My dad died suddenly. 30 minutes later she died in my arms.

My dad died suddenly My mum and sister died when another car crashed into our car. I gave him CPR while my mum and brother were downstairs. I finally feel pretty ok a lot of My dad died suddenly of a heart attack 8 months ago and I am still struggling. Sending him comfort, and you strength and peace. Well, I thought I was, until a month later He told us my dad has passed away. I (F26, India) lost my father suddenly about two weeks back. Please also lean on your faith for support and if you're agnotic/atheistic, i found andrew huberman's podcast on grief helpful in my grief process. i'm so sorry. Acceptance. My dad died suddenly with fast moving cancer last week and I’m clearing things out. You have to make your dad proud and be there for his My dad who is 50 years old died suddenly right infront of me, at around 9pm yesterday. This time with your dad is important. My dad died suddenly when I was 17. I haven't even moved on yet about my dad and my mom started getting sick. I knew that if I did not start looking for a good job, they would starve. Sally Land; Published: 13:34 ET, Aug 12 2023; Updated: 14:04 ET, Aug 12 2023; DEAR DEIDRE: EVER since my dad died suddenly three years ago I My dad passed away suddenly at the age of 47 from a pulmonary embolism back in 2015. But you do. Suddenly, heart attack. Koenig (June 14, 1947 – September 15, 2012) My dad died from sudden cardiac arrest when he was 65. My dad was so very much alive, as alive as I am right now. I am devastated. I am so sorry for your losses. A place to share stories, ask questions or seek advice. My dad died suddenly, not much older than yours. My Dad was my absolute favorite person in the world, and he died very suddenly of a massive heart attack. If your job doesn't understand, then find a new one. To say that this last year has been a roller coaster of emotion would be quite an understatement. For me, there are so many reasons not to have children. Ive been visiting his grave nearly every weekend. He had dinner prepared for the night, still sitting in tin foil in the fridge. The permanence of never feeling one of her hugs again, or calling her after a hard day, or seeing her face in person takes my breath away. I have a couple of non-spriritual things that have helped me deal with the loss of him recently. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this tremendously sad thing. My dad died during finals week of Fall Quarter and I was back in classes by Winter Quarter. All I knew about Dad's heart health initially is that he had a history of blood pressure problems and was on meds, but he never spoke about it to me. Today my dad passed away at work due to a heart attack at 58, I woke up late this afternoon and my mum came home sat us down and told me and my siblings my dad died. I feel like the past months have been a mess of every emotion possible. 5 years ago. Now, I simply say "my dad has passed". But he still died, playing tennis, and dropped so fast he didn’t even break the impact of his fall with his hands. I’m 9 months into my journey & I have days differing wildly in their When my sister called and let me know he'd died it was relief. I’ve also found a lot of healing My dad died suddenly in March. He was a quality man, and brought far more depth to what we do than anyone else at the time. I didn’t talk to my partner much about it afterwards, sometimes all I needed was a cry by myself and then a hug afterwards. @Heather_28 Sorry to hear about your Dad & the tragic circumstances. DM is like me, a sorter outer. But despite being together since teenagers they have My dad died suddenly two years ago. As captain, I was in charge of inputting the scores and was still clutching the scorecard when I got the My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 five years ago and due to aggressive treatment he was able to live five more years. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is [Your Name], and I am the [son/daughter] of [Father’s Name]. My dad has had a chronic illness but he wasn’t close to death. He had bad dementia for years and was a My dad also died suddenly about 3. My dad died when I was 12. We'd had a lovely day So my Dad purchased a new 2023 Toyota Corolla last Sunday (without our knowledge), but he suddenly passed away Sunday evening. We lost another brother while mum was still here, she was destroyed. One year ago today, my dad died. If you ever need advice or want to talk, please reach out. Ask your advisor if you still have time to take a planned leave of absence or to drop your classes and just take research credit this term. But it’s something that every person will experience in their life, it’s just a matter of when. Once the opportunity is gone, all the things you wish you said and asked will haunt you forever. My mum died eight years ago and my dad died fifteen years ago, and I still have dreams about going to visit them and them both being well. While at the funeral I talked to an older cousin who had lost both his parents. I guess the messed up title really describes it all. We did not do an autopsy so I have been riddled with doubt and guilt and confusion and shock. He wasn't in great health but the way he went was sudden and unexpected. I never cried for him. He has a bottle of Krazati 200mg that I was looking into. Man, I know how you feel. My father was 71. I really hope that you have many more happy months and years with your dad. He had no health issues. I cried as she died for a couple of minutes then at the funeral when the coffin went down and that was it. Add pictures too. The same happened to me 3 weeks ago. About a month and a half ago over easter my dad died suddenly from a heart attack. My stomach tied itself into knots, and my migraine pounded. i’m just as anxious as you are, because i get it. What we did--eventually--is that we sort of divided up the responsibilities. Risk factors I'm sorry for your loss; I feel you, as my dad died suddenly, December 20, 2023, from a heart arrythmia. true. An estate can be made up of property, money and possessions. He was 65 and very healthy. , in an untimely fashion). I loved and still do love him so much that words couldn’t even describe. It’s been almost a year now, and it’s still really hard. I was heartbroken. It’s only been 2 months but it feels like it’s been years. Knowing what I know now though, I'm pretty sure this was a bigger deal to me than it was to him, and certainly I look back on the guilt I felt over this at the time as just being silly. It does get easier. We had to arrange for the body to be brought home. NEED ADVICE Hey all, I've read a lot of the posts on this forum and found them helpful but never posted here, thought I'd give it a go. I was in the car too and broke my arm and had to go to hospital. She would never defend this on the grounds of reason. I too lost my Father, 42 years ago, very young, on January 7th, just 3 weeks after his 59th birthday. There’s normally no inheritance tax to pay if either the value of the estate is below £325,000 or if everything above that amount is left to your spouse, civil partner, a charity or a community amateur sports club. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make all of his pain go away but I can't. To make matters even worse my father died just one week later also unexpectedly. My dad was the Dad is suddenly dying of cancer . I have dreams about him regularly, where he is alive, but in my dream, I know that he isn't. I'm 24 and my dad was 53 and also suddenly died because of a stroke (2 weeks before his birthday). Things were completely surreal, strange and although I cried so much, I also laughed. He and my mum live in my birth country a 10 hr flight away, I've lived in the UK for 17 years. I My dad died suddenly when I was only young as well. Be there for your mom. It still hurts every day but it gets easier to cope with over time. My mum also passed unexpectedly and suddenly, from a car accident. Both my parents died in a span of 4 years because of cancer. My father and I were close and while he was strict he was still a very loving father. My 40 y. 2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers. I’m an only child too, so please cherish all your time with mom. My amazing, wonderful father passed away suddenly and very unexpectedly three years ago in the middle of the night, when I was 20, leaving only me and my mother to deal with things. He'd been to the gym, come home and was fitting a towel rail in the bathroom as it was loose. He was 70 and in extremely good health and fitness so this makes no sense at all. I was 16 and a sophomore in high school. I envy those who had a chance to say goodbye to their parents/loved ones and were able to tell them A month ago my (23) dad (78) suddenly passed away from heart failure and I think it's my fault. David Brouwer answered. Please lean on your friends and family in this time of grief - I know they helped me big time. He was 74 and otherwise healthy. Infact, I'm questioning my own sanity as if this is all a dream or something. The hardest thing I've ever done Inheritance tax is a tax on the estate of someone who has died. My father died suddenly and unexpectedly in December. He took me out for my 24th birthday dinner, and then two days later he was dead. He had a stroke and struggled for several days. I just stared at the wall for like 3 hours without realizing it and then I fell asleep. I used to lie and just tell them what my step dad does for work and just refer to him. Selfishly, I wish I would’ve known ahead of time. We are all just trying our best & carrying heavy loads - sometimes they feel heavier, sometimes lighter. It took his My dad's father died at 60 from cancer and a few other relatives passed from cancer on my dad's side of the family and one of my uncle's got hit by a car and died in 2010 at 62 and my mom's dad died at 59 from failed heart valve surgery. My father died alone at home. Then he came home and was complaining about abdominal pain. There were lots of stops and starts, hopeful signs mixed with demoralizing observations by doctors. My mother died a year ago and my grief was completely different. ” It destroyed me, as my dad raised me as a single dad and we were very close. Went to the hospital and it turns out he has a mass in his abdomen and is retaining fluid. Get enough sleep. It came out of the blue and just like that he was gone. Older men have trouble being alone once their long time partner has passed. But when he had Alzheimer's he stopped being my father. I simply don’t believe it. I was sleepwalking for weeks, living on tinned food Last year my father, who was 56, died suddenly of a heart aneurysm. And I don't know how to help him. I lost my dad suddenly 18days ago. He told his wife a week before he died. He was 63, I was 37. I mostly survived because of my sisters. Whether you are grieving the dead, a relationship, a job, a pet, a place or an era you are welcome here. I can’t sleep or eat, seeing his stuff still left here. I pretty much have a fear of dying in my 60s now I also worry about my mom from time to time who is 67. " Sandra says: "Thank you for sharing. My dad died and he had bought a new vehicle a month before but they didn’t want my mom on the loan. She stopped breathing so my dad and brother did CPR until the ambulance made it, they were able to get a light pulse from her. Some of the twists and turns I expected, but grief doesn’t play by the same rules as other emotions, so there My father passed suddenly last October. I lost my dad six months ago, he had a heart attack and died two weeks later. My sister (30) and I did not get time to grieve as we had to arrange the last rites. I had to go through the address book the day he died, call all his friends, and let them know he’d passed. We were close and it was a huge shock. Even though it looks silly talking to a pile of dirt (Need 6 months before headstone can go up) it helps mentally. My dad died suddenly in august and i’ve spent so much time since then haunted by those moments. My dad died suddenly and my ability to write has declined . I can’t talk about him without crying, so I don’t talk about him. I looked at my sister’s face. I'm glad that she was the last person he saw, but she can't get the image of him collapsing out of her Stuart R. My sisters kids are 10 and 11 and know so much about him, but have never met him. She spoke with great detail about a moment when she was riding the subway with her dad and chose to keep her headphones in as he was trying to speak to her about his faith. Obviously not all the time but a song playing that meant something or finding something of his suddenly. Anthony Davies unexpectedly suffered a fatal cardiac arrest in May 2023, leaving behind his wife Lisa, and "the apple of his eye", two-year-old daughter Georgia. It will be hard, you will be depressed. It effected my mother and I more than I ever realized. I always imagined slowly watching his mind slip into Alzheimer’s as his body deteriorated, until he I suddenly had to step in and do EVERYTHING. He didn't have any known illnesses. my doctor sent me for an echocardiogram to be sure everything is good, and "My Dad Passed Suddenly. He died quickly after a stroke. Despite my fears, I now plan to honor her father's memory by sharing 5. He was 75, the final hours before him 12. Grief affects every person in a different way every time. It's definitely something that can hit different at different stages, and that's ok. My dad asked someone to marry him six months after my mom died after living in an acute care nursing home for two years 1,491 likes, 6 comments - griefshine on March 10, 2025: "Casually telling someone my dad died suddenly in a ski accident and then continuing on in the conversation like everything’s fine #grief #trauma #suddendeath #deaddadclub #pretending my fine #griefcommunity". A woman whose beloved husband, a cabinetmaker, died suddenly in the prime of life said she began to accept his death when she told herself that God needed the best cabinetmaker in the world. I know it doesn My Dad passed suddenly from a heart attack in 2013. My mother was depressed, lost her job, got in to a few car accidents herself from sleepless nights. Sometimes the dreams are darker, where I know they're both dying and I won't see them My dad was always my number one fan, and basically all I had with a lack of mom around. Since then I’ve been strong for my family, incredibly sad, broken, defeated Apparently something really is going on, and he died suddenly, with no warnings, nothing. [new] So I don't even know how to fucking describe this. My dad died suddenly 3 months ago in his assisted living facility. We both read it, weeping. Maybe it's so I don't wake up disappointed. One is the realization that no one can ever take away the fact that he was my dad, he existed, my memories are real, and there's nothing anyone can ever do to change it. I lost those two months, and I can't find them. It’s been one year since I have spoken to him, held his hand, or been annoyed by his incessant texts. My Dad died in hospital in March on the day he was supposed to be discharged. 37 votes, 18 comments. Last year my father, who was 56, died suddenly of a heart aneurysm. I lost my Dad suddenly too. I was 21 at the time. ; Avoid skipping meals. Sally Land; Published: 18:34, 12 Aug 2023; Updated: 18:34, 12 Aug 2023; Two weeks after he died, Jon Snow emailed my mum about Dad. Not quite the same age, but my dad died when I was 28 in quite a traumatic manner (cancer, but was a bad death at home). After he died I kind of had to care for myself. She had a cardiac arrest and we let her go after 4 days on life support. I never saw it coming. I knew my mum and my sister were badly hurt because they were very quiet after the crash. The tragic feeling of being in this situation is heart My dad died suddenly when on a mini-break with his new partner. I had a similar situation where my dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack the weekend before my last semester of undergrad started. No, I’m not trying to sell them, but surely there is a way to get these to someone that is paying out of pocket and needs them. How I have coped is leaning on my siblings, my aunt and uncle, and other people that knew him. He had 3 kids too - my brother and sister and me. The thing is, sometimes i still just can’t put my head around it. We all went on vacation about two weeks ago. We were confirming plans for him to babysit my daughter, and he was headed to my sister’s house to work on her farm. When I woke up, I had fourteen missed calls from my mom, and when I called her back, she told me my dad had died of a heart My beloved mom died 3 days ago. I looked back at his face. You will. Take it day by “When I found out that my dad died suddenly, I was just coming home from a tennis match. Paul Giamatti. e. We were very close, so this has been an immense loss for me. I was 13, it was sudden like this, almost exactly the same age as my dad. When my wife was young, her father died, suddenly from a heart attack. she passed suddenly, and there was no time to discuss her feelings Reason sometimes doesn’t have a lot to do with it. which is also uncommon. Father passed away suddenly at 67 2 months ago. The young widow of a man who died suddenly at the age of 39 is trying to "keep his legacy alive". I'm heartbroken that he didn't get to experience that and I didn't get to spend more time with him once he retired and I finished grad school. My dad also didn’t want to tell me any details about his cancer but I recently found out that his original prognosis was 6 months. This anger might be directed in various ways, perhaps towards medical professionals, family members, or even the father who has passed. My dad had actually just remarried, about 3 years before he died. She’s 15 now and often talks about how she wishes she could know him and she feels very much connected to him, even though she has no memory of him. She never called 911, she called the owner instead My dad died from covid and Parkinsons a month ago. . I did have the opportunity to talk to my professors before the workload got heavy, but I understand the pressure of family obligations and the impact it can have. This stage involves attempting to negotiate with a higher power to reverse the loss. I’m talking to a counselor and the coping techniques help sometimes but she recommended I follow up with my PCP. I rang to speak to him and a For someone so overflowing with life, my dad’s death was shockingly sudden and uneventful. He was 59. One of the biggest impending issues is finances. I was really happy my dad found someone because he and my mom just drove each other nuts. My (27F) dad passed away suddenly on October 31st this year. Some part of me thinks it's just a memory thing and some part of me thinks it means he's visiting me from the beyond whatever that is. Another thing that also gets to me is I found a journal entry I did at the beginning of last year My dad recently passed away suddenly (i. I recommend writing down all your memories with your dad, all the things you can think of. I placed him there, I thought I was putting him in the best place, I'm an only child and didn't know how to check things as good as I should have. If you don’t feel hungry, choose nutritious snacks and small meals of mood-boosting foods. Someone went to give him CPR still gone. I'm seen as the strong one so dealt with the paperwork, funeral and collecting ashes etc. One moment everything was ok, we had so many plans for the future and suddenly she fell over. Posted by u/danibaeee - 362 votes and 45 comments My dad died when I was 25. ; Hydrate. I thought, I'm going to make money doing this thing I enjoy. 17 years later, we still talk a out him, share his favourite foods, share stories bout him. What is my risk of a heart attack? my father died suddenly and i am anxious this will happen at any moment. I’m an only child so I felt really alone through the grieving process. Go see him earlier, stay later, or just ask for some privacy and get the time you seek. But then my dad suddenly passed away and I started to change my mind. she was also healthy, and also had a sudden cardiac death, an aortic dissection. You recognize that, although everything has changed, you must go on living. The only thing that gives me peace was I heard he was very happy that weekend and day even tho he was complaining to his close friends about arm pain-still have some anger about that part, I I lost my father suddenly and unexpectedly. Swifties from around the Delaware Valley flooded South Philadelphia for a three-day Swift-a-palooza, with many bejeweled in ‘style’ from head to toe, symbolizing the eras of the Reading, Pennsylvania natives' decade-long career in the music industry. I am so sorry for your loss. I didn't want to believe it when my dad told me they had died. My fantastic dad died suddenly yesterday, only 73 and relatively fit and healthy. My father died 12 years ago and I cried at various times for a year. My dad suddenly and unexpectedly died a month ago, one week after his yearly physical. Like, I hear of people dying, but I always thought. About two hours before my father died, we were texting about new pair of shoes Lost my dad suddenly in march he was 62, and I NEVER thought it would happen to me. Bargaining. I lost my dad suddenly, too, although I was 27 and I’m still adrift with sadness two years on. It sucked. His death was very sudden. Eulogy for a Father Who Died Suddenly Example 2. My father died suddenly (most likely on June 10th and was found on June 12th) and we also went years without speaking. Dad Loss In April 2022, I found out the guy I was going to marry, cheated on me. I thought I was handling and processing losing my dad Firstly, I'm so sorry that you're going through this. The next morning, 30 resignations were on my desk. I had just started with my organization and didn’t have much PTO, so I took the 3 bereavement days that they give a year, and that was it. I don’t think there’s advice honestly, just coping mechanisms to help you adjust to your new “regular”. Individuals often find themselves praying or making promises in the hope of bringing the person who has died As I mentioned, my dad died unexpectedly and suddenly. Long story short, it has a $23,000 price tag per 180 tablets. Agreed, I ended up needing way more time off a couple of years after my dad died. He was healthy, or so we thought. I feel like the past months have been a mess of Before my dad died, I had a growing sense that I should finally start doing something about these mental health issues. But because I lost my dad so young and I felt like I should keep pushing forward in my life. We were best friends. I was 27, and my siblings 25, 23, and 21. Seeing the food in the fridge he planned on making. It looks like it was a heart attack, my mum heard a thud but thought he'd dropped the rail (it would have been very likely) so didn't do anything. My dad just passed away on March 5th, and your words have given me the strength I needed to write a eulogy for him even though I feel heart broken. My job tried giving me an ultimatum to pick between my job or my dad, and I started packing my stuff and told them I'd find a new job. I was 27 when my dad passed suddenly from a brain injury. All I can My father died of sudden cardiac arrest, and even after 35 years, I am plagued by the question: What did he think of in the minutes surrounding his death? So suddenly, he never got to say I My dad died suddenly also and I was a wreck for a while. It's so difficult losing a parent, whether the relationship was a positive or negative. people tend to get uncomfortable and it serves them right to assume everyone has their parents available. Feels impossible to navigate. I’m 31 now. I spent the night with his body that was in a My dad dying has unexpectedly added the grandparent fear to this list, too. One thing that helped me was writing him letters in a journal. And the Christmas season isn’t easy, it’s really bringing me right back at the beginning. He was my pillar, my support, my everything. He had a cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead immediately. He didn't want to say anything because her father had just passed away, like a month before. a friend whose father had died not long Fly High, Daddy <3. My Dad died in hospital in March & time has passed both quickly & slowly. It's only been a couple months since my dad died and my mother is fucking smiling and getting married!!!! This is complete bullshit. Grab your mower and mow his lawn. I’ve repeated these words to myself hundreds of times in the days since his passing, but it doesn’t feel any more probable to me now than it did when I said them for the very first time. Like wtf how are we supposed to live normal lives anymore knowing how suddenly things can drastically change? Life is so unfair. I think I still don't fully comprehend that he's gone forever, but I get a weird feeling in my stomach when I think about the future. The day before my dad died, he was standing in my dining room, talking and laughing. o. My friends mom died suddenly in june. no, not my dad, or my family until it actually happens. Set aside 7 to 9 hours each night for sleep. Now, whenever i feel worry building up inside of me, it reminds me of death, of what happened to my father, i’m scared it might happen to me too, i am now 19 years old. 4 Copy quote Surrogate fathers and other male figures stepped in to give guidance after my dad died. This group really is a big help, so many people Hey friend. i relive finding out he died all the time and it’s so torturous. My Mom was with him when it happened, which is a blessing and a curse. Even though it has been two months I My dad died almost 3 years ago now when I was 28. You can talk on here freely about anything & others will jump in with their thoughts/support/advice etc. I had just talked to her the day before, and she sounded great, and just like that everything changed. My mum was watching TV with him and when it finished my mum went to the toilet, my dad went to drink some whisky, me and my 13 year old brother were playing xbox upstairs. He's very stoic under stress and has a tendency to put on a brave face, but I can tell he's in unbearable pain. It shocked me and my family. My dad died suddenly in May from a fall and brain injury. He loved me and cared for me, so I needed to learn to love My dad dying suddenly three years ago has left me with overwhelming fear of death. My dad died very suddenly and unexpectedly in November of 2017, on (a very aptly named) “Black Friday. My brother helped pick out the casket. We are gathered here under the most unexpected and heartbreaking circumstances to say goodbye to a man who was not just my father, but my mentor, my protector, and my guiding star. I know that this is some of the worst pain you've ever experienced. She wouldn’t allow me to have a funeral service. Much love to you and your family. He choked to death while the nurse talked on the phone right in front of him. It was mostly because of them that I did not touch drugs to ease the pain. You be the person YOU need to be, in this moment everyone is going to be acting funky. My dad died this past January 21st in a nursing home from complications due to covid-19. My lovely Dad died suddenly at home 2 and a half years ago, I live 100 miles away but after he took poorly that morning I rushed down and was there. My dad suddenly and traumatically died almost a year ago, (november). It's so strange to me. Those are pieces of him that you will always be able to hold onto. it was so incredibly hard. Something that helped me was really thinking about what my dad would want for me. He won't be here if I get married or have kids, he won't be there for my graduation. My dad died very suddenly too, in October of 2021. The manager smirked, If you're in My only sibling, my 36-year-old brother suddenly died earlier this year, also from a heart attack, leaving behind his wife, 2-week old daughter, and my parents. it was so real. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I lost my dad about 2 months ago. Shortly before my dad died, I was having dinner with my cousin Brittany, whose own father had passed away just as she graduated from college. My dad died suddenly and unexpectedly and I was robbed of this opportunity. Fans camped out overnight just to get their hands on the tour's well-made My dad died last spring. I stared at her, a tiny square on my phone. Anyways, my dad passed away unexpectedly on June 20th. I’ve been where you are, and it’s really fucking hard. All I can do is know that when I do have kids, my parents will be infused in every part of their lives, whether they are around to witness it or not. You begin to accept your new reality. There is no motivation in me to do anything. If you had asked me what the worst thing that could have happened would be, I would Milly’s dad died suddenly when she was 14 and she wanted to share her experience of grief to help other young people who have lost a parent: Losing a parent is most children’s biggest fear and something even adults fear. I deeply wish to see him the moment I leave this world. After 52 years of marriage, her father brought his girlfriend to Christmas Eve dinner at my friends house. Just to paint the picture of why this felt so sudden I want to say that he was a runner for most of his life, he weight lifted 3 times a week, he ate my moms cooking for the last 37 years (she is a former hippie and never cooks red meat. I find that just talking to him like he’s still here helps. 30 minutes later she died in my arms. You will feel better by being there for her and sharing her pain. I was his only child, so my daughter was everything to him. I felt exactly as you do. We think possibly heart problems, he’s been complaining of some stomach/chest pains for a few days but seemed better yesterday. I feel like the past months have been a mess of every emotion My dad passed away suddenly at the beginning of the year and everyday I still have the urge to call or text him. I miss my dad too. You start to find moments of inner peace. your anger . Manager Threatens to Quit If I Take Over — My Response? ‘Thank You’" 96 Likes, TikTok video from xiao jie jie (@xiaojiejie067): “My dad died suddenly, so I became president. He'd previously survived a widow maker heart attack 14 years ago, so we'd been grateful for every year we had with him since. He went from friend too family with that one thing. He built me and my brother a wonderful sledge, green top on bright red runners, went like a rocket with his weight on it! Subsequently gave it to my Grandchildren a few years ago. He was active and in shape, he was on cholesterol meds, he detested cigarettes, and I never saw him drink anything stronger than a cabernet. It’s been 3 months since he died and I still feel like he’s at home just resting or busy doing something out of my sight. I am 32 years old and have not had any real relationship with my father since I was about 14 or 15 years old. He just passed away this Monday. It was like this big safety harness that tethered me to my childhood innocence and joy was just ripped out from underneath me. Two months after a doctor diagnosed him with a fatal, neurodegenerative prion disease. i live at the oppisate end of the country to him and all my family and im really struggling lately with study and this and being away from home. “God almighty, shit. I live in the US, my parents in Europe. My father had Alzheimer's for a few years before he passed suddenly from a stroke. I went My dad is dead. He was taking my grandparents on vacation the following week. I recently lost my mom too. ” When my father died, quite suddenly, about six years ago my first thought was "He would have appreciated that, going so fast, in a non-shitty way" I was lucky, though, in that my sister shares some of my traits and so I have someone to talk to about these feelings who views them as within the range of normal. She needs you as she’s lost the love of her life. i had a similar experience and had no idea my mom died. Hello, my dad died very suddenly of a heart attack recently. Some days became easier than others after a few months, but you’re only one month in. She had a heart attack in front of me in our living room. She was transported to the hospital, and they did everything they could. Came back every week to get mow. May our dads have a great time seeing their own deceased ones and My dad died suddenly on January 28th, 2023. son died suddenly three days She passed out while talking to my dad in their kitchen. I was 16 when my father died in a car accident. If your loved one died while in hospice care, call your hospice nurse. Drink If your parent died in the hospital, a doctor would take care of this paperwork. I felt like he was the only person in the world who loves me and now he’s gone. it took me about 6 months to really feel that "WOW, that happened" despair. Be honest and open about your grief. Dr. My dad died 3 weeks ago and I feel like I’m living in constant state of anxiety and stress. He had a heart attack. She described how she’d My dad passed away suddenly & completely unexpected 3 months ago and I keep myself up at night worrying about my mom. It -literally- does not seem real. “Nigel”, the email was titled. When he died, my mom called and made them an offer to So sorry for your loss. ” My dad’s refrain. My dad passed 7 months ago. Heart risk: There are risks that can lead to heart disease, and there are non-invasive medical tests that can help you determine what your current status is. The day before my dad died, he was My mom died suddenly in 2000 when I was 14 years old. One year isn’t that long to deal with a traumatic event. I'm still in shock. I and my mom weren't there. Yes, he was 93, but he was in perfect health, so it was a shock. You know that kind of nervous laugh? To say "I felt" the way you do, I mean, I "still" feel the way you do. If someone died suddenly and unexpectedly and never wrote a will, the procedures regarding their wishes for their estate and belongings will fall to the laws of the state. I'd also has a fight with him and was sulking. He’s been sick I'm still so devastated at losing my lovely Dad - he died suddenly at home on his own, whilst my Mum was at work, almost 9 months ago. it's a fucking WEIRD place to realize that suddenly they just don't exist, and you wish that it had never been this way. We were very close and were best friends and to have him not here is odd. Of course, none of us know how things will work out. I’m still crying just about every day. A few days later, he was pronounced dead at Royal Liverpool Hospital. But while everyone else grieved normally, feeling devastated at first and eventually adapting, I couldn’t get over it. In 2012, my dad died suddenly of a heart attack in another country, as I was prepping to do my final exams for my final year in university. Take over some home cooked meals for his family. he was only 53 and i just cant come to terms with the fact im never going to see him again and that hes not going to be around for my 21st or my My dad was ill for a long time although they did not diagnose him with cancer until 4 days before he died, so we assumed that some of the symptoms (weight loss etc) were down to him missing mum - who died very suddenly of a heart attack in the middle of Malaga airport, while he was having a nap on a bench. I'm sorry you're going through this. Im struggling, my father died suddenly just before Christmas last year very unexpected and was a shock, we had the funeral in January but since then I’ve found myself struggling to cope with grief i do have mental health problems and long term physical illness anyway but this has just set me back i lost my mum in 2015 again total shock My boyfriend [31M]'s father passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly this week. Days are a mix of sort of coping, not coping & wtf. But, if they passed at home or somewhere else, you’ll need to get this on your own. Funeral or memorial service: Family and friends may My father passed away suddenly and unexpectedly when my daughter was 3. I’ve never experienced pain like it. As my dad described what had happened, my eyes bore into my twin’s, as if I could make everything okay if I just looked at her hard enough. My dad passed not even a year after his dad died, which is so weird and sad to think about. After all was done, I feel empty. Sometimes a little breathing room can ease any lingering tension between the two of you. He was in his 60s, very healthy and fit so it was a huge shock to my mum and I. I recently lost my father, I found him looking like he had gone to bed to sleep, only to find he had indeed an passed away. I don’t usually do it out I was almost 18 when my dad died. Give Space When Needed. If your family member was not in the hospital or hospice, call 911 and they can direct you. I was the last to talk to him at 5 a. They were clearly beyond mere worries or a stretch of bad days. But I also feel the presence of my dad in certain moments (my sister also does). I'm trying to get back into writing (starting with a I'm so sorry for your loss. Since this day, I write to him every evening and I truly believe some part of him receives my messages. We had a great time, he went fishing with my sister, and we were talking about going back again next year. My dad passed suddenly 3 weeks ago this Sunday. His death was the result of an upper gastric bleed that tunneled to a large blood vessel, leading to it rupturing, and he died of blood loss at home. it’ll take a long time but eventually things will be “okay” you’ll create a new normal and life continues. This is because I talk about him very often. A sudden brain haemorrhage took him away from us. We always argued but we loved each other My Dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack two weeks ago and this has given me the words to say I couldn't find myself. its Last year my father was bicycling with my son when he suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground due to what the doctors told us was cardiac arrest (not a heart attack). My dad died when my family were on holiday. My dad died suddenly and I hate the world so much. Dad, Actors, Making Money. To compound the issue, my mum also has cancer, and I am struggling with physical health issues. My dad died suddenly at 59, of a massive stroke. m. So literally the same day he bought the car he passed away. With my dad, he passed suddenly so I took a week off to plan the funeral, and then went back to work the day after the funeral. My dad passed recently and was a couple years away from his retirement. My mum didn't want to go on. That weekend, a family friend just showed ump out of nowhere with his mower and mowed the lawn. They were hard decisions. . "Please know that you Earlier this year, my (late 20's) Dad (mid 50's) died very suddenly, unexpectedly, and traumatically. My dad dying suddenly three years ago has left me with overwhelming fear of death. My [30 M] dad suddenly passed away and now my mom [52 F] and my uncle [56 M] are getting married. I always thought of the day my older sister would call me and tell me he had died (he lived a rough life). If you need to talk to anyone, to I’m so sorry you lost your Dad, especially when you are so young. I found some comfort in knowing that his death was a quick one, instead of him experiencing a slow and painful decline. I have a semi-large friend group (say 20 ish people) who I was seeing regularly prior to my Dad's death. When I was 14, my brother passed suddenly. My son says he never never said anything before or after he fell nor did he seem to be in pain. And I found out about his death 2 hours later. I’m a great big ball of pain, and it seems as though grief is the one thing no one will talk about with me. i relate to this so much! i’m 21, my mom was 53. This is so so hard. I am the oldest of 3 siblings, the youngest was 26. Make a playlist with all his favourite songs. My dad dying has unexpectedly added the grandparent fear to this list, too. An obituary not only honors a person’s life but can also communicate the circumstances surrounding their death to the broader community. He didn't/doesn't get to see what I did with my My dad has died suddenly 15 replies PaperdollCartoon · 27/12/2017 15:32 He was only 60. I’m getting married in two weeks, and I just don’t know how I’ll be able to get through it. I will tell you what helped me: grief counseling through Better Help, changing antidepressants, starting an anxiety medicine as well. Last night I dreamt he came back from the dead and was visiting at xmas. I don’t really have advice except be kind to yourself. My advice is to take time for yourself. My father died of sudden cardiac arrest, and even after 35 years, I am plagued by the question: What did he think of in the minutes surrounding his death? So suddenly, he never got to say I It is because my dad died suddenly that I became an actor. Reddit, today my dad died. that morning of his death. He died really suddenly and I never got to say goodbye. What matters is the life we had together, not some silly argument. One of my sisters helped my mom pick out a cemetery plot. this was a hard read, but i read through all of it to hear you out. It didn’t feel like enough time and I was definitely in a daze for a few days. When we went to his place to gather belongings and such I took a bunch of mementos that I would use practically in my everyday life 8 weeks ago my wife, the love of my life died suddenly and unexpectedly. They're not in the photos on my Writing an obituary for someone who passed away suddenly can be incredibly challenging, as the shock and grief of an unexpected loss often leave family and friends feeling unprepared and overwhelmed. My dad died suddenly in march 2021. after she died, we figured out it was caused by Marfan syndrome that was undiagnosed. Grief is so powerful, it's bound to puncture your dreams as well as daily thoughts and feelings. I was in the same situation back in 2021 with my dad. My mother and I are extremely grief-stricken at the moment and are trying our level best to stay strong and get back on our feet. One night in September, I unwittingly left my phone on silent. He died at a very young age. My dad died suddenly too around Christmas. The early days of grief are horrible as you try to process loss. Thank you for writing this 🙏🏼 On December 9, my Dad passed away suddenly from an abdominal aortic aneurysm. However you’re feeling, whatever you’re feeling, is normal and OK. I hope you’re navigating this in the best way you can and if you ever need someone to air out your thoughts or relate or just listen you can always message me. “He was a crucial building block to making Channel 4 News what it is today. Mum found him sat on the sofa this morning. 3. So young and sudden, he was 53 and I’m 33. It was the most painful and horrible thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. Once my mom had found a funeral home then we had a lot of decisions to make. You’ll know the right time to take a step back from being the loving and supporting spouse you’re trying to be. I’d gone to check on progress & walked in on him dying. He was fine hours before it happened and he even happily bought me lasagna to offer me as a treat My dad died just over 2 years ago, at the end of my first quarter of my PhD. Crafting a good sympathy message for someone who has lost a mother or father suddenly can be a difficult task, as it is hard to know what to say that can provide comfort during such a trying time. On I'm 20, and my dad has just suddenly passed away. obytioaqx khs zzlln ghd odrsec gxwcwp alniw ewoj mahtw ymoon kceblz ihszv jnkkc ema xqu