscene💀) Sonic himself should scale to 6D and 7D with highball (8D with extreme highball,almost wank but i prefer 6d tbh) for scaling above The End and Solaris who are above 5D multiverse/cosmology, with (My personal opinion) Doom is a power fantasy game, expecting them to show a complex scientific theory is a bit too much imo, it's like expecting God of war to show an accurate representation of Greek/Norse mythologyes. Shadyboi0. A statement about the series by the author whether inside or outside the story saying they’re 6d, 7d, etc. gg/dbz Basically he has 6D powers just not capable of blowing It all to smithereens like kid buu or omega shenron with his negative energy affected every plane. Conclusion : The Macrocosm is 7D The last seven floors of the sky scraper is 4d and Odin said that their power was used for merging the realms. The former doesn't have authority over the latter, and none of these things suggest kratos as an entity is physically higher DBS Anime Goku: 5D/Multiverse Level, MFTL+ (canon stats), and infinite speed or potentially higher if using non-canon guidebooks like the Daizenshuu. galaxy level refers to characters who can destroy an entire galaxy at once). (or better). Imma just copy-paste this: At most you could scale Ea to the Noble Phantasm of Romulus-Quirinus, who is a Heroic Spirit/Divine Spirit who remained as a human even as he became an ultimate god. Well Goku can still use God Energy Ki and Spirit Energy. One of the most contentious points in the community centers around Goku's dimensional scaling. I don't have a disc server for power scaling, but I do have a disc acc So in short: Otherworld is 4D-5D, Kaioshin Realm is 6D-7D Actual Scaling. Reply reply Power Scaling becomes more absurd the higher you scale. Reply reply JustMax04 • It's difficult to scale, since you say composite probably he scales way higher. This argument works if someone said Goku is a 4-6D being in terms of Dimensional existence, but if they’re scaling his power there this doesn’t matter Reply reply Hes low complex mutliversal going by feats and scaling from the manga hes 6D Reply reply A 3D being has a 3d existence, a 4d being 4d existence etc. The thing is that DB power scaling and the Scaling Nah I'm a Godzilla fan but some yall wanking them like universal to 4th 5th 6th dimensional. g. People on YouTube unironically think base Goku is outer to high outerversal, some even beyond Reply reply We use the same scaling system as vs battles wiki but we do not use them lowball the the series we scale. 3,972. 大模型的Scaling Law是 OpenAI 在2020年提出的概念[1],具体如下:. This is blatantly wrong, as energy, too is mass, is a scalar value. ) DBS Manga Goku: 5D/Multiverse Level, MFTL+. Me and Krimzon talked about this already and the power scaling community isn't ready for Ichigo having a good chance at slamming Goku. Some argue he reaches 5D or even 6D levels, pointing to his ability to shake the macrocosm and affect higher dimensional The following is a comprehensive overview of the hierarchical system which this wiki utilizes in order to properly categorize and index fictional characters, entities, and objects based on the scale of their feats, and the varying scopes which they can affect or create/destroy. Powerscaling refers to determining a character's power by comparing them to other characters in their series. and both the Supreme Kai and Whis stated that it has enough power to Usagi: complex multiversal to outerversal due to their full power being stated to be able to destroy the galaxy cauldron which contains a realm above the concept of distance and direction Gojo: no thx not gonna get into this one Doomslayer: low outerversal to high outerversal cuz of a well made scale i found on a discord server. In the ending of Doom 64, he entered Hell and closed the gateway to the living world in hopes the It shouldn't be a real conversation people actually have where they insist to that base Mario is Galaxy level. There's no good hyper scaling in the verse right now, and the only outer character would be God Veldanava if you believe he created the concept of space for the verse. Helios is capable of destroying everything and Kratos scales largely above Helios Final scale for Greece (until PoH) 5D, Low-1C Sinbad is around 6d when the manga ends but he's blessed by the whole palace and god hierarchy which is high hyper due to it being a r>f hierarchy going on ad infinitum. mftl = 100× - 1000× ftl. Safest scale is the complex multi scale, multi+ is downplaying quite hard since those characters are at the very least 6D. And yt, I thought the 6D 7D scales were bad, but at least they had logic behind them. So overall i rate it a 7/10 Perfect animation, but horrible scaling. Anything past The problem with how you scale things is that, just because Jiren is stronger than Zamasu, doesn't mean Jiren could've killed Zamasu when he became the entire universe and timeline. upvotes Wait, doesn’t current Goku scale above Zamasu since Jiren was said to be stronger than any other villain? But he scales to like 6D. See the the thing is even if you scale archie verse to complex multiversal even though he is low complex multiversal dbh characters are already high complex multiversal you didn't even give the heroes side on scaling while logically you can scale archie 6d-7d heroes is generally scaled at 8d-10d while the cosmology goes even higher and the low and high sub tiers matters as complex Beyond God (6D) First thing's first, The Heart predates the power system, as well as the plates Arceus uses. (Yhwach was stated verbatim to be able to destroy it and he is relative to Ichigo and Aizen,giving them the 6D scaling),Zaraki has been showed to be able to cut through the Walls of I'd say Mid-High Multiversal. Hyperversal is high-1-B in terms of tier name, its transcending an infinite amount of dimensions and being qualitatively higher, these "dimensions" are also not in the same context as "the nether in Minecraft" that's a "different dimension" the dimension needed for this is the spacial dinension, like length, width, height, and MORE, your friend Where does Piccolo Scale? Dragon Ball Z/GT/Super/Heroes which would make him around multiversal in destructive power and many many MANY times faster than light immeasurable speed, (thanks for the correction). And 7D is the average. However, it should always be kept in mind that, although Destructive Capacity and Area of Effect are some {{Characters|power_level = High Outerversal Level |speed = Immeasurable speed |durability = Outerversal Level Goku is the strongest mortal warrior in Universe 7 and one of the most powerful characters in the franchise, able to compete against seemingly any opponent. After over a decade of waiting, it is time to Davoth Atleast transcends hell the same way hell transcend all other things because hell is just a mere extension of Davoths power and this is high outer in CSPW standards That’s not high outerversal to be high outerversal you need to be infinitely conceptually above an outerversal level. According to dimensional tiering, a 4-D being would have an infinitely higher form of energy, and that there is "3-D" energy which we use. Now the Neutral Zone scales at least 1-2 dimensions above the highest dimension in the macrocosm, due to However this feat should also give goku infinite speed as in a few seconds goku's energy is travelling far enough to effect the entire dragon ball macrocosm and as said by vegeta speed and power are relative. He fused with the entire timeline, which has a higher time dimension than the rest of the Macrocasm (including the 5D Otherworld). With lore he can still be argued as 6D Strange Fake: Makes 6D-7D scaling way more solid for base Gilgamesh. FGO: Doest change much Extella games: They dont add much Samurai Remnant: Havent played PROBLEMS AND INCONSISTENCIES IN HIS SCALING. Scaling above Senjumaru, who shook these realms with the power of her Bankai. We use feats and apply them with the scaling system. Garganta and Dangai being 5D. Different between them and how strong those character are comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment AutoModerator • Additional comment actions. Then compare all series through where they measure on that system? 6D etc. This was mostly an overly loud minority, but more people are starting to buy into this nonsense, especially after Vs Wiki's illogical downplay to DC (albeit they put the cosmology at Hyperversal). I Did Read The Scale Once When I Got Into Power Scaling A Year Ago But Thats The Last I Did Read It, Other Then Coming Back To Get It For Scans When I Started Debating. Personally though, i think Orange Piccolo should be on par with at least SSJ blue kaioken and SSJ blue evolution, as he one shotted If you just exist in higher dimensional that doesn’t scale you to that space. 6D at a definitive highball/wank. upvotes Hes some scale of 5d. Now the Cosmology can reach between 5-8D due to the dimensional scaling of the Kaioshin Realm and the Neutral Zone. Where would you scale the destruction of Infinite Multiverses each containing infinite universes. Muken is confirmed infinite several times, scaling it below high uni literally just isn't possible via tiering system. The Schwarzwelt alone has at least 8 planes of spacetime (starting from Sector Antlia, which, assuming it's a 3d area, would put the entire strufture at 10d), the Expanse exists beyond time and space as concepts, and above it there's YHVH's universe which itself has several layers, then another plane of existance above it Lucifer ascended to in SMTV, then the 10. extra-dimensional means beyond the usual space-time, which means its spatial dimensions are beyond our regular 3spatial and 1temporal dimensions, meaning the otherworld is 5D bare minimum. And/or the 6D Macrocosm. 14. Hot take: Wall level characters scaling is peak powerscaling discussion. and there is High Hyperversal:''Characters or objects that can universally affect, It is a shot that makes rocks shake with 以上这些问题都可以基于Scaling Law的理论进行回答。本文是阅读了一系列 Scaling Law的文章后的整理和思考,包括Scaling Law的概念和推导以及反Scaling Law的场景,不当之处,欢迎指正。 核心结论. 0 *UPDATED*https://theredheadhenry. If Perpetua is 6D in the DC universe and the Living Tribunal is 16D in Marvel Universe, does that mean the Marvel Universe net power is way beyond DC? Comics What y'all think Since Medaka Box's powerset kinda ruins scaling as a concept. Hyperversal is the same, but you're destroying 12D and up. So I Kinda Dont Count It In. ftl = 1× - 10× ftl. In Battle of Gods, Goku threatened to destroy the DB Macrocosm (6D-7D) Vegeta, Frieza, krillin and others have matched Goku in power In the Dragon Ball Super Broly movie novelization, Generally Power comes from energy. La lógica detrás de la escala de poder funciona en gran medida la de la relación transitiva. A is stronger than B, therefore, A is hyperversal 6D character, that gets hurt by ice, and killed by a pistol lasers. sanicspood. Or Use God Ki and God Bind to seal his movements. The volume might have a 4-D, 5-D, 6-D, or infinity-D hypervolume, but the mass Even if you want to say that the place is 5D, that doesn't stop characters from there from having power that is 6D, 7D, 63892746D, etc. Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size . This extends to an infinite number of finite or infinite-sized 3-D universes or pocket dimensions when not accounting for any higher dimen TLDR, all multiverse (barring some series fictional pocket dimension) sourced from a single singularity point. But your power doesn't necessarily coordinate to you dimensional level of existence You can be a 3d being with 4D or 5D power. However, if you were to Interpret All the Extradimensional statements as each one being 1D higher than the last; Aka, Higher Dimensionsal Elysium > Higher Dimensionsal Hyperdimension > Higher Dimensionsal 8th Prison > Higher Dimensionsal 6th Prison > Infinite Multiverses. I personally think he is 6D. Where we answer questions like, What are Di Example: Character A destroys a continent, meaning it would be Continental, then charcater B defeats character A, even if charcater B haven't destroy a continent, it would scale to continental as well. Dragon Ball cosmology scaling is really weird since it's mostly based on the writer and screen This also lines up with the scaling of Goku, being that Goku caps out to about 5-6D. This is a power or ability of hell, over which it has absolute control. Universe 7 is 6D because it transcends the macrocosm a 5D structure, the macrocosm is 5D because it has realms like heaven in it which are infinite 4D. Pretty sure he should scale higher then higher then 8 due to scaling to Buuhan and kid buu, who both threatened the destruction of the Macrocosm. Zencha9 They/Them 4,234. But resonable power-scaling as a whole only exists because of these guidelines. Ki outright negates hax not suprisinh It can go further. 1,731. Power Scaling in The highest plane in DC is literally the “6th Dimension” so there it is, DC Caps at 6D Goku negs that fraud Superman Also Aizen negs Comp DC and fiction Confirmed by Wisetitle 🥶 Completely nonsatire fr The arguments you challenged was that tiamat was goetia equal in power not in hax. And Goku would still speed gap. And 7D feat in goku black arc. You are conflating made up internet power scaling rules with the actual cosmology of the story in question. Goku could destroy a destroy Universe 7 a 6D structure and is stronger then Zamasu in base. The Temporal/Living Realm is transcended by Heaven, which would make heaven 6D The Macrocosm is described as “a sky so big that heaven vanishes” Which means it’s infinitely larger than a 6D construct, which it contains, also know as 7D. I was reading some comments a few days ago that say Goku is 6d and rimuru is 11d with a certain hax. 3,122. The Crucible is stated to "corrupt all of reality" (6D-8D) Doom-Guy scaling. There are other tier systems (the most notable of which being VSBW and PSW), but that's what this sub uses. In the OPM subreddit we have the rule not to power scale him, at all, because it's pointless and he doesn't make any sense at all. Since this vid has all the arguments form the person who started this debunk, that is essentially what I'll be debunking. With the lore, yes, he's multiversal. Or a bunch of dimensional stacking though that’s usually incredibly faulty and hard to gauge. So 5D it is for now. Use a massive Spirit Ball to just erase Gojo. This was mostly an overly loud minority, but more people are starting to buy into this nonsense, especially after Vs Wiki's So destroying the universe in the 4th dimension is like distorting all history from existence. Xon__ 114. A lithium ion battery may have the same energy as a grenade, but a grenade can release all of that at once. Obviously, it is more complex than that, but for verses that have simple power growth it's the Best way to start scaling El Powerscaling (También llamado Escala de Poderes) es el método para determinar el poder de un personaje comparándolo con otros personajes de su serie. Basically, an arbitrary object of dimension n is essentially I am well aware. 6d SMT is a lowball. AP? Without ignoring canon, 5D is his minimum scale, 6D being the middle scale, and with an unreliable statement regarding infinite Zamasu, you can highball him to 7D. Scaling to Yhwach, who is capable of upholding, destroying and merging the realms. 5D, 6D You get to 5D by scaling the Divinity Machine and Hell. Jun 2, 2021 #14 OverlordDonnelly said: The reason I felt like it was worth bringing it up (especially in Joey/Red-Eyes' case), was because for all intents and purposes, Joey was essentially one move away Oh then Low Complex 5D, possibly 6D. So not only are they his creations, he canonically can Solo the rest of the pantheons. The U7 Macrocosm is 5D thanks to the Otherworld being a higher dimension and Goku and Beerus were about to destroy U7 At the start of episode 13, the narrator stated that the clash between SSG Goku's Kamehameha and Beerus' Cataclysmic Orb, was about to destroy the entire Universe. About The Scale It Didn't Properly Scale The Cosmology And Sort Of Assumed Uni 7 = Our Universe. High 3-A "High Universe Level": Beings who demonstrate an infinite amount of energy on a 3-D scale, or those who can affect an infinite 3-D area or an infinite number of finite or infinite universes when not accounting for any higher dimensions or time, or more generally any realm of comparable size. Sep 19, 2021 #3 6d . This would put him at low complex multiversal. A subreddit for the entire Dragon Ball franchise. There's nothing to indicate the 6th dimension is the 6th dimension of a dimensional stacking 6D, but the outer scale has some weight to it IMO Reply reply Like that's why power levels and scaling is bullshit. On normal terms cell couldn’t touch him until goku took him there. Sep 19, 2021 #2 5D like the profile lol . Join the discord! Ninja-Yatsu Low Level Scaler • At Midball, 6D because of the Hyperdimension and 7D because of Elysium. Character A has a FTL Speed Feat, and Character B outpaces or Speed-Blitzes Character A, then it is safe to asses that Character B has FTL Speed as well. Dimensional Hence we use them as levels of power in our tiering system. Racoon stated that it requires 4d logic to travel there. Characters can have AP/DC that surpasses their own There's a difference between how potential energy and kinetic energy works across dimensions, which each additional dimension, adds a layer of complexity to the potential energy function to accommodate the additional degree of Passing through the Subspace, Reed notes that this cosmological realm has the ability to alter the dimensionality of what is contained within it. Also the shockwaves getting stronger doesn't mean the energy didn't come from Goku and Beerus. What It's kilograms and has no direction, and has no length like area or volume. Possibly 6D with super-dimension feats from DBS Broly, and the highest you can get him is 7D (I have him at 5D currently though. 6D gets argued because it presupposes the 6th dimension to be 6th dimensional in dimensional tiering instead of what a 6th dimension within a series of dimensions are located in the cosmology. Another thing this Goku could be replaced with buu saga goku. In that video, above 6th dimension consisted multiple singularity points. Because that's not what the character is designed to be. Hyperversal includes 12D, 13D, 38291948D, any number that's not Infinite. I don't really do scaling mostly cause I don't fully get it but from my understanding multi+ for super should be correct for he's max. I think thats how he beat david despite david always being in a higher layer even when he shifted the hierarchy. ftl+ = 10× - 100× ftl. The meaning of tiers from 10-C to 3-A are pretty obvious (e. They're 3d beings but their power is atleast 4D, you can argue they're 5d in power too though. Low complex = Low complex multiverse being a low complex being is a 6D feat and you need 6D feats to be low complex ftl means faster than light and mftl+ means massively faster than light. I might make a scale of my own that should try to debunk 7 - 8D Timelines. Someone had said that Goku is scaled outer and above but since I personally have not watched/read DB, I’m unsure as to where Goku stands. Sep 24, 2021; Thread starter #4 Shadyboi0 said: 5D like the profile lol Goku is way higher than 7D he's able to destroy an Infinite amount of 6D+ Timelines, including Fused Zamasu who merged with these timelines d method of power scaling works only roughly to show the differences between and yes, Kratos does scale to this: scan (3:50 and 4:22) Chaos was the void before anything: scan. This is why everyone is OuTeRvErSaL but would actually still get stomped by 5D, possibly 6D with immesurable speed and basically every hax in the verse. I guess another form of power Goku has is the ability to just Use instant transmission and teleport Gojo to the moon, outer space, a different planet in which Gojo would just suffocate and die. There are many ways to scale characters, but the way I see it, anything above multiversal is especially inconsistent in Daizenshuu 7: Item Dictionary the otherworld was stated to be extra-dimensional. Let’s say you have a 6D object, it doesn’t scale anywhere unless you can prove that Those 3 extra dimensions are large and not small It extends infinitely along all 6 axes Dimensions only scale above high Uni if they’re infinite. Many worlds interpretation is most likely present in the Doom multiverse as doomguy himself Is from a different earth/universe. Especially for the neutral space or the dimension of swirling lights. Low complex multi (5D) at a midball/highball. I'd say Sups and Goku are Equal since i think Superman at best is high 6D or low 7D, the same way i scale Goku. Leonne_Golden_Witch • Power Scaling becomes more absurd the higher you scale. If you go by the statements by the screenwriter you get him to 10D base. Note that while we use dimensions as the main measuring stick, we don’t ignore superior power of other nature. I still place the Macrocosm at about Low Multiversal since I still don’t really buy the higher dimensional scaling considering the amount of inconsistencies with that. Can anyone give me a definitive answer as to where Goku stands in terms of scaling. If Goku could confidently say that at full power, he could destroy Infinity Zamasu, then Zamasu could only scale to 1 dimension below Goku. Ask me why But shaking 6d infinite plane wouldn t that make him only 6d + Nah I think it would scale higher if you shake multiple of them Where the scan that proove each plane of reality trascend each other I got 2 scans of the Daizenshuu and since im Planetary energy on an infinite universal scale is low Uni level. If a power has the necessary qualitative superiority over a The problem dimensional scaling is assuming a character has a certain level of ap based only on how many dimensions they possess rather than actual feats, For example, assuming that a For almost a year now there's been people "debunking" DC to 6D. - VS Battles Wiki on Power Scaling Welcome to the Power Scaling Wiki’s Tiering System page. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies. If we accept the Dangai being 5D then the neutral zone is 5D and the Timeline is 6D if not higher depending if you buy into 5D afterlife. This feat alone would scale him much higher Goku would have a 6D feat in BoG according to this. mftl+ = more than 1000× ftl. The Praetor Armor absorbs Argent Energy for power (4D) Doom-Guy caused the destabilization of Urdak (4D-6D) Doom-Guy tanked the collapse of Urdak and Hell (5D-7D) Can someone explain 4d,5d and 6d . 3,430. Within this Wiki, you can check out this page for a bit longer explanation with easy to understand examples. ” they never take into account what it really means in the story. So it depends on really what you want to include in scaling, like do you include the Baal scaling? and the other Princes? ect. To explain this situation, we must first clarify what exactly being higher-dimensional entails. Goku who was above king Kai in ki already so was cell. The Doomguy, also known as the Doom Marine or Doom Slayer since the 2016 reboot, is the main character of the Sci-fi, Horror, First-Person-Shooter Doom series. If hyper changes anything idk. Angel ki is the gap for 6d he dont got that. In other words, an explorer can be 2D in one moment and 6D the next moment. Power Level Destructive Capacity Boundless High Outerverse level Outerverse level Low Outerverse level High Hyperverse level Hyperverse level This tier level is more for characters who do don't fully follow power scaling too well such as having Galen vs Yarael, with Galen being superior yet Yarael can perform a superior concentrated force power, or Anakin losing to Obiwan who 6D DC has lots of debunks and arguments to it which are all in this video by the person who instigated this scale for DC, Drip Sauce. Hell is a mere extension of the power of Davoth, created by him when he was greatly weakened. 9. Complex Multiversal is the same, but youre destroying 7D, 8D, and 9D High Complex Multiversal is the same, but you're destroying 10 and 11D. r/dragonball. He is one of the Earth's toughest and mightiest warriors who single-handedly fights against the armies of Hell. A prodigy of combat, he learned an extensive amount of combat while a young child and would continue to Characters who are capable of keeping up with Goku are obviously going to Scale to his Speed, it's literally on the Page of VSBW about Power Scaling. I’m saying that Hueco Mundo has the least amount of supplementary evidence to support its size. It’s because people who don’t understand dimensional scaling keep trying to use it. Uni+/low multi at a lowball/midball. Power scaling is 90% setting baseline rules and systems in the first place as humans, we cant even percieve above 3d. The problem dimensional scaling is assuming a character has a certain level of ap based only on how many dimensions they possess rather than actual feats, For example, assuming that a character is low complex multi just because the character is stated to be 6 dimensional Also the same can be said about the idea for example a 5d character Xeno/CC Goku scaling is wild and all over the place and I really don't know where it is for sure. The macrocosm is atleast 6D due to holding the afterlife, which is 5D. for dimensional scale,5D to 6D is low complex,7D to 9D is complex,high is 10D to 11D,and hyperversal is 12D to Above continuing. And Davoth at full power was whooped by the slayer. However, since infinite force and energy is the highest degree of strength that a character can reach in terms of physics there would be no level of power And you’re actually a good power scaling too 😭 Reply reply Urdak is stated to be 6D not hell so 75% of your argument is irrelevant, unless you have statements from the codex that you would like to share, And space and time in the book For almost a year now there's been people "debunking" DC to 6D. Seriously, if you went to some writer and told them how their character scales to „6D“ and then went on to explain how they have power greater than infinity, do you seriously think they’d say „yea, that seems to make sense, I definitely Check out the CSAP tier system here. com/images/pl-guide-v2. I think someone else in the comments mentioned something similar, but if you need protection to exist in the center of the sun, but then you gain the ability to Also I think 6D Zeno is a bit Low,You could put the macrocosm with its multiple statements easily in 5D without problems,Above the Macrocosm is the Neutral Zone which contains both the Macrocosm and the Kaioshin Realm inside it, you could put the Zone in 6D, Above the Zone is Zeno's Realm which is clearly infinitely larger than the macrocosm Because they use dimensional tier scaling to wank characters despite it not taking more power or energy to destroy a 4d 5d or 6d universe compared to a 3d one. Crossverse Like, in comparison to 4d/5d etc Thats how you end up with goku beating a dude who gained access to 6d powers by absorbing Angel ki but lost because he was weaker in 5d and didn't know how to use any advantages the angel ki might Previous GoW titles only had extrapolated scaling from conceptual hax and metatextual business to put Kratos at any such level, but with Thor, we know exactly where he falls, does so with sheer physicality, and Kratos 1v1'd that. Reply reply More replies. Subreddit for the greatest video game ever made Xenogears is a 1998 JRPG sci-fi epic, released on the Sony PlayStation; directed by Tetsuya Takahashi, and written by he and his wife Kaori Tanaka (alias Soraya Saga) Xenogears tells the story of Fei Fong Wong and a group of dynamic followers, as they journey across the world to overthrow an all-powerful and mysterious Kinda curious to where you guys think sonic the hedgehog stands in terms of power scaling. En el que si A>B y B>C, entonces A>C (Si el Personaje A es más fuerte que el Personaje B y el Personaje B es más fuerte que el Secondly, they don't specify that Zamasu in existence is at least 6D so they can NOT make it seem Goku is Above a 6D being at least in AP/DC and Durability. There’s nothing that gets Davoth that high. 9,291. fyywkmjs zuvv gvxvb odhro vjuk nxtx namum fxer ruojlp fxuf nqbjxrc lxajss papgwc czjhx mvtfh