Hyosung fi problem when i start the engine,idle jumps to 5000-6000 rpm . Lastly, I don't remember the details but some hyosung owners were having issue with 98 octane Popular Hyosung VFR 800 FI Interceptor ABS questions, problems & fixes. 00; Starter Motor - [2005-2010] Hyosung May 7, 2012 · Hi guys, I recently bought my first bike. The indicator falling out is pretty nasty though. When I bought the bike I knew I might run into a few little problems and I think this is the first one. I love the louder sound but it’s causing a problem. The bike has no power to the fuel pump (no Hyosung GV650 Q&A: Bobber, Problems, Wiring Diagram, Fuel Injection, Custom Mods RE:GEN GUARDIAN是晓星环境生态系统保护项目。 开展包括“海洋森林”在内的更具体、更集中的生物多样性及生态系统复原和保护事业,努力使海洋、陆地、河流、空气质量,甚至一些微小的地球环境恢复原状,让人类的后代可以共享更 Jan 4, 2025 · Dash light problem – GT650 EFi. 9 · 1. However, IAP 1 does not produce the same result when Jun 27, 2020 · Stainless Steel Rear Brake Caliper Rebuild Kit (Repair Parts) - Hyosung ST7 (GV700i) £ 78. Hyosung motorcycles · Hyosung Aquila GV250FI manual. 99 Engine Crankshaft Bearing - Hyosung GD250R GD250N £ 29. von Ich melde mich jetzt auch nochmal da ich echt nicht mehr weiter weiss. Manua. Hyosung ST7 (GV700i) Aug 17, 2024 · // LATEST PRODUCTS. The fi light came on and I got the blink code 10-1-1-8. 00; Starter Motor - [2005-2010] Hyosung Hyosung gt 650 ir FI Schalter und Motor geht gern mal aus. this is the lowest Point on the carburettor, however if u are having running problems, the best thing to do would be to remove the carb-sRemove I have a 2010 hyosung gv650 fi that was running and now otbis not running. I’ve tried looking up blink codes for other motorcycles and fix the problem. Its a hyosung 2010 gt250 efi. Find expert solutions to common issues, DIY guides, repair tips & user manuals for all VFR 800 FI Interceptor ABS Motorcycles. At first I thought it has something to do with my bike misfiring but that issue has since been fixed, but the FI light still remains on and is driving me bat shit crazy (why they needed to make the FI text take over the speedo is beyond . The FI system won't prime until it's ready to start. 99; Radiator Cooling Fan Switch Thermostat - Hyosung GT650R GV650 £ 40. Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 🔧 Hyosung Technical Help Dash light problem – GT650 EFi. PDF manual · 74 Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the problem and your question. 99; Engine Crankshaft Bearing - Hyosung GD250R GD250N £ 29. i checked the isc selenoid and while the ignition switch off the selenoid long,while ignition switch on the selenoid short, but this must work reverse so the air enter the intake pipes more then to need then rpm become crazy. Hi, I have the FI showing on my dash before I start my hyosung GV650 Aquila pro. The EFi manual talks about a “Flash Code” but the lamp is just Jan 7, 2020 · Hello mates, i’ve installed a new exhaust on my GD250R and now, after minutes of riding I get the FI light on, following the manual it is an injection problem. give review. Author. The better your problem and question Dec 14, 2016 · Bike is is a 2012 Hyosung GT250R EFI Ever since I bought the darn thing it's displayed the FI light as well as FI flashing on the screen. Iwan war es sogar so schlimm das sie nachdem starten nach ein paar Sep 5, 2016 · Thanks, that cleared up the FI problem! The side stand isn't an issue as I was able to make the FI light turn off when bike was in 1st gear with stand up, light comes back on when stand goes down. El presente manual debe considerarse parte permanente de la motocicleta y debe permanecer en él cuando se vuelva a vender o se traspase a un nuevo propietario o Popular Hyosung VFR 800 FI Interceptor ABS questions, problems & fixes. Mar 26, 2023 · Recently my exhaust baffle inside disintegrated. Why the new exhaust caused this? How can I fix it? Feb 9, 2016 · So I just took my hyosung gt250 r efi out on my first ride after getting my ls and it was going good for about 15 minutes until I tried to throttle out of a corner and the bike cut out Feb 9, 2025 · (HYOSUNG GT250 EFI) Turns on, cranks, starts, stalls immediately on idle rev. Aucun problème à vu de nez comme ça, je peux accélérer, rétrograder toussa toussa, ça marche. 00; Starter Motor - [2005-2010] Hyosung Hyosung Choi Hanyang University hanyang. Also for: Comet 650 fi, Comet 650 s fi, Comet 650 r fi, Gv650ei, Gt650s, Gt650rei. Was riding to work and it stalled when I was in neutral at a roundabout. Ich hatte vor etwa einem Monat das Problem das ständig der FI Schalter anging und die Maschine bei etwa 5000 kein Gas mehr an nahm und zuckte. Stainless Steel Rear Brake Caliper Rebuild Kit (Repair Parts) - Hyosung ST7 (GV700i) £ 78. So I assume that's working correctly. Viewing 3 reply threads. Feb 9, 2016 · Hi all, So I just took my hyosung gt250 r efi out on my first ride after getting my ls and it was going good for about 15 minutes until I tried to throttle out of a corner and the bike cut out on me and the fi light came on, after stopping putting it in neutral and trying to start it again it won't turn over and the fi light remains on. Aquila 650 FI motocicletas Descargar manual en PDF. 99; Crankshaft Bearing - Hyosung GT125 GV125 GT250 GV250 RT125 RX125 £ 29. Der Motor verhält sich aber normal, soweit ich das re-inspect the battery, its ground lines to the harness, frame & engine, and/or re-check and re-clean the battery cables + terminals, connectors and wiring including fuse (s), fuse holder (s) Apr 25, 2015 · The biggest issue with FI seems to be vacuum leaks - air getting into the intake system which isn't being measured by the FI system - hoses, o-rings, etc leaking. Jul 30, 2008 · View the Hyosung Aquila GV250FI manual for free or ask your question to other Hyosung Aquila GV250FI owners. Page 3 Your main problem is that the occurrece of a blown fuse is erratic, so even if you disconnect something and try to check it out and then Feb 8, 2023 · Stainless Steel Rear Brake Caliper Rebuild Kit (Repair Parts) - Hyosung ST7 (GV700i) £ 78. Comme dit dans le titre, j'ai le voyant FI qui s'est allumé, et le compteur m'affichait FI en clignotant lentement, mais je pouvais toujours rouler. So the bike is about 3 years old and has just under 3,000 ks on the clock, it just had its first service at 1,900ks Mar 31, 2022 · Stainless Steel Rear Brake Caliper Rebuild Kit (Repair Parts) - Hyosung ST7 (GV700i) £ 78. Jul 25, 2015 · The manual has a little chart but at least 2 of the 3 safety conditions need to be met (ie, out of gear, clutch in, sidestand down) for it to start. I know it means 0118 but when I look it up, I get a coolant something or another sensor. i guess electronical connection between ecu and isc selenoid bad i View and Download HYOSUNG AQUILA 650 FI service manual online. It’s a 2013 Hyosung Aquila gv250. kr의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지 Quantum dot perovskite mechanoluminescence solar cells optoelectronics 학술자료 인용 공개 액세스 제목 정렬 서지정보순 정렬 연도순 정렬 제목순 정렬 인용 I have a hyosung 2008 gt 250 r fi model. The problem I am having is that the starter keeps spinning without catching the flywheel. Page 27 4-1-15 FI SYSTEM May 7, 2012 · Hi guys, I recently bought my first bike. 00; Starter Motor - [2005-2010] Hyosung Oct 11, 2022 · Stainless Steel Rear Brake Caliper Rebuild Kit (Repair Parts) - Hyosung ST7 (GV700i) £ 78. My fi light won’t go away. 5. ‘FI’ error on screen & Apr 25, 2010 · ich habe seit heute ständig die rote "FI" Leuchte im Cockpit an und in der Anzeige blinkt ebenfalls "FI" (GT650i naked SE). Caution: Aug 21, 2022 · The idle and low throttle sputtering disappears when I disconnect the right side IAP (IAP 2) and the FI light comes on. Welcome to Netrider! A compelling community experience for all motorcyclists, since 1998. ac. So the bike is about 3 years old and has just under 3,000 ks on the clock, it just had its first service at 1,900ks Jan 19, 2022 · Hyosung GV650 electrical problems X. 00; Starter Motor - [2005-2010] Hyosung Oct 17, 2023 · Stainless Steel Rear Brake Caliper Rebuild Kit (Repair Parts) - Hyosung ST7 (GV700i) £ 78. The last time I did this, it cost $300 in parts when all I needed Nov 20, 2016 · Ever since I bought the darn thing it's displayed the FI light as well as FI flashing on the screen. AQUILA 650 FI motorcycle pdf manual download. Hanyang University - Cited by 8,709 - Quantum dot - perovskite - mechanoluminescence - solar cells - optoelectronics Apr 9, 2022 · I am having a problem with my bike. 00; Starter Motor - May 29, 2020 · Stainless Steel Rear Brake Caliper Rebuild Kit (Repair Parts) - Hyosung ST7 (GV700i) £ 78. Discussion, Rides/Events Calendar, Showcases, Reviews, Classifieds, Blogs, and Resources. 00; Starter Motor - [2005-2010] Hyosung May 8, 2023 · Stainless Steel Rear Brake Caliper Rebuild Kit (Repair Parts) - Hyosung ST7 (GV700i) £ 78. ls. 00; Starter Motor - [2005-2010] Hyosung Jul 17, 2022 · Hi all has anyone had problems with efi bike cutting out (st7) what hot and left to ideal I believe this is down to fuel evaporation although a bike from a hot country shouldn’t be a problem Topics: 1; Replies: 300; It is most likely that the euro 4/5 fueling what ever one hyosung are using on the bike, they run lean so in extreme heat Customer: Hi I have a Hyosung 650 cruiser and the FI light stays on and wont start Mechanic's Assistant: Just to clarify, what are the exact lights you're talking about? Customer: the FI red light It must be the Fuel Injector Mechanic's Assistant: What year is your 650? Customer: 2011 Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your 650 yourself? What have you tried so far? Ver y descargar HYOSUNG Aquila 650 FI manual de propietario online. This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by ♠️ MARCEL. At first I thought it has something to do with my bike misfiring but that issue has May 22, 2019 · The FI light on my GV250 Comes on as usual with the ignition, but stays on even when the engine is running.
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