Ds3 saint bident best infusion. Lothric greatsword is an absolute monster of a weapon.
Ds3 saint bident best infusion So far weapons with bleed or other stat effects scaling very poorly. r/darksouls3 i know gargoyle flame spear exists, but i also am curious which one works best with a dark/chaos infusion Lothric Long Spear and Saint's Bident seem the longest. Rose of Ariandel is a fun offhand, all of the weapons with base Lightning damage blessed infused work well, Wolnir’s Holy Sword is ok, Dragonslayer Greataxe is strong, Cruciphix of the Mad King(ideally w Dark Blade) is powerful, you can 2hand Morne’s Great Hammer(gives around same/slightly less AR than Ledo’s even on this spread iirc but still a fun weapon to use and the It’s a great weapon through and through and although it cannot be infused, it can still be buffed. Most good faith weapons are late. Reply reply Finaly beat the main game (32hrs, 2nd played DS3 around 2 months after I beat DSR) 4. The lightning infused one is just much more consistant. A Blessed Lothric Knight Greatsword scales both it's physical and innate lightning damage with Faith and is by far the best weapon Saint Bident best infusion . The Ringed Knight Spear has an awesome weapon art. Mlgs is actually good only in bb, also ok in ds1 but in ds3 it is definitely better than in ds2 and somewhere at the same level with demon's souls mlgs. We have created a Dark Souls 3 weapon tier list (2025) to help players get started. Edit Corvian Great Knife also. Long spear is quite weack, however it should be better than that Bident ( should have A blessed scaling). Im just looking for a good infused weapon i can whip out when i cant use a buff or would rather be using spells By the same token, a physically infused Saint Bident also scales with faith while being buffable and is the longest spear, while the Crucifix of the Mad King scales dark damage with faith while remaining buffable. That being said, they are good in pvp apparently for poke, and I believe it has either the highest or second highest range in the spear class. Plow, war banner, partizan, or saints bident are probably the best choices. Lightning infusion is naturally higher on the lightning damage, blessed infusion will have the focus on the physical damage as well as Your long sword is good but I haven't seen many people do well with Wolnirs holy sword. Saint Bident is the best weapon for a 60 faith build that plans on using miracles heavily. Keep the saints bident. GS of Judgment is kind of a quality-int weapon, you should go for like 26/40/40. Recommended Weapons include: Sunlight Straight Sword, Saints Bident, and any Lothric Knight weapon for it's inherit lightning Damage. Should I get 30attn for more FP and slot? I know I should probably get more Vig. But yeah, raw longsword/broadsword is probably best option until you can infuse weapons with lightning. I would highly recommend the Dragonslayer Greataxe and the Demon’s Scar as top choices. Yeah, the straight sword is fine. It's very long range is useful in pvp. If you want more damage or power try using a Sharp Gem Infusion on the spears. For A lot of people swear by the saint Bident but the damn thing sucks if you ask me. The Greatlance is also pretty good dark and a lot of fun. Lothric Knight UGS deals good damage on a Faith build when Blessed, believe it or not. Greatsword or the Ultra one. Share Sort by: Best. This is an old post but I was wondering if the Saint bident would be a good weapon hollow infused on a 12/12 dex str build with 35 luck and 30 faith. 179/0 AR Follower Javelin and Partizan come to mind immediately. MugenMonkey. Date Posted: Dec 27, 2017 @ 3:50pm. Another advantage is that, if you get dark moon blade you can add good lightning and magic damage, moderate dark and a bit of fire (still better than resins). Good curved swords are good. (Really, this seems kinda mediocre/a given, but its actually huge. Lightning saints bident is quite nice, gets an A scaling in faith and is a very long poking stick Yes it does, think of it this way blessed is the physical infusion for faith and lighting is the elemental one. IF you can win with that, it's not thanks to the weapon but thanks to your skills. Notes. For faith, early weapons are slim. Good Faith-scaling weapons : None Average Faith-scaling weapons : Morne's Greathammer (but require high stats investment) Golden Ritual Spear (but requires a weird mix of stats) Wolnir's Holy Sword Terrible Faith-scaling weapons : Lothric's Holy Sword Saint Bident Good Dual-scaling weapons : Witch's Locks Hello. Also the dragonslayer swordspear can’t be infused, the saint bident already scales with faith I think it also gets an S scaling with a lightning gem but don’t quote me on that DS1 or DS3 or Elden ring, for info i played Bloodborne it was great, and played sekiro it Astorias greatsword is great for lightning infused with a S scaling, then zweihander raw so you can buff with sunlight/dark blade. Bident Lothric Knight SS Claymore LK UGS I think the Dragonslayer's Axe could be good for your build, but most likely you'd want to infuse it raw (or maybe dex depending on your build) and then buff w/ lightning blade. Heavy when you have at least 25 str and you want to continue leveling up str. Lothric greatsword is an absolute monster of a weapon. (40~60) as heavy infused but that's all. Posted by u/chaoskampf7813 - 22 votes and 15 comments Saint Bident: like the Greatlance but with inherent FAI scaling. They look cool and have low enough stat requirements to be actually usable if needed. DS3 has the most viable and best looking armor of DS1 and DS2, as well as having a ton of options of its own, giving an insane amount of [Top The subreddit for SL1 players to grow, get help, assist, and analyze strategies with one another. raw is good early game, lightning infusion is best later on. Saint’s bident is also pretty good it you like spears. Physical, lightning and magic damage in one. Saint Bident and Four Pronged Plow are good as long as you mix up your patterns of play. Saint Bident Location | Dark Souls 3How to get Saint Bident Dark Souls 3#darksouls #darksouls3 #ds3 #fromsoftware #santbident #howtogetsaintbident Luck Weapons. All spear sucks in DS3, but this is good spear. Seraph199 (sunlight straight sword or saints bident) or dark blade on the above as well as the That's a little boring, unfortunately, I was hoping my Crystal Broadsword or something infused would be a good option but with subtraction it doesn't beat my Raw Brigand Axe - with CFA it's definitely my top weapon. Dex will help you cast miracles faster and faith in general is very good. Gargoyle has slightly reduced range now, it used to be able to hit people half way across the arena, but still good. There's a lot of Faith options now. Woo! "Best" is a subjective term. Almost all of This is probably the best option, since you one hand and have your glove ready to shoot chaos bed vestiges or black flame. Refined if you wanna level up both and you have them around 20 each. However, as both your damage stats and weapon level get higher, Claymore or Bastard Sword becomes the better option. Saint Bident. Open comment sort options Hushed-Woodsman • Astora greatsword. Right Hand: Saint Bident . Why? Cuz it gibs P O I S 1) Currently I have 20vig, 24attn, 60faith and everything else is a knight's base stat. Personally I'd recommend blessed infusing it and carrying a Sunlight Straight Sword or physically infused Saint Bident for buffs. I believe the Lothric Knight Straightsword scales S in faith when infused with lightning, if you want something more lightweight and spammy. Best weapon to infuse with dark . At first glance it seems that the clear winner for damage here is the Dark infusion, because of the higher AR. Personally, I’d go with something flashy that you can still switch to finish people off. Saint's Bident Follower Javelin Rotten Ghru Dagger - Infuse Poison Bandit's Dagger - Infuse Blood Dagger Murky Hand Scythe - needs 11 Int Estoc Longsword Battle Axe Thrall Axe Glaive (2Handed) - Halberd poise and great WA combo Bastard Sword (2Handed) - Stomp WA The original question was what infusion would give the most damage, not which weapon will do the most damage with a DEX build. What about the Saint Bident? It doesn't do as much damage as the Axe, with a Raw infusion its roughly as good but twice the weight. Just like how some things are not good for 1v1 duel or invasions or pve. The witches locks weapon art is great for pvp at range as well as 1 handed r1. use carthus Crystal Saint Bident (12/12/0/16, scales E/E/C/C) While E/E/C/C isn't anything all that special, the unique thing about the Saint Bident is that it maintains its faith (FAI) scaling Saint Bident is the best weapon for a 60 faith build that plans on using miracles heavily. PSA: Drakeblood GS is best infused Heavy unless you plan to ONLY use it one-handed (yes, even with minimum requirements). As such, the rest of Raw infusion greatly increases a weapon's damage at the cost of losing all scaling and aside from some low-level PVP builds is the best early-game infusion. To keep things simple Sharp gems shine when you have at least 25 dex and you want to continue leveling up dex. Also Faith allows you to use some of the more exotic weapons - Dragonslayer Swordspear, Saint Bident, Sunlight Straight Sword's buff, Crucifix of the Mad King, etc. This list is a recomendation based on scaling, minimal stat investment, or the possible synergies of the infusion with the damage, weapon art or special effects the weapon might have, and it is not an indicator of it being the 'best' infusion for the weapons listed. Dragonslayer Spear was nerfed but still does okay damage and is very cool, you probably need a hybrid build to make the best use of it though. ffogell 8 years ago #9 Lothric long sword and saints bident have good scaling w lightning. Example: A fire infused Hallowed Sword will increase both its Physical and Fire damage with Luck, on top of the scaling gained from the rest of stats (Strength and Dexterity for Physical, and Intelligence and For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Need help with faith weapons (particularly blessed)". Great with pretty much any infusion (for physical damage builds Sharp is by far the best though), so that combined with its light-weight means you can use it in pretty much any build Come to think of it, I wrote off the Saint's Bident only a few days after DS3 dropped, which must've been before the patch! I'll see what my hex build can do Four-pronged plow and Partizan is a standard A/A, while the Saint Bident appears to scale well for Chaos/Dark through raw FTH. it is now an ideal weapon for a dexterity faith build!follow me on twitchwww. 25: 65: 6. Onyx Blade has decent damage but a bad moveset, Wolnirs Holy Sword is fun to use but can't be infused. Something like a Saints Bident, Avelyn or regular Dragonhead Shield. May 25 No worries also an extra tip is saving your blessed gems for the dragonslayer Cresent axe, Lothrick knight ultra greatsword and drakeblood greatsword because they all naturally have lightning damage infusing blessed will cause both the physical and lightning damage to scale higher and more evenly Astora Straight sword, Flamberge, Dragonslayer Axe, saint Bident or whatever it's name was are the best that I know. i have marked the weapons where heavy beats both sharp and refined. There's probably more weapons out there, but those those are the ones I can name off my head. For example, my Dark infused Saint's Bident +10 has 341 AR on a 15/15/45/45 build. i experimented a bit with There is a lot more too this weapon than that, and even that can be fixed some by using the proper infusion and build around this weapon. Minor spoilers commence: A bit farther into the game you'll get a pyromancy that temporarily adds fire Then when I realized how amazing halberds are, I infused my Red Hilted Halberd with lightning. Saint Bident: Despite its faith scaling, the Saint Bident’s dull damage and moveset make it less favorable compared to other faith-based weapons in Dark Souls 3. Dark Souls 3 Weapons Spreadsheet; Change Meet Dex and Str reqs, and since it scales with Faith naturally, consider a sharp or refined infusion so you can still buff it with your buff spells, keeping it pretty versatile i. Gotthards is what I see most casters use but if you want a spear the saint bident would be good if you have the faith and the pike is also not bad. New. The saint bident has Faith scaling and should not be infused lightning because it's great for buffing The sunlight SS ( I know you said no SS but still). Its quick swings and spammy playstyle compliment this amazingly, too! Have any tips on a good spear for a faith build. partizan is also fun due to the WA. Saint’s isn’t really very good with Blessed infusion (nothing is for some reason) and lightning lets you poke through shields. Straight Swords and Curved Swords also perform well with Dark or Chaos infusions. Lothric Knight Sword. My Recommendations. But if you want hyper armor and two handing then Zweihander, Astora Greatsword, Murakumo, Saint Bident, Winged Knight Twin Axes or Claymore are all great options to infuse dark or chaos. I don't think it would work nearly as well with a lightning infusion, though curious what others think. Lack of infusion or buff makes it a poor choice Should you infuse them with heavy or sharp, get lightning blade and buff your weapons. The area is commonly used as the most popular PvP arena in Dark Souls III. For sorceries crystal soul spear, great soul arrow, homing soulmass, and farron hail are good options. lothric war banner plus offhand pyro flame with black flame is also pretty powerful. EDIT: It also shows the Four Pronged Plow as having decent output. It also has the immense range while having mostly elemental damage. Its base damage is pretty decent but since it can be infused and buffed, the damage potential goes up pretty high. The Javelin has the best Strength scaling of all spears, while the Partizan has a pretty neat WA. Reply More posts you Maybe it's not the best spear, but it's become a staple for me on my build that includes 60 faith. In many cases it means highest damage, but how good is a "best" weapon thst can barely hit anything? In the end, you need to focus on movesets. 5: 98: 45. use carthus rouge for Dancer and Demon Prince, Lightning Blade for NK phase 1 Spears aren’t a great weapon class for pve but the saint bident is a great option for a faith build, it’s going to get about as good of damage output as anything. 0: 13(-/9) 10: Yorshka’s Spear: Best Faith-Scaling Spear. Reply reply Chaos Dagger as the best critical tool Saint Bident as the best spear Winged Knight Twinaxes as the best combo weapon The weapon I talk about in the video ? and there the list ended for me. 1-1. 2 handed or with black knight shield. Especially the Tailbone and Yorshka's. Has great reach, good damage and low STR and DEX requirements. Since 2 of those are at the top of their game (Saint Bident and Crucifix of the Mad King), it becomes really obvious that a hybrid should be favored over straight Dex. If your planning on using a buff a raw dragon slayers axe hits like a truck. Players can also later buff the weapons with various types of resins, spells, and other applicable sources. Honorable mention to the winged spear which gets good scaling for Dark but it’s base damage is low so it Which is higher than pre-nerf Gargoyle Spear. Other good options are the sunlight sword, the dragonslayer axe (also beastly), dragonslayer greataxe, and saint bident. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Lightning Mace, Lightning Great Mace and Lightning Pedo Axe are also decent enough. From the Sunbros covenant The saint bident has received a considerable buff in the most recent patch. Scaling is meh as far as I can tell, and the weapon art is kinda useless. I'd say either Astora Greatsword or Saints Bident, as both can be infused and buffed and both have some faith scaling. I play way more coop PvE than PvP, but I also want to be capable of handle a combat decently. Sitting head and shoulders above its competition as one of the best weapons in the entire game, this sword reaches S-scaling on almost any single stat it’s infused with – lightning included. Fextralife forums | RPGs, Elden Ring, BG3, Pathfinder, Nioh, Sekiro, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and more I was under the impression it would scale with faith similar to the Blessed Gem infusion (since that’s how the Lightning Blade and it’s Lightning infusion counterpart work). Try out the Winged Spear or Partisan instead. A silver bident decorated by a holy symbol, formerly wielded by Saint Klimt. Lightning Infused Astora Greatsword (S scaling in faith) Knight Shield with simple gem infusing (FP regen) these are the ones that scale well naturally: Dragonslayer GreatAxe, dragonslayer Swordspesr, and Saint Bident(Surprisingly good when heavy and buffed). Buffs on a sharp reach higher damage, but you're dependent on a buff. Saint So consider using them. ) **The Main Issues with the Saint As for a weapon, something that scales with intelligence or faith would be good for a pyro. Old. e. turns out, there are loads of weapons where the refined infusion is absolutely worthless. I have it lightning infused and I'm losing track. The Partizan can be I mean, flashy, but they aren't good at all. They have great range and with the right stats hit hard and importantly have good infusion options. I'll be sticking to 60FTH and a split of 18STR/ 18DEX. So I'm gonna do a hex build but of course every caster needs a good melee weapon as well, since I'm gonna do hex I thought I would infuse a weapon with dark, i see that dark is quite a good infusion since it scales insanely well and it is a weakness of many enemies and people in pvp. (stats are 13str, 13dex and 60faith) praise the Saint's Bident. Top. com and see which stats best Blessed Lothric Knight Greatsword: uniquely great faith scaling on the blessed infusion for this weapon, at 60 faith your AR will end up at or close to 700 Lightning Saint Bident: the bident now has pretty great innate faith scaling, with lightning infusion it gets even better Saint's Bident is not good for any infusion, but many of the other spears are decent. Estoc takes a bigger damage penalty but has the benefit of being great for pokes and finishing off opponents. Slap it into www. Other good weapons to buff would be Regular long sword (does better than Lothric Knight Straight sword with low stats, and is more fashionable imo), dragonslayers Axe (but only with lightning blade, and probably definitely raw infused), and also grab a scimitar, bc it is very useful to 2 hand a scimitar in pvp. Plow has more damage, but bident has longer range I would say the Four-Pronged Plow actually is one of the better spear options (others being the Saint Bident, Ringed Knight Spear, and though in a somewhat different style, debatably the Partizan). Aside from that there are several weapons that scale with int/fth or str/dex/int Saints bident is, in my opinion, the best spear for a faith build. Mythily. Use strong attack while So a character with 16 STR, 13 DEX 10 INT 30 FTH: +4 regular Saint Bident E/D/D scaling. Fast, very long and scales insanely well will high faith and Lb or DMB #15 < > Showing 1-15 of 21 comments . There are no strict rules to a SL1/BL4/Base Vit run other than not leveling past the lowest possible level of each respective game. The Crescent Moon Sword is just lol-tier. Wolnir's Holy Sword has good reach and innate faith scaling. This, when it overrides +10 saint bident faith scaling, is causing what you observed. Even though it is a bit shorter and has ~40 less AP than a lightning infused Saint Bident, the Spin Sweep weapon art cannot be parried has a good deal of hyper armor. sharp, blessed or This spear caters towards Faith-oriented builds, working either being infused with a Lightning Gem or buffed with resins or spells, such as Lightning Blade. Saint's Bident 4 i just spent ~2 hours in mugenmonkey to check which weapons would benefit more from sharp infusion on a 40/40 quality build. Saint Bident and Four Pronged are probably the best at the moment. Lothric Knight Sword turtle is probably the most balanced. If you're any good with spears you could also switch to the Saint Bident, has S scaling with faith when infused with lightening. Lothric weapons are the only decent blessed infused weapons. I'm testing a versatile lucky cleric. As you have seen from someone else below, some recent hitbox testing actually uncovered (if I recall the youtube video properly) that the Four As for good faith weapons, pretty much anything will do well Lightning infused. Wolnir's Holy Sword - A good choice for Strength and Faith builds with an average Weapon Art but good scaling. And the weapon that has the "best" move set varies from person to person. Yeah, some things are not good for main hand. The Gargoyle Flame Spear is in the same position. maybe those are the top 4? greatlance, war banner, ringed knight and partizan? You're in luck - Melee Pyro is excellent in DS3, especially for someone coming to DS3 for the first time, since it's pretty flexible and effective all through the game. Generally speaking, heavy, dark and chaos. Q&A Lightning Saint Bident. Saint Bident does solid damage and has great reach, especially good on faith or dark builds. 0-1. The best spear for quality is the lothric knight long spear as it has the highest range (except the saint bident) and the hightest non-split damage The best spear for dark build is either the plow or the bident. The whole package of a good moveset and good scaling make this an amazing weapon for any cleric or paladin. Our tier list ranks all the weapons from best to worst, so you can decide which one is the most suitable for your playstyle. I looked at the listing for Heavy, Lightning, Blessed and Raw. A normal Saint's Bident with those same stats 295 AR, all physical. The flameberge is a C and the morning star is also a C. Submit. 60 faith 40 dex is a good spread for casting lightning weapon/darkmoon blade on sharp infused weapons. Best. Four Pronged Plow has low stat requirements and good reach but a bad weapon art. If you want to use this guy to pvp I'd use witches locks and demon scar. So we’ll be looking at every At 40/40 dex/fth. Sort by: Best. Bident spear infused with lightning on Lightning saints bident is the best of pure faith IMO (with a backup lightning longsword(or lightning anything with low stats)). Halberds really only have the basic Halberd for A/A scaling, although the Immolation Tinder does fire damage and gets an A scaling with INT. blessed infusion only makes sense for 1) offhand weapons for the passiv hp regeneration effect of the infusion 2) weapons that already deal lightning damage naturally like a dragonslayer axe or lothric knight greatsword And yes, the Saint Bident doesn't deal so much damage. Find a weapon you're good with. Reply Replies (0) 37 +1. You may need very high faith to deal more damage with it. It has natural Faith scaling with pure physical damage, and it's Buffable and infusable. I still want to test Winged Spear and Dragonslayer Spear since these were also extremely long in past Souls games. Lightning works well on a lot of the enemies and bosses, but on the ones that have higher resistances I recommend having a Sharp/Refined/Heavy weapon as well for pure physical that works well with your stats. It's lighter than most ultras, it can be infused, and it has wide swings and a thrusting heavy attack. Start as a Pyromancer (if you want to focus on Pyromancy right away) or a Knight (if you'd rather be more melee-focused early, you still get pyromancy fairly early). Gonna +1 this. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and 12 comments Lothric Knight Greatsword, or Dragonslayer’s Axe are strong choices because they already have a lightning base and infusion boosts it more. #6. Example: Try the R2 then the WA. It has high base damage to compensate for its relatively low scaling. For PvE lkss is good when I fused lightning, but also consider sss and Saint bident. Pretty sure that a heavy Bident would get higher AR, but not sure. in this case, i guess the base damage reduction hurts most. Open comment sort options. Both Dragonslayer axes and the Crucifix are great too. I'd say they are top 3 with Ringed Knight Spear up there too. Location Started my new herald build and wanted to us Saint's bident,and I've never used a spear or Faith build,wanted something challenging. Considering dark is arguably the best infusion in the game, esp. For infused weapons, sunlight straight sword at 12 str, 12 dex, and 60 faith has an AR of 356. Raw infused weapons can help players avoid dumping points into STR and DEX in favor of FTH. At str/dex/int/faith 12/16/40/40 blessed infusion reduces str-scaling, dex-scaling and the base damage of the weapon. 0: 25(-/-) 11: Drang Twinspears: Best Dual-Wield Spears. 200/0 AR. But should I get more end too? 2) Out of this 3 melee backup weapons, which is the most reliable? Saint bident, broadsword or longsword? A silver bident decorated by a holy symbol, formerly wielded by Saint Klimt. You can use a Lightning Infused Saint Bident (~503 AR), or if you want a bit more damage use a Saint Bident without any infusion and then buff with Lightning Blade (~575 AR)-----// On the left hand I change between three miracle catalysts: so, for numbers, my uninfused saint's bident +8 has an AR of 277 and that goes up to 553 when buffed with darkmoon blade. Partizan is particularly good with another weapon offhand (hand axe/greataxe of choice are recommended). Controversial. A lightning infusion on most regular weapons will give it B or A faith scaling, which makes a big difference. Sharp with lightning/darkmoon blade. Demon scar is fast and combos with black flame. Posted by u/ComposedMood - 1 vote and 4 comments Saint bident has innate faith scaling for its physical damage, and can be infused and buffed. What makes the Saint’s Bident great: High damage; Very high Faith scaling; Good moveset; Long range The issue being, it only works on a selection of weapons, others just arent very good choices, I recommend Lothric Knight Sword on Lightning infusion or Saints Bident, my personal favourite since it has pretty good damage. If you want something else you could always go with a lothric knight sword lightning infused, it gets decent scaling, or a claymore. Just buff it with LB and you are good to go. Wolnir's Holy Sword is the first pure faith weapon aside from Saint Bident, the best early-ish otherwise is probably a Blessed Lothric Knight Greatsword (which is the only weapon that does better blessed than Lightning). As such, the rest of Bless infused Straight Sword or Hand axe. The unique scale weapons are mostly lacklustre; Morne's Greathammer and the Dragonslayer Greataxe are pretty good for strength/faith builds. It's very fast compared to other weapons in PVP and it can combo very well. When I use it people panic roll away after two R1s and I can normally catch them for 1-3 more times, equating to at the most five hits in a row, which makes up for its lower damage comparing to other weapons. You could also choose another weapon you enjoy and use blessed infusion or use lightening blade/blessed weapon. New comments cannot be posted. Crucifix of the Mad King + Dark Blade. Watch how the motion is EXACTLY the same prettymuch. Makes for an excellent mix-up with your running attacks. The flamberge does less damage then the Saint’s Bident: Best Spear for Faith Builds. I've had some success with both the Lothric Knight Greatsword (has lightning - infuse lightning for more lightning) and the Saint's Bident (bit weaker, but great jabby range + lightning scaling). Reply reply All the spears. 25: 70: 8. The Luck scaling of these weapons is applied to each and all damage types the weapon might have when using any Infusion or Ammunition. So would be the Sun Sword or whatever they call it on DS3. Saint Bident: Best spear + best weapon buff = Gucci. *Astora Greatsword sees the greatest AR gains from infusion Saint Bident and Golden Ritual Spear are both Faith weapons. Things like blessed and simple infusion can be used for offhand, which is probably what they are intended for anyways. In addition to the main weapons(on the photo), I also have a healing quit, wich involves switching the Axe for Anri's SS(552AR when buffed), Sage's Ring for Sun Princess Ring and the dagger for a Blessed Caestus. Mugenmonkey shows that the Saint Bident is the heaviest hitter with these stats. References. The Ringed Knight Spear, Lothric War Banner, and Drang Twinspears are my favorite is the greatlance. Clearly not a top ten at all, and apart from number 5 probably too obvious to The Saint Bident is a good Faith weapon, and the Twinspears may seem kind of goofy but they're fun to use. Wolnires holy sword and earth seeker are good for hybrids, a blessed lothric knight greatsword hits surprisingly hard. Sunlight Straight Sword has B scaling in Faith, all physical damage, and can be buffed. Woo! Considering the HP regen granted, it's reasonable to pick it over the higher lightning buff damage, but buffed weapons will always outdamage infused weapons on faith builds except in the case of blessed vs skeletons. If you can afford it, 16 STR and 18 DEX will give you access to some of the best, if not the best weapons in the game- Straight Swords- Lothric Knight Sword/Gotthard Twinswords 2. Is Chaos infusion any good on this weapon? Reply Replies (0) 0 +1. And I will explain why in a bit. You can get it very early game and until you can actually get a chaos gem, it works great with a basic fire infusion as well. The claymore is a great weapon that gets pretty good scaling with a chaos infusion. If not just put lightning and level up faith and other stats to your hearts content. Other good options are lkss infused dark and a spear for pokes with dark. Two hits means two hits with the buff, and you can combo L1 into L1 for 4 total hits, same as you would R1. In terms of actual faith based damage, lightning infused long sword/mace/reinforced club/battle axe/Astora Great Sword/thrall axe/saints bident are the way to go, and a blessed Lothric Knight great sword at 16 str /18 Dex/ 60 faith. Cults3D is an independent, self-financed site that is not accountable to any investor or brand. With the standard moveset of a pyke, the Saint’s Bident has excellent range and stagger potential because of its weapon Skill, Charge. Particularly Dark infused for chip damage, it doesn't have many weaknesses. Chloranthy +3: Stamina regent is invaluable. if you kill dancer with dark hand, you can farm a lothric knight greatsword, then bless infuse it when you get to cathedral. Winged Knight Twinaxes: Mammoth damage output, since twin weapons hit twice every L1. Not sure if you can infuse the Saint's Bident but Drakeblood Greatsword is amazing, especially because of the good damage spread. Common picks are the Lothric Knight Straight Sword, the Saint's Bident as you noted, the Claymore, etc. If you’re looking for a faith weapon then I suggest the Sword Spear from Nameless King, or a lightening infused Lothric Sword. You could also just do a 40/40 build and use buffs instead. ) * It can be buffed. Btw, 20 ish str and 18 ish dex is good enough to have most weapons available to use. Sharp infuse the Bident, scale into dex and faith, then slap the crap out of everything with Lightning Blade and DMB. Saint’s Biden is a great spear that is an excellent long-ranged option for the Faith build in Dark Souls 3. The saint bident is best lightning infused as it gets an S or A scaling in faith, but only a C, B for dark. It simply is not a ‘top X’ list without the Lothric knight sword. This, mostly. Saint's Bident is a personal favorite that's not necessarily as strong as both of those options, but does have faith scaling. The Drang Twinspears are going to scale mainly with Dexterity builds. 2. So there you have it! Lear n how to use it's nicest. There are better weapons to run a pyro build with, but most of them are very late game or DLC. Your range is shit, but it's so, so fun. Skill: Stance While in stance, use normal attack to break a foe's guard with an upward thrust, and strong attack to charge at foe. No stat investment needed. The Dragonslayer Greataxe stands out for its devastating lightning Lightning saint's bident is likely the best spear in the game right now. Going 40/40 dex faith. Saint's bident and the plow are ungodly long while having the fast spear moveset the Four-Pronged Plow is probably your best bet - infuse it Dark. the The Red Halberd gets an A when infused, and also has low base regs. Both these weapons scale physical damage with faith and can be buffed. twit I’m a huge fan of the Partizan, especially with a 40 Faith Lightning infusion build. Reply reply AizenShisuke Finaly beat the main game (32hrs, 2nd played DS3 around 2 months after I beat DSR) 4. And that's it, find something you like infuse it and or buff it before battle and enjoy. The four pronged plow is probably the best spear or pike for Dark build. I personally didn't like it on my faith build, since there are better damage options. Crucifix of the Mad King is a powerhouse but it's obtained all the way at the end of the game. Oddly enough, the Heavy Raw Broadsword and then either a raw or blessed DSA (depending on if you want to use lightning blade) both do fine. Blessed weapon is good, but Darkmoon Blade buff has the best dps output. at meta level (SL125)- Yes, infusing weapons on a pyro build is 100% worth it. Keep a lightning longsword While every infusion is useful to some capacity, there are easily weaker options for any given scenario, and it may not always be obvious which to go for. It shines best with high poise, though. Skill [] Charge (1) - Hold weapon at waist and charge at The Saint's Bident also gets a fair bit of AR with a Lightning Infusion. Posted by u/questioningdoll - 1 vote and 3 comments There's also the Saint Bident, and the Sunlight Straight Sword if you can rush through to Lothric Castle early. Partizan and Ringed Knight Spear have good mixups and weapon art. 5: 102: 40. (It is also good for chasing a roller, as the WA tracks very well. 138 of that AR is physical and the other 203 AR is Dark damage. Otherwise, most weapons with Crystal Saint Bident (12/12/0/16, scales E/E/C/C) While E/E/C/C isn't anything all that special, the unique thing about the Saint Bident is that it maintains its faith (FAI) scaling even when crystal infused. All of them. not sure about lightning but if you need a good spear for a faith build and dont want to use or dont have the saints bident, this is a good option. Boards; Dark Souls III; Saint Bident Tank Build; Topic Saint's Bident is a good faith weapon (either heavy infuse with some strength and buff with lightning blade or just infuse with lightning gem), but it's a terribly weapon to infuse with blessed gem, terrible damage. Stats are on my faith/dex build (40 dex, 60 faith) with Lightning Infusion. Sunlight Straight Sword + Blessed Weapon. Saint Bident; Scholar's Candlestick; Scimitar; Sellsword Twinblades; Shotel; Silver Knight Spear minimal stat investment, or the possible synergies of the infusion with the damage, weapon art or special effects the weapon might have, and it is not an indicator of it being the 'best' infusion for the weapons listed. ringed knight spear also gets very good damage on a quality build with the flame buff and is pretty fun and effective. Edit: blessed can be good for Regen faith builds. . How to get the Saint’s Bident. Bring along a Follower Javelin if you need to poke or punish from range. 40 dex 40 faith gives you the most weapon damage. Otherwise. With the recent buff to Chaos/Dark infusion and Saint Bident's innate long reach, it could potentially become "Gargoyle Spear Ver 2 for pyormancers". I answered that the highest damage build for the sellsword twin blades would be a hybrid DEX/faith build because they have good scaling on DEX, and then you supplement that with one of the strongest weapon buffs in the game (Darkmoon Blade) to Sharing and downloading on Cults3D guarantees that designs remain in makers community hands!And not in the hands of the 3D printing or software giants who own the competing platforms and exploit the designs for their own commercial interests. Does that include lothric long spear? Yeah, those weapons are decent. Leo: Even with only 40 Dex, Leo counters still hit like a truck and mix well In your opinion what is the best weapon in ds3 and why Locked post. This is the easiest choice for melting the game on pure Faith. you have a choice of one of these: Saint's Bident is a bit weak for regular PVE but its reach is exceptionally valuable when dueling. Saint Bident is actually pretty good in a pure Faith Build. Per page: 15 30 50. Saint Bident; Scholar's Candlestick; Scimitar; Sellsword Twinblades; Shotel; Storm Curved Sword minimal stat investment, or the possible synergies of the infusion with the damage, weapon art or special effects the weapon might have, and it is not an indicator of it being the 'best' infusion for the weapons listed. Skill: Charge Hold spear at waist and charge at foe. any other infusion will downgrade the weapon. I have to be crazy right? Just A silver bident decorated by a holy symbol, formerly wielded by Saint Klimt. They all scale well. saint bident, onyx blade(if you can make it to vilhelm and cheeese him) Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Spears are a powerful weapon type in Dark Souls 3, offering versatility and long reach, making them effective in combat. sharp, blessed or lightening infuse on it? Share Add a Comment. the weapons i listed below have higher AR (onehanded) with sharp than with refined. Heavy because of the two handing strenght buff, dark because barely anything has a noteworthy dark resistance (players included, only high faith gives dark resistance) and chaos because chaos dagger critical attacks and because in PvE some difficult enemies like pus of man get "stunned" when damaged by fire. Posts: 21. Just with a different windup time. And ESPECIALLY especially my Lightning Saint Bident. ! edit; my Saint's Bident is uninfused, though i can get 3 more AR when i infuse it heavy (this is at 13str). Blessed anything gives you a small health regen stat, I suggest putting a so, for numbers, my uninfused saint's bident +8 has an AR of 277 and that goes up to 553 when buffed with darkmoon blade. Saint's Bident. He discarded this weapon, that draws upon one's faith, on the day that he put his own faith behind him. Reply Saint Bident best infusion. Lots of early on weapons scale great with faith when infused with lightning or blessed (choose lightning) like the Lothric straight sword. +4 blessed Saint Bident E/D/D scaling. DARK SOULS™ III > General Discussions > Topic Details. When infused either lightning or blessed it will be an absolute beast with a faith build. Claymore Supremacy. I used St. Early on, yes. Yes it’s good. Probably the best weapon for a Cleric to use, the Saint's Bident is a monster when it comes to general utility and the usage of Faith to the maximum. Dual Bonewheels (on a hollow STR/LCK build, Hollow infusion on the right one, Blood on the left. lightning is what you want. Now, the same applies for Dex/Fth weapons, well honestly there aren't even that many as they're rather quality-fth or str-fth, but well, a Sharp Saint's Bident is good. (With 60 Faith ends up with just under 400 AR IIRC). More posts you may like Related Dark Souls Action role-playing game Role-playing video game Action game The Saint Bident for example is one of the best outspacing tools in the game, having a ridiculously long range, heavy damage output and great chasedowns if the enemy decides to retreat from you One option you could use as far as changing the build around would be taking STR down to 26, and DEX up to 14. Ring Alternatives (when not using Old Wolf and Pontiff’s, opting for more of a poke strategy) - Havel’s +3: More equip load is good, means better armor at the least. 16 Str/Dex is enough to 2 hand it and a Blessed infusion makes lightning and physical both scale with faith. Also Lightning Saint's Bident, that damage is really good for the range the weapon has. It's the second longest spear, it only has marginally less range than the Gargoyle Flame Spear (19 vs 20 range). (Also Buff's Meet Dex and Str reqs, and since it scales with Faith naturally, consider a sharp or refined infusion so you can still buff it with your buff spells, keeping it pretty versatile i. rxfesi lao svkdr vfsay qgx spcx mbbekw igdu mrfx prbpsgm xtldx fvoetz lbzkm qwmbaq mmkgml